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How to get max value oop against these two different villain types? How to get max value oop against these two different villain types?

08-16-2024 , 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by docvail
Generally, I want to be in a game with lots of loose action, not in a game where my opponents are folding if I breathe on the pot.
This is massively EV-.
How to get max value oop against these two different villain types? Quote
08-16-2024 , 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by L.C.C
It's interesting as Tomark also pointed out that ego seems to be quite a big part of (the fun of) your game. I can't represent Venessa Selbst, but maybe lots of the female players including myself have not much ego involved in the game. We already attracted more attention than what's ideal.

I am not saying you should ditch the ego part, particularly if that makes you enjoy the game.

A lot of the time I find poker just a mental game battling against myself.

Maybe more male players think in your way than my way.
My personal opinion, women are some of the least likely players to be big losers at my table, and the vast majority of them are winning or break even players who I dont want at my table, but I havent seen much to counter the prevailing wisdom that women dont bluff as much as their male counterparts.

I think bluffing does generate a ton of attention, and its not just ego that can stand in the way of poker dominance. if you want to be a good poker player, there should only be ONE thing that decides what choice to make: what will make me the most money?

If you dont bluff to avoid attention, or embarrassment, or to not feel stupid, or to not be called stupid, or even to reduce your variance, you are not playing to the best of your ability.

I think confidence is one of the most valuable things to have in poker. I cant remember the actress, but she said the best advice she ever got was “be as confident as a mediocre man”. My wife took that advice to heart lol. I am very confident in my game, so I couldnt care less what anyone else at the table thinks about my game. I dont make any excuses when my play looks stupid as ****, ill just get called and flip over my busted BDFD that i bet 3 streets cuz i dont care. Whenever im at the table, i feel like so many players at the table are trying so hard to make everyone else think they are smart and good poker players, and whenever they get caught bluffing, i feel like they fall over themselves to apologize about it like they got caught stealing cookies from the cookie jar.
How to get max value oop against these two different villain types? Quote
08-18-2024 , 08:06 PM
Originally Posted by L.C.C

V2: 30ish reg. Someone who VPIPS a bit too wide, probably 50% in LP, who is very stabby in position, who is not scared of big pots. V2 has a fold button, so he is not a whale.

Hero: unfortunately hero has the image most difficult to get value hands paid. Hero is female. Hero is aggressive, if not too aggressive.
Lots of unbalanced aggressive players like V2 have a great deal of machismo in their character. They will immediately shut down to any aggression from a woman but often try to push her off a hand if she plays passively.

When you have a value hand, that's what you want him to do. With marginal stuff, you might best have folded preflop if he's in the pot. Play strong ranges against him, and let him do the betting for you.
How to get max value oop against these two different villain types? Quote
08-18-2024 , 08:16 PM
I have an OMC that matches your description of V1. Plays for a profit and it irritates me to no end. People just pay this guy off. He plays like GG. His EP range is pure limp. AA-QJs. Limp raises EP with premiums and people pay it off. Just calls a ton in position, never 3-bets, always waits to see the flop and then traps relentlessly - but gets paid like 12$ when he has KK on a K-7-2 runout because everyone was trying to run him down with 67s.

My game with him is just to hit pure high value/premium range and then deny him odds or valuetown him. But my high value to premium being AK/KK/AA/77/22 on a board of K-7-2. Even KQ I'm check calling. Take free cards a ton from this guy since he doesn't bet enough.

I also know a guy that (when OOP HU with OMC) bets dark (!). Just bet 1/3rd pot dark OTF as he will never continue with hands that aren't super nutted.
How to get max value oop against these two different villain types? Quote
