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J8s in Straddled Pot 2/5 J8s in Straddled Pot 2/5

01-22-2019 , 12:00 AM
Hero - 30's WG playing tight. ($700)
V1 (Covers) - 30's Spaniard who I've never seen before because he's been in Spain the last 3 months. The whole poker room knows him so I assume he is a reg/pro. Very LAG. Saw him call out of position each street with bottom pair and make trips on the river. I assume he was waiting for a scare card (spade draw) to hit to bluff and just got there, but who knows. Joked that he was down $5k in 5/5 PLO last night.

Drinking Rec straddles my BB.
MP calls and V1 calls in SB, I call with
Straddle checks.

Flop ($40)
V1 bets $40
I call, Fold, MP calls.
Turn ($120) 8
V1 bets $115
I call, MP folds. Thoughts here?

River ($350) 10
V1 Shoves.

J8s in Straddled Pot 2/5 Quote
01-22-2019 , 12:20 AM
Insta snap call. I would have raised the turn and scared him away. Well played my friend.
J8s in Straddled Pot 2/5 Quote
01-22-2019 , 12:29 AM
I would fold to the river jam...

So many straights...not to mention the boats he could have.

You’re in the hand for like $165...doesn’t seeem reasonable to commit another $535.
J8s in Straddled Pot 2/5 Quote
01-22-2019 , 12:34 AM
Easy fold given the sizing and the nature of limped pots. We have plenty of better hands to call with here. We can fold all of our 8x combos and most of our 67 combos and just call down with our boats (89,8T,58s,55) and a few combos of straights and we still won't be exploitable.

Last edited by aisrael01; 01-22-2019 at 12:44 AM.
J8s in Straddled Pot 2/5 Quote
01-22-2019 , 12:54 AM
Call riv, only boats in his range are 55,98, which LAG probs uses smaller sizing anyway
if he flopped the straight then nh but not folding with your reads
J8s in Straddled Pot 2/5 Quote
01-22-2019 , 01:10 AM
Originally Posted by KID777777
Call riv, only boats in his range are 55,98, which LAG probs uses smaller sizing anyway
if he flopped the straight then nh but not folding with your reads
If you won’t give V more hands than that, you can always say well he’ll have more hands than that 25%, 50%, 75% of the time...and then count down from the total number of combos. It’s just not healthy to state exact ranges..,with no exceptions.
J8s in Straddled Pot 2/5 Quote
01-22-2019 , 05:28 AM
Pretty ez fold for me, we r at the bottom of our range and he’s just overbetting river
J8s in Straddled Pot 2/5 Quote
01-22-2019 , 07:29 AM
Fold pf.

Seriously. You have trips and don't know how to play it against a LAG? You shouldn't be in this hand.

LAGs are usually opposite players. They bet hard their mediocre hands and slow play their big hands. If dropped in this hand on the flop, I'm calling it down.
J8s in Straddled Pot 2/5 Quote
01-22-2019 , 08:40 AM
Call pre, call flop, call turn, call river.

The river bet is so big it seems more like he’s trying to get a fold than anything. I would look at his river action when he hit trips the other hand. Did he sigh flat call or put in a raise, and if he raised, how much?
J8s in Straddled Pot 2/5 Quote
01-22-2019 , 08:51 AM
Interesting assortment of responses. Apparently this is the easiest fold and easiest call in the world.

My poker senses were triggered a little because he bet every street hard and I hadn’t seen him do this yet. It really felt like like 67 for the straight or busted flush draw/back door pair of tens/air. I thought he was trying to get me to fold so I called. Showed 55 for bottom boat.
J8s in Straddled Pot 2/5 Quote
01-22-2019 , 08:56 AM
Originally Posted by venice10
Fold pf.

Seriously. You have trips and don't know how to play it against a LAG? You shouldn't be in this hand.

LAGs are usually opposite players. They bet hard their mediocre hands and slow play their big hands. If dropped in this hand on the flop, I'm calling it down.
Never folding this preflop in this spot.
J8s in Straddled Pot 2/5 Quote
01-22-2019 , 11:04 AM
Originally Posted by MarshMan114
Interesting assortment of responses. Apparently this is the easiest fold and easiest call in the world.

My poker senses were triggered a little because he bet every street hard and I hadn’t seen him do this yet. It really felt like like 67 for the straight or busted flush draw/back door pair of tens/air. I thought he was trying to get me to fold so I called. Showed 55 for bottom boat.
It’s always easier when it’s someone else’s money!!! Against a very laggy player I think it’s still a call and unfortunately maniacs catch hands too. If the river was a heart I assume it’s an easy call?
J8s in Straddled Pot 2/5 Quote
01-22-2019 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by twitcherroo
It’s always easier when it’s someone else’s money!!! Against a very laggy player I think it’s still a call and unfortunately maniacs catch hands too. If the river was a heart I assume it’s an easy call?
Interesting spot if the river is a heart. What value hands can J8 beat? Villain is never overbetting the river 1.5x with worse than a flush, and we have one of the worst possible flushes. I think we can find a fold against a good player.

This spot on the river with this sizing is just so underbluffed, I think we can get away with making a lot of exploitative folds. Of course, if we have Villain tagged as a maniac, we should call more often -- but OP seems to indicate that Villain is a smart player.
J8s in Straddled Pot 2/5 Quote
01-22-2019 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by twitcherroo
It’s always easier when it’s someone else’s money!!! Against a very laggy player I think it’s still a call and unfortunately maniacs catch hands too. If the river was a heart I assume it’s an easy call?
Folding 0% of your range to a huge river overbet seems pretty leaky to me, even if the other player is a LAG. Flop started 10-ways as well. J8hh is literally the stone cold bottom of our range otr, especially with the hearts.

Don't go broke in a limped pot
J8s in Straddled Pot 2/5 Quote
01-22-2019 , 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by Minatorr
Don't go broke in a limped pot
I kept coming back to this and still couldn't lay it down for this particular villain.

It really confused me and I just wasn't sure what else I could've done. Folding pre seemed stupid, but some people are for and against it based on responses. Raising the turn puts 50% of my stack in and commits me no matter what. Perhaps against his range raising makes a little sense and has some FE, but in reality why not just let him continue to overbet?

Thanks for the responses.
J8s in Straddled Pot 2/5 Quote
01-22-2019 , 03:24 PM
Actually real tough to fold and I love to fold. It's likely a better calldown than 76 too, but also quite concerning bc you're facing bet bet bet from a likely pro with not much perceived FE, you block bluffing ranges, and his worse for value range is also quite small.
J8s in Straddled Pot 2/5 Quote
01-22-2019 , 04:40 PM
Not being able to fold a weak made hand is a HUGE leak in high SPR limped pots (don't go broke in limped pots). As said above, J8: is the stone cold bottom of our range, and is an absolutely trivial fold. Villain is repping a boat or a missed combo draw..he's never taking this line even with 67.

Can you even name 6 combos of busted draws he could take this line with? It actually really sucks that we block a lot of his flush draws.
J8s in Straddled Pot 2/5 Quote
01-22-2019 , 06:20 PM
What in the world?

Snap fold flop and river. Even turn is questionable given how he's bombing pot.

I almost lost my bottom jaw reading some of the responses here, it hit the floor so hard. Bottom line is, this is low stakes and V is confidently bombing every street on a paired board for 230BB. The bottom of his range is a straight.

LAG doesn't mean the V will set 230BB on fire for a single bluff chance.
J8s in Straddled Pot 2/5 Quote
01-22-2019 , 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by setintostraight
What in the world?

Snap fold flop and river. Even turn is questionable given how he's bombing pot.

I almost lost my bottom jaw reading some of the responses here, it hit the floor so hard. Bottom line is, this is low stakes and V is confidently bombing every street on a paired board for 230BB. The bottom of his range is a straight.

LAG doesn't mean the V will set 230BB on fire for a single bluff chance.
You want to fold a pair + fd on the flop? That seems like a poor plan

Agreed with the rest
J8s in Straddled Pot 2/5 Quote
01-22-2019 , 08:00 PM
Originally Posted by setintostraight
What in the world?

Snap fold flop and river. Even turn is questionable given how he's bombing pot.

I almost lost my bottom jaw reading some of the responses here, it hit the floor so hard. Bottom line is, this is low stakes and V is confidently bombing every street on a paired board for 230BB. The bottom of his range is a straight.

LAG doesn't mean the V will set 230BB on fire for a single bluff chance.
J8s in Straddled Pot 2/5 Quote
01-22-2019 , 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by Ranma4703
You want to fold a pair + fd on the flop? That seems like a poor plan

Agreed with the rest
It’s not that far-fetched in a limped pot, facing a psb, deep, w two players to act and no real nut outs.
J8s in Straddled Pot 2/5 Quote
01-22-2019 , 08:53 PM
Originally Posted by Amanaplan
It’s not that far-fetched in a limped pot, facing a psb, deep, w two players to act and no real nut outs.
Part of me wants to make fun of you, and the other part really really really agrees with you. Probably why I love this game so much.
J8s in Straddled Pot 2/5 Quote
01-22-2019 , 08:56 PM
ahh such a sick turn; some reasons for finding the fold here OTR; you can rule out OP's and hands like AhKh, AhQh, AhJh, .. basically all the nice broadway heart hands and big pairs will be opening pre flop here especially by a LAG

this just limits the stuff you can beat; I know I wouldn't snap fold here , I would think about it; his sizings are so big and with limited whiffed draws probably should fold

easier said than done in real time though; you flopped huge and binked turn so I can't fault you for those streets ; I like your flat calls actually for same reasons mentioned above; without OP's and big draws in his range I actually wouldn't raise turn ( at first glance I was thinking raise turn all day)
J8s in Straddled Pot 2/5 Quote
01-22-2019 , 09:00 PM
Originally Posted by MarshMan114
Part of me wants to make fun of you, and the other part really really really agrees with you. Probably why I love this game so much.
Yea folding flop seems terrible , you have BDSD+pair+FD; and with players behind this could add even more IO on favorable runouts
J8s in Straddled Pot 2/5 Quote
01-22-2019 , 09:56 PM
Originally Posted by MarshMan114
Part of me wants to make fun of you, and the other part really really really agrees with you. Probably why I love this game so much.
Never folding flop in this game, but I just wanted to chime in that it's a reasonable consideration since you really can't stack off with Jack high flushes very well nor trips.
J8s in Straddled Pot 2/5 Quote
