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Ideal spot to limp with AA? Ideal spot to limp with AA?

11-22-2019 , 10:53 AM
1/2 full table 9 handed

V is drunk LAG, has been at the table approximately 5 orbits. Counting his straddles, too, he has been last to act 7 or 8 times in limped pots and has raised EVERY single time, usually to 20x or more.

Hero is UTG with $65 after a losing a couple pots (yes I should have topped off)
V is in BB.

Hero with AA limps. Seems like the limp-reraise is criticized a lot on here but isn't it by far the best play in this situation?

Rest of the hand was as I expected. 4 more limps. V raises to 40. Hero pushes all in for 65. Folds to V who calls with 4-7 offsuit. Hero doubles up.

Also of note. Turns out the V in this hand is the son of a former WSOP main event champion. He was very friendly, buying drinks for others at the table and sharing stories from his father's and his own poker playing days. Very entertaining fella to play cards with.
Ideal spot to limp with AA? Quote
11-22-2019 , 11:03 AM
Yeah given the game dynamic and your stack size seems perfect.
Ideal spot to limp with AA? Quote
11-22-2019 , 11:03 AM
yeah, the limp reraise is a pretty good play.
Ideal spot to limp with AA? Quote
11-22-2019 , 11:07 AM
one of few instances where limp raising AA from utg works other than in Zynga
Ideal spot to limp with AA? Quote
11-22-2019 , 05:38 PM
About the only time it will ever work. Too bad you didn't have more money
Ideal spot to limp with AA? Quote
11-22-2019 , 07:51 PM
Please never sit there with a low stack. It's a complete rookie move and you were in the worst position possible for this (AA vs Drunk V). I hope you take this forward and don't let yourself do this again.
Ideal spot to limp with AA? Quote
11-23-2019 , 01:04 AM
Hand as played is fine.

Theres a decent chance that you made a mistake before this hand by not topping up previously.
Ideal spot to limp with AA? Quote
11-23-2019 , 02:26 AM
What was he doing when people raised tho? Doubt it was much different. Obv there are stupid specific scenarios like this where it's obvious if everything you say isn't an exaggeration. It's like saying it's ok to limp/r if someone told you they would raise blind if you limped no matter what.

Still cant convince me it's worse to raise in this spot with this hand.
Ideal spot to limp with AA? Quote
11-23-2019 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by chrissygolf
What was he doing when people raised tho? Doubt it was much different. Obv there are stupid specific scenarios like this where it's obvious if everything you say isn't an exaggeration. It's like saying it's ok to limp/r if someone told you they would raise blind if you limped no matter what.
He did this every time he was in BB or straddle, and he was limp-reraised all in one time previously by KK and the drunk V had AQ suited and hit a flush. The other times everyone folded. So it seems others were looking to do the same. I was ready to limp reraise with any pair 10s or higher and AQ+. Just happened to get AA
Ideal spot to limp with AA? Quote
11-23-2019 , 10:01 PM
OP: answer = yes
Ideal spot to limp with AA? Quote
