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If your 1-2 table is tight passive is it mandatory to start stealing blinds If your 1-2 table is tight passive is it mandatory to start stealing blinds

02-20-2015 , 02:51 PM
If you do attempt a steal from one of the blinds and get one caller from a weak passive player do you continue with a c-bet every time out of position, or is it a check/fold.

If you notice a villain that tries to steal a lot, what hands are you calling with in order to slow him down? Obviously you would re-raise with premiums. But say they are making their pre-flop raises to 35 or 40, how good of a hand would you need to call if you were in position and everyone else folded?
If your 1-2 table is tight passive is it mandatory to start stealing blinds Quote
02-20-2015 , 03:00 PM
For situation 1, it depends if you really think you can take him down easy, sure go ahead. Depends what his range and board texture is. But at 1-2, I avoid just trying to "steal" the blinds.

For situation 2, I prefer 3 betting light against stealing villain. My 3 bet light range would certainly depend on where he is sitting. If he is in early position I would 3 bet light with as low as ATo and KTo. If he is in mid I can be a little looser down to A8s+, and ATo, K8s+ and K8o, I am roughly the same on CO and btn, if V is late as well. If he is very prone to folding I am definitely tightening up a bit in my 3 bet range.

For calling ranges depends. If you think V is super wide, you have to still be fairly tight, but as long as you are in position start with AJs+, AJo+, and suited connectors down to 10-9ss maybe even 10-8ss. But my ranges change significantly if he is a very prone to folding or calling.
If your 1-2 table is tight passive is it mandatory to start stealing blinds Quote
02-20-2015 , 03:02 PM
C-Bet versus a weak passive player should be done depending on board texture, number of players and your image.

Re-raising a habitual stealer should be done for value or as a bluff. Hence, trash or premiums. SC's and pocket pairs generally should be flatted. Really depends on stack sizes too.

Wait...aren't you the guy who got harassed by casino management for being too good a player or something?
If your 1-2 table is tight passive is it mandatory to start stealing blinds Quote
02-20-2015 , 04:24 PM
I wouldn't do a lot of stealing preflop, steal postflop. Or table change.
If your 1-2 table is tight passive is it mandatory to start stealing blinds Quote
02-20-2015 , 04:25 PM
If the table is really tight/passive then yes you should be stealing blinds. How often and what sort of range depends on the table. I once played at a 1/2 table so weak/tight that I was raising 100% of unraised pots in LP and c-betting 100% of flops and making money. Most tables require more care and a large portion of 1/2 tables are loose/passive where trying to just steal the blinds isn't worth it, you need a hand with some potential. It is a rare situation where trying to steal from the blinds is worth trying.

What to do when you do get called depends on the situation, you have to account for position, stack sizes, what potential your hand actually has, what the board is, what villain's range is and so on. There is no general answer except to say that if you have one caller with reasonable stacks behind then you should be c-betting air at least some of the time.

Same for dealing with a villain who is stealing, too situational for general advice. Stack sizes, how often villain is raising and how he reacts when you play back at him change the situation too much.
If your 1-2 table is tight passive is it mandatory to start stealing blinds Quote
02-20-2015 , 05:39 PM
I would say the only thing that is mandatory is to find a new table
If your 1-2 table is tight passive is it mandatory to start stealing blinds Quote
02-20-2015 , 05:59 PM
I'm guessing this is some sort of weird joke. But if someone is actually regularly opening to 40 dollars I'd probably be in shove/fold mode if my stack was 200. Can't really see calling making sense with anything but KK+. And I can't really see 3-betting with half my stack or more hoping for a favorable flop making any sense.

By the way a tight table is one where you open to five dollars and everyone folds. It's not one where people aren't calling 20x raises with junk.
If your 1-2 table is tight passive is it mandatory to start stealing blinds Quote
02-20-2015 , 08:11 PM
Originally Posted by PhillyEagles9
I would say the only thing that is mandatory is to find a new table
This. If you're stealing blinds at 1/2 it's going to be hard to beat the rake, tokes, etc. I would at least talk to the floor.
If your 1-2 table is tight passive is it mandatory to start stealing blinds Quote
02-20-2015 , 08:55 PM
If you do attempt a steal from one of the blinds and get one caller from a weak passive player do you continue with a c-bet every time out of position, or is it a check/fold.
Not sure I understand this question. Are you talking about not chopping and just raising the other person in the blinds? When I try to steal the blinds I'm doing it from late position which gives me position after the flop.

Against one caller with that description I am going to c-bet just about every time when it's heads up. And part of my plan is to make a decent amount on those c-bets. Even in these games villains will still call your pf raises with too many hands, and then fold too much to your c-bets.

You can't just rely on stealing blind money in these games. If opponents are weak tight then you should be able to do pretty well when you try to steal after the flop.
If your 1-2 table is tight passive is it mandatory to start stealing blinds Quote
02-20-2015 , 09:03 PM
Are people actually trying to steal the blinds in a 1/2?
What's the point.

If someone/people at a 1/2 or 1/3 are opening for 35-40 I'm shoving KK/AA and possibly AKs in some spots and looking for a new table. If they're deep, I might set-mine for a price since these same players aren't ever folding overpairs

I've never ever been at a table where more than one person is opening for 15x, though there's players I've played with who their standard raise is 10-15x.
It's JJ+ and everyone just folds anything but KK and they win $6.
If your 1-2 table is tight passive is it mandatory to start stealing blinds Quote
02-20-2015 , 09:22 PM
Originally Posted by Elvis_Costello
Are people actually trying to steal the blinds in a 1/2?
What's the point.
It attempting to steal the blinds is the most profitable play, then what would be the point of doing anything else?
If your 1-2 table is tight passive is it mandatory to start stealing blinds Quote
02-20-2015 , 09:25 PM
OP's previous thread was a hilarious thing with him bragging how much money he was making playing 1-2 raising pre to $35-$40. The floor was sending "hit men" to take his money.

So obviously this new thread is him trying to figure out why he is now losing because people are now calling/raising his brilliant preflop moves.
If your 1-2 table is tight passive is it mandatory to start stealing blinds Quote
02-20-2015 , 10:37 PM
Originally Posted by ntnBO
OP's previous thread was a hilarious thing with him bragging how much money he was making playing 1-2 raising pre to $35-$40. The floor was sending "hit men" to take his money.

So obviously this new thread is him trying to figure out why he is now losing because people are now calling/raising his brilliant preflop moves.
You're right! I almost forgot about that silly thread.
If your 1-2 table is tight passive is it mandatory to start stealing blinds Quote
02-21-2015 , 02:03 AM
Originally Posted by Steve00007
It attempting to steal the blinds is the most profitable play, then what would be the point of doing anything else?
I'm reading it as literally aiming to steal the SB/BB, if you're raising 7 limps to ISO or to steal 7 people's limp, fine.

But nobody is raising UTG+2 with the intent of "I hope it folds to the blinds and I steal them"
If your 1-2 table is tight passive is it mandatory to start stealing blinds Quote
02-22-2015 , 11:24 AM
are you having a problem with the hitmen that were sent to stop you steamrolling 1/2nl bodybuilder?
If your 1-2 table is tight passive is it mandatory to start stealing blinds Quote
02-22-2015 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by Elvis_Costello
I'm reading it as literally aiming to steal the SB/BB, if you're raising 7 limps to ISO or to steal 7 people's limp, fine.

But nobody is raising UTG+2 with the intent of "I hope it folds to the blinds and I steal them"
I can only speak for myself here, but when I talk about blind stealing, I tend to assume that the person attempting to steal the blinds is in late position. I never try to steal the blinds from early or even middle position.
If your 1-2 table is tight passive is it mandatory to start stealing blinds Quote
02-22-2015 , 11:44 PM
Lately I've been finding success with aggressively stealing blinds and limps ( could be variance, not a large sample size ). This is against a passive(weak, or whatever you call it) table who won't 3 bet you and plays predictably post flop.

For the following I assume we're in position:

Depending on the board texture it's either art or science to play post flop. Lots of high cards, and I have no equity? check.

Lots of low cards, regardless of equity I bet.

1 high high card? It's iffy. If it's a limper, I may cbet, but if it's a weak blind who called my raise, I'll do something I've been employing a lot these days:

The delayed cbet!

If they hit that one high card, they'll bet it on the turn. So check. If they check again, bet and reap profit.

Also, when stealing and or cbetting, always use the smallest bet's possible to get them to fold. Like half-sized pot bets. If we can get them to fold with risking less, we're making more money in the long run.

With any real equity, I'm almost always cbetting. I love to play with a LAGy image, but the post flop take's real skill to be successful at it in the long run.

SDing with A/rag off is my favorite thing every right now. I feel like it sets me up for value when I do have it.
If your 1-2 table is tight passive is it mandatory to start stealing blinds Quote
