Originally Posted by TopGun in VA
Getting back to serious commentary on this thread, at least from me, I'd think that flatting would be the LAST thing I'd think to do here pre. I KNOW that I'm raising, I just have to figure out sizing. Personally, I'd go with the 4x + 1x per caller, so something close to 500 would be fine. I agree that 300 likely gets multiple, if not universal, calls.
If you choose something in between, then the 400 range should be good. Nonetheless, this spot must be raised.
you raised to 500 and won 340 pre flop and this is not a thread
other players raised to 300 and it's called in 4 spots
one of the players went in-between and went 400, which actually happens to be the correct sizing, i could have done that, but notice how it's actually not as important as the river and here is why
so we have this
Player A raises to 500 and wins the pot every time UTG doesn't hold AA, those times we lose 80%, so your actual winnings are slightly lower than 340, say you average 325 every time you make it 500
The fundamental theorem of poker tells us that this is 0ev
Player B raises to 300 and gets called in all spots and gets our flop this flop
pot is 1500, you bet slightly over half pot or down bet as you are blocking the draw say 1/3 of pot, lets go 500, top pair calls
pot is 2700
player C raises to 400, UTG calls and the others have a tough spot but you get 1 caller perhaps just the button flats
pot is 1400, you bet 600, get one caller pot is 2700
player D flats, check raises the flop to 900, gets a call, pot is 2200
still the same hand, with roughly the same ev, so did pre flop actually matter here?