I was right but is this normally bad? 1/2 w/ QQ
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 303
V1 (CO) -chubby asian 40 year old tag. Seems pretty good, hasn't done any bad call offs and has extracted value with his hands, not much of a "let's get crazy" guy. Has $350-400 ish
V2- Young irish canadian guy. Just busted out of the local $50 tourney in 9th place. Made a remark about me being crazy for folding 33 in the SB when an old asian guy, who seems like a loose player with a tight raising range and with $100 stack raises to $20. Seems decent but a bit of a loose cannon. Has $225
Hero in BB with QQ, have $500 ish. Winning image, Table fears me etc etc
The Hand:
V1 raises to $10
BTN calls
V2 raises to $25
Hero raises to $75
V1 calls
V2 calls
At this point, I think their ranges are skewed towards AK/AQ and pairs (no KK, AA)
Flop $225
AA4 rainbow
V2 checks
Hero checks
V1 considers betting and checks.
Way ahead or behind here imo. Decide on checking because The ranges are pretty defined and I'm not sure if I'm betting for value or as a bluff.
Turn Ts (spade flush comes in) $225
Kind of a bad card in that TT get there.
V2 thinks for a second and shoves for remaining $150
I tank. My thoughts here are "what he is expecting get called by if he has an ace?" Followed by the fact that he is a bit of a loose cannon and seems like the type that wants to get tricky.
I call, planning to fold to a shove by V1 or if he flats, getting it in on river expecting to see JJ here a lot of the time.
V1 tank/puke folds.
River blanks.
V2 shows 34.
- In hindsight I feel leading out may have been better as JJ/TT/99/88/77 might call me down. If I bet, how much?
- After V1 checks flop and V2 follows by checking turn, is this a bet and how much?
- Is calling here losing me money in the long run?
V1 says he had JJ and turns out V2 is a decent 2/5 player.
Anything you can improve?
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 155
Well played. I might fold against a lead of v1 but against v2 well played.
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Join Date: Apr 2012
Posts: 6,292
Calling here is very much a judgement call. Not so much because of V2, who can have a lot of worse hands in his range, but because V1 is acting after us. With short effective stacks, it would be very easy for V1 to check a strong ace on the flop here, hoping that somebody with a pair or worse AX takes a stab on the turn.
After the 4bet gets called two ways preflop I'm not c-betting this flop. The odds that one of them has AX is really high. After they both check the flop I'm liking the situation much better but betting is still really situational. Against tighter villains I'm likely to check turn here and try for one street of value on river. Against looser ones I would make a small turn bet some of the time to get called by smaller pairs.