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10-27-2010 , 05:22 PM
Hey guys. Been trolling you guys for the last two weeks or so. I used to play micro to small stakes mtts online. I also live in Memphis and. Used to play tunica 1/2 or 1/3. I had a baby about 9 months ago needless to say that cut into my poker ALOT. I only play my home once a month or so now. So my question is this: I'm going to tunica the second week in Nov to play cash games. Any tips from people who have taken extended breaks and come back. I think I'm thinking clear and really refreshing my mind to play again. I could be wrong tho. Any thoughts would be great. Any questions for me are welcome if you need more info from me about playing style or anything.
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10-27-2010 , 05:35 PM
Fortunately, you haven't been trolling, or I'd have to ban you. I believe the proper turn is "lurking."

Before I get flamed, I suggest play some 5nl FR cash on-line just to get used to the differences between MTTs and cash. Good luck and have some fun.
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10-27-2010 , 05:44 PM
Ah yes lurking. My bad. I prolly wasn't clear in first post but our home game is a micro cash game and I play it more often than anything else. I def understand the difference in cash and mtt. I'm just worried, I think, about going such a higher game. I think.
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10-27-2010 , 07:00 PM
Not much you can do there except work on thinking that they are just chips and aren't real money until they go to the cashier. Lots of people have that problem at first moving from micro on-line to 1/2. Make sure you have at least 3 buy ins (min $600). Your game is most likely going to change for the worse if you have only $200 and know the evening ends if you lose it. I know I exploit that.
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10-27-2010 , 07:05 PM
Absolutely. I'm taking about 700 to 800. I don't wanna go and be scared/semi shortstacking. I think a leak I may have to plug is wanting to play for stacks too often.
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