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03-02-2021 , 12:20 AM
Originally Posted by Garick
That is exactly how math works, in terms of the frequencies. I believe he's wrong about the percentage cut-off, though, as we only need him to be bluffing 25% of the time (1/4) to break even on calling, instead of 1/3.

Let's look at that 35% bluffing frequency scenario.

If we assume that our hand is only good when they are bluffing and that we have no tells that help us tell the bluffs from the value bets, then we are just guessing about whether to call or not, which means that statistically its the same as if we always call or always fold. Our equity in any given one of these hands is 35%.

So let's look at an easy math scenario. Pot is $100, and V bets $50. Our call of $50 will represent 25% of the final pot of $200. So if we win more than 25% of the time, we should be calling. 35>25, so this is a call. Always.

100 iterations.
We call all of them.
65 times, we lose $50, for a total of -$3,250
35 times we win $150, for a total of +$5,250
Earnings: +$2,000

But if we only call half the time.
50 times we fold, no earnings or losses
32.5 times we lose $50 for losses of -$1,625.
17.5 times we win $150, for winnings of +$2,625
Earnings: +$1,000. By folding half the time, we lost half of our earnings.

Literally every hand we have an EV of $10, so every time we fold, we are giving up $10. We should always be calling.

Running it at 30%, we are still above the cut-off
Total = $1,000

But if we run it at say 22% bluffing frequency, we should always be folding.

If we always called:

If we call half the time:
Total = -$300

If we always fold, obv we neither win or lose anything. EV=0.

Every time we call with only 22% equity, we are losing $6 in EV, so the correct adjustment is to never call. Any percentage of calls we add just adds to our losses.
This response is the nuts. Ya'll better fold.
03-02-2021 , 12:23 AM
Originally Posted by sdfsgf
Imagine someone bets (say) half pot on the river, and you have a bluffcatcher. For a call to be profitable, they need to be bluffing at least 1/3 of the time.
Originally Posted by Garick
I believe he's wrong about the percentage cut-off, though, as we only need him to be bluffing 25% of the time (1/4) to break even on calling, instead of 1/3.

So let's look at an easy math scenario. Pot is $100, and V bets $50. Our call of $50 will represent 25% of the final pot of $200. So if we win more than 25% of the time, we should be calling.
Originally Posted by sdfsgf
I have to admire your confidence, though.
03-02-2021 , 09:04 AM
You got me. To need a 1/3 bluffing frequency we’d need to be *calling* a half-pot bet, which means our opponent would have needed to bet an amount that was full pot at the time of his action. I fully admit I screw these percentages up all the time.
03-02-2021 , 09:51 AM
Ahh, that makes sense. Half of final pot, rather than half pot bet.

In case anyone has any doubts, here's the same math as the above, but with a PSB and slightly less explanation (since you've seen it before). Unsurprisingly, this also shows that above the cut off we should always be calling and below we should always be folding.

$100 pot. $100 bet. $100 to call. So we need 33.33% equity to call.

If he's bluffing at 35% frequency, we make $5 each time we call.

100 iterations
65% of the time we lose $100 = -6500
35% of the time we win $200 = 7000
Total, +$500.

Obviously, if we're ever folding here, we are costing ourselves $5 each time we fold.
100 iterations
50 folds = 0
Total= $250. By folding half the time we lost half of our profits.

Same concept works when the EV is negative. At a 30% bluffing frequency we are now costing ourselves $10 every time we call, so we should never be calling, not even 30% of the time

No calling frequency means 100 folds = 0

30% calling frequency means
70 times we fold=0
Of the 30 times we call:
21 of them we lose $100 = -2100
9 of them we win $200 = +1800
So by having the same calling frequency that he has bluffing frequency we lost ourselves $300.
03-02-2021 , 10:38 AM
Garick, i recognize you put some good work into those last posts- but i get kind of dizzy of all these numbers

Do you mind summarize up your point(s) so a noob from Vikingland could understand? Your main conclusion is that the LLSNL population is vastly underbluffing so we should mostly stick to just folding? Is that right?
03-02-2021 , 11:38 AM
My point is that if someone is under-bluffing, the correct adjustment is not to call them with bluff-catchers less often, but to never call them with bluff-catchers. Every time you call, you are losing EV.

Alternately if they are overbluffing (very, very rare at LLSNL), you should always call if you can beat their bluffing range, as every time you fold you are losing EV.

A lot of people think that you should adjust by calling more or less, but that's not correct. All else being equal (which, admittedly, it never is) the correct exploit to either under-bluffers or over-bluffers is for you to exploit their imbalance every single time, not sometimes.

That said, the real percentage for bluff raises on the river in LLSNL is probably down in the 10% range, so I would definitely always be folding bluff-catchers readless, AINEC.
03-02-2021 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by Garick
My point is that if someone is under-bluffing, the correct adjustment is not to call them with bluff-catchers less often, but to never call them with bluff-catchers. Every time you call, you are losing EV.

Alternately if they are overbluffing (very, very rare at LLSNL), you should always call if you can beat their bluffing range, as every time you fold you are losing EV.

A lot of people think that you should adjust by calling more or less, but that's not correct. All else being equal (which, admittedly, it never is) the correct exploit to either under-bluffers or over-bluffers is for you to exploit their imbalance every single time, not sometimes.

That said, the real percentage for bluff raises on the river in LLSNL is probably down in the 10% range, so I would definitely always be folding bluff-catchers readless, AINEC.
Thanks. Good summarize.
03-02-2021 , 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by javi
GG you gotta stop prefacing these ridiculous lines like limping AKs and folding to a standard open as "just my style" and then proceeding to offer advice that is so far askew from standard poker play that nobody could follow it even if they tried.
My plan isn't to limp in to fold to a raise; I'm almost always reraising a raise (although there will be rare exception cases).

I'm saying in this case here that once we raised UTG and then got 3bet by UTG+1 that there are some pretty good arguments for folding (especially if we're at a full table, especially if neither we nor the villain have maniac images, especially with no other dead money in the pot). A 3bet in this situation is typically very strong.

I think I've explained my postflop reasons quite clearly and think OP played it fine (other than the horrendous river call). I don't hate a very small turn bet but think checking is fine (could also be image dependent).

03-02-2021 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by javi
GG you gotta stop prefacing these ridiculous lines like limping AKs and folding to a standard open as "just my style" and then proceeding to offer advice that is so far askew from standard poker play that nobody could follow it even if they tried. The fact you even begin helping with that statement proves you know it's totally nonstandard so whats the point? It'd be like someone saying they just open ship AA every time because "it's my style", and then telling them how to proceed from there.
while I agree GG needs to open up his game

to state limping AK suited is non standard is not true

pre covid my typical $2-5 game most limped AK suited as they say
"its a drawing hand I can't even beat 2-2" and will fold if whiff flop
non-standard to me is seeing people raise , 3-bet, 4-bet AK

hell they don't raise KK because as they say " an A always comes on the flop"
03-03-2021 , 01:19 AM
If everyone starts limping KK that doesnt make it standard, that just makes it bad. Standard play isnt defined as "what everyone else does", but rather mathematically sound decision making to yield the most profit. That being said I misunderstood GG's post.

Originally Posted by Garick
That said, the real percentage for bluff raises on the river in LLSNL is probably down in the 10% range, so I would definitely always be folding bluff-catchers readless, AINEC.
This is a great example and is probably my single biggest leak. I love to bluffcatch, not so much because I want to be a hero or anything, but rather when the hand doesnt make sense in my head. Like someone 3 barrel donkbetting on a board that favors my range. I look them up and probably 10% of the time I'm right and it feels great. The other 90% is pure spew.
03-03-2021 , 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by Garick
Ahh, that makes sense. Half of final pot, rather than half pot bet.

In case anyone has any doubts, here's the same math as the above, but with a PSB and slightly less explanation (since you've seen it before). Unsurprisingly, this also shows that above the cut off we should always be calling and below we should always be folding.

$100 pot. $100 bet. $100 to call. So we need 33.33% equity to call.

If he's bluffing at 35% frequency, we make $5 each time we call.

100 iterations
65% of the time we lose $100 = -6500
35% of the time we win $200 = 7000
Total, +$500.

Obviously, if we're ever folding here, we are costing ourselves $5 each time we fold.
100 iterations
50 folds = 0
Total= $250. By folding half the time we lost half of our profits.

Same concept works when the EV is negative. At a 30% bluffing frequency we are now costing ourselves $10 every time we call, so we should never be calling, not even 30% of the time

No calling frequency means 100 folds = 0

30% calling frequency means
70 times we fold=0
Of the 30 times we call:
21 of them we lose $100 = -2100
9 of them we win $200 = +1800
So by having the same calling frequency that he has bluffing frequency we lost ourselves $300.
Garick slides in the check-raise with the nuts... again.
