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HU 1/2, open ender with 2 overs HU 1/2, open ender with 2 overs

07-11-2017 , 03:26 PM
Live 1-2 been at the table 30 mins

Hero: $365, villain views as a draw chaser (Villian saw me min click an opponent, then call his all in with a double gutter and a flush draw.) He has poor eye sight and verbalized how "I just had a flush draw"

Villian: $700, older tourney reg, stacks off with top pair.

Hero just got 2 outed on the river and lost $70

Next hand:

Btn (villain) straddles to $6

sb: folds

bb: calls $6

couple folds

hj (hero) KQ raises to $25

Pretty good hand although not amazing, I like raising big when I get a strong hand immediately after I lose a big pot to make the table thing I'm on tilt.

Villian: who has been straddling every button, calls

sb: folds

Heads up. Pot: $56 effective stacks $340

Flop: 510J

Hero checks, villain bets $45

Hero? I know if I get it all in here, he's calling me with any Jack, giving me 14 outs twice and a runner runner fd. Plus I have his fold equity.

Or do we re-raise? $150?

Just call $45? Check shove any non board pairing turn?
HU 1/2, open ender with 2 overs Quote
07-11-2017 , 03:37 PM
I like the check raise on this flop and then call it off if villan shoves, Oop can't see a better way to play it after we check the flop.... I would prefer a c-bet 3ˇ Shove as a line for this flop though.....
HU 1/2, open ender with 2 overs Quote
07-11-2017 , 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by ronrabbit
I like the check raise on this flop and then call it off if villan shoves, Oop can't see a better way to play it after we check the flop.... I would prefer a c-bet 3ˇ Shove as a line for this flop though.....
That's a very good point. I don't know why I didn't c-bet. I should have. Maybe I just zoned out or thought he was gonna bet.

So what am I check raising to, $150?
HU 1/2, open ender with 2 overs Quote
07-11-2017 , 04:31 PM
I am not stacking off for 180 BBs with this hand at 1/2.

I am cbetting this about 110% of the time.

As played I am just calling. I am check shoving most cards from an AKQ9 and maybe some 10s as a bluff, and check folding most 8 and under non clubs.

If you are 100BBs deep I am probably GII on the flop.
HU 1/2, open ender with 2 overs Quote
07-11-2017 , 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by randomcards
I am not stacking off for 180 BBs with this hand at 1/2.
We don't have 180 BBs we have 60. There was a straddle to $6.
HU 1/2, open ender with 2 overs Quote
07-11-2017 , 07:05 PM
I think the preflop raise size is slightly small given that we're OOP vs the straddler. I like a raise to $30-$35.

As played, I'm trying to figure out what affect having the K has. It makes it less likely that your opponent has a flush draw so makes me inclined to just call instead of raising (not sure about this?).

I think we can limit our check/raises to the KQ hands that don't have a club.

With the club varieties, we can check/call and check/call most turns for a reasonable bet and jam club/straight rivers and fold most other rivers. If turn is a club and it goes check/check we can jam river.
HU 1/2, open ender with 2 overs Quote
07-11-2017 , 07:15 PM
If we Cbet flop and get called (very likely), are you guy double barreling 8 and below, and low clubs?
HU 1/2, open ender with 2 overs Quote
07-11-2017 , 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by momo_uk
If we Cbet flop and get called (very likely), are you guy double barreling 8 and below, and low clubs?
I wouldn't bet non-clubs given that we have a club. Makes it less likely our opponent has a hand he'll call twice with and then fold.
HU 1/2, open ender with 2 overs Quote
07-11-2017 , 08:29 PM
If moving in turns your hand face up, you shouldn't do it. Need to consider whether he ever bluffs in this spot.
HU 1/2, open ender with 2 overs Quote
07-11-2017 , 10:51 PM
Also, are you actually saying that villain folds everything less than top pair in this spot? That's A LOT of folding!!
HU 1/2, open ender with 2 overs Quote
07-12-2017 , 12:29 AM
Originally Posted by BadlyBeaten
Also, are you actually saying that villain folds everything less than top pair in this spot? That's A LOT of folding!!
As played I check raised all in and he snapped with A10. (fml he had my Ace outs)

He held.

Next time I will C-bet re-raise.
HU 1/2, open ender with 2 overs Quote
07-12-2017 , 03:43 AM
You check/jammed for 3 times the pot and villain literally snapped with middle pair? That's pretty crazy. I don't like this play tbh, going from 45 to 340 on the flop isn't a line you'd take with a value hand. There's a FD on the flop and villain already thinks your aggro with FDs. With the history of villain AP I'd much rather seen a call of his bet. If FD comes in you can probably donk bet and take it down and if not depending on how much or if he bets turn you can go from there. Personally if I raise pf, get it heads up, and flop overs with an up & down I'm cbetting a large % of the time, even OOP.
HU 1/2, open ender with 2 overs Quote
07-12-2017 , 11:41 AM
Given the lack of fold equity in 1/2 after a villain has shown some interest in a hand. I like c-betting a lot more in these spots.
HU 1/2, open ender with 2 overs Quote
07-12-2017 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by Kyle72o
I like a fold preflop, obviously the button isn't raising to 6$ with nothing.
Actually a straddle means the button is raising with unknown cards that could be nothing. Folding preflop is pretty damn weak
HU 1/2, open ender with 2 overs Quote
