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Interesting hand in multi-way pot Interesting hand in multi-way pot

11-10-2012 , 04:09 PM
I have Jd10d and the table has been playing funny. 2 3-way all-ins in the last couple of hands. V1 is a young kid who has the big stack and seems very comfortable at the table. V1 is UTG and says "okay let's make it $9 and have a friendly pot. He then says "if anyone raises I'm re-raising" but I'm not sure how many people heard that.

I call and the "implied oddsfest" begins and we have 6 total to the flop.Table has 1 calling station and mostly standard somewhat competent players.

Pot is $50
V1 starts with around $650
I start with around $550

Flop is 8d4d3s. V1 leads out for $26. I think about it and call.
Everyone else folds. Turn is a Jc. He checks. I lead out $50.

This is where it gets interesting. He keeps looking back at his hole cards. This is where I think he actually has a hand and is looking for blockers or evaluating what to do.

He calls.

River is a Jh.

He then bets $200.

What is our move?4

Also, does it change our decision if we started the hand with $300 or with $550?
Interesting hand in multi-way pot Quote
11-10-2012 , 05:05 PM
I would have taken the lead on the flop to get more info. Then bet bigger on the turn.

As played folding is terrible IMO.

Shoving could be good if you put him on an over pair and think he might call.

Calling might be the best option bc unless he has a over pair (which makes the check on the turn strange) or has you beat he isn't calling a raise.
Interesting hand in multi-way pot Quote
11-10-2012 , 05:22 PM
pretty standard situation OP... It's an insta call.

thinking about shoving here is so negative EV I don't even know where to begin.

Be prepared for V's 33+, but you are never folding in this spot.
Interesting hand in multi-way pot Quote
11-10-2012 , 05:38 PM
+1 to MSchu. Only difference I might have is that I may have led turn for something closer to 2/3rds pot ($65-$70) as we now have a very solid holding going to the river.

Absolutely not on raising the river, but there's no fold to be found here, and let's just be prepared to suck it up and say to ourselves, "that's poker, baby," when he flips over a boat.
Interesting hand in multi-way pot Quote
11-10-2012 , 07:28 PM
+1 to call
Interesting hand in multi-way pot Quote
11-10-2012 , 10:21 PM
Yeah...have to add my +1 here as well. I'm not folding, and I'm not raising.
Interesting hand in multi-way pot Quote
11-10-2012 , 10:35 PM
If you were me on the river what info are you using to make your decision? What hand are you putting him on?
Interesting hand in multi-way pot Quote
11-11-2012 , 12:25 AM
Originally Posted by KingThor
If you were me on the river what info are you using to make your decision? What hand are you putting him on?
Wrong question. I'm not putting him on a hand. The only question is whether I have 33% equity against his betting range. The answer is that if he has AJ, QQ, 88, 44 or 33, then the answer is yes. Only if he absolutely only had a set and AJ on the flop would it be a fold. That just isn't going to happen, so it is a call even though you'll lose this bet the majority of the time.
Interesting hand in multi-way pot Quote
11-11-2012 , 12:38 AM
Probably snap calling and expecting to win.
Definitely think we're good here > 33% of the time

He's really not repping much, looks kind of like a spazz to me. does he really c/c a J or set ott? no imo
Interesting hand in multi-way pot Quote
11-11-2012 , 12:51 AM
Originally Posted by KingThor
I have Jd10d and the table has been playing funny. 2 3-way all-ins in the last couple of hands. V1 is a young kid who has the big stack and seems very comfortable at the table. V1 is UTG and says "okay let's make it $9 and have a friendly pot. He then says "if anyone raises I'm re-raising" but I'm not sure how many people heard that.

I call and the "implied oddsfest" begins and we have 6 total to the flop.Table has 1 calling station and mostly standard somewhat competent players.

Pot is $50
V1 starts with around $650
I start with around $550

Flop is 8d4d3s. V1 leads out for $26. I think about it and call.
Everyone else folds. Turn is a Jc. He checks. I lead out $50.

This is where it gets interesting. He keeps looking back at his hole cards. This is where I think he actually has a hand and is looking for blockers or evaluating what to do.

He calls.

River is a Jh.

He then bets $200.

What is our move?4

Also, does it change our decision if we started the hand with $300 or with $550?
I wish we knew what position Hero was in, but it sounds like you were UTG+1 or MP1, making your flat horrible in the first place.
Interesting hand in multi-way pot Quote
11-11-2012 , 12:52 AM
Originally Posted by venice10
Wrong question. I'm not putting him on a hand. The only question is whether I have 33% equity against his betting range. The answer is that if he has AJ, QQ, 88, 44 or 33, then the answer is yes. Only if he absolutely only had a set and AJ on the flop would it be a fold. That just isn't going to happen, so it is a call even though you'll lose this bet the majority of the time.
+1. You're ahead of his range > 33% of the time. Call.

I'd like to know why shoving is so -EV here. Anyone?
Interesting hand in multi-way pot Quote
11-11-2012 , 12:56 AM
Originally Posted by czechrebel
I wish we knew what position Hero was in, but it sounds like you were UTG or UTG+1, making your flat horrible in the first place.
Uhh If I can get in a multi way pot (not having to worry about others raising) with JTs and 275bb effective stacks, I'm doing that allllllllllllllllllllllllllll day. JTs so easy to play MW even oop.
The only time you should be folding here is if you're uber nit or expecting someone to limp reraise.

@nottam shoving so bad. Worse never calls and better never folds. Like I guess maybe he calls with J9 if we shove? Anyways, bad bad shove
Interesting hand in multi-way pot Quote
11-11-2012 , 07:37 AM
I was UTG +1. I knew the table was call happy. Why would I not be flatting with Jd10d, multi-way pot is great for me! As played I'm betting the turn to hopefully fold out a higher flush draw which we are now ahead of (since we hit the J).

Does it change our decision if we have $200 on the river or $450? I had a stack of 10 greens which V1 claimed he didn't see after the hand was over (which was lol since they were right in front of my stack). Looks like he was hoping to put me all-in.
Interesting hand in multi-way pot Quote
11-11-2012 , 07:41 AM
Originally Posted by venice10
Wrong question. I'm not putting him on a hand. The only question is whether I have 33% equity against his betting range. The answer is that if he has AJ, QQ, 88, 44 or 33, then the answer is yes. Only if he absolutely only had a set and AJ on the flop would it be a fold. That just isn't going to happen, so it is a call even though you'll lose this bet the majority of the time.
Hi Venice,

Thanks for the reply. How did you get that specific range of hands?


Interesting hand in multi-way pot Quote
11-11-2012 , 08:35 AM
Originally Posted by LolPony
Probably snap calling and expecting to win.
Definitely think we're good here > 33% of the time

He's really not repping much, looks kind of like a spazz to me. does he really c/c a J or set ott? no imo
Interesting hand in multi-way pot Quote
11-11-2012 , 10:05 AM

His line makes no sense whatsoever. Whats he repping? Im calling for sure. Plus it's really tough for him to put you on trip Jacks here.
Interesting hand in multi-way pot Quote
