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How do I get more Value here? 1/2 How do I get more Value here? 1/2

03-17-2012 , 04:06 AM
So let me preface this by saying I know what I did on the flop was incorrect play, or at least I am pretty sure.

Villain has played maybe 15 hands at the table limped twice folded the rest I believe, probably about 22, avg looking white kid, not a reg.

Hero is Utg+1 with around ~450 has been playing fairly wide range , raises pre pretty often...been mixing it up.

Hero 7d8d

hero limps (not usual) 4 more people limp including V who is the button. The sb completes and bb checks

Flop 5c6c9h

Hero bets 10 dollars
folds to villain who raises to 27
blinds fold hero raises to 65

Should I just be calling here and getting it in on a non club/non pair turn?
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03-17-2012 , 04:37 AM
You can bet $15 otf. That may help you get stacks in easier. How much does he have? Bet/3b the flop is your best play.
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03-17-2012 , 05:19 AM
oh sorry he has around 250
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03-17-2012 , 06:47 AM
I think you need to 3bet more, I'm not sure if I prefer a 3bet ship here or reraise to $95. I would only consider flatting this board if there were no FD and villian was very agro. You are putting yourself in a very difficult position if a club rolls off the turn. You could then either lose value from sets here or give villian good odds to stack you with FD. You also might get bluffed out by a hand like 2 pair.

I think I ship here because it makes you look like you might have a combo draw more often than the nuts. Sets are going to beat you in the pot. 2 Pair are going to consider it as are combo draws. Hands like A9 or TT are going to fold but how much money were you going to earn from them anyway.
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03-17-2012 , 09:14 AM
I agree with dj. Shove! As soon as he raises he probably has 2pair+ or at least 9x of clubs and you can get it in good here.
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03-17-2012 , 09:33 AM
I don't like your sizing. if you RR to around 95 he's only getting approx 2-1 on his FD, your RR gives him very good odds to draw and a larger RR may induce him to shove. I know you have the nuts but that doesn't mean you want to give good odds to be drawn out on.
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03-17-2012 , 09:43 AM
Raise something like 80-90, A shove would make it tuff for alot of his range to call after only a17 dollar raise
the idea is bet bet get money in, but you dont want to blow him off his hand.
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03-17-2012 , 01:07 PM
Yep. Lead more. In these limped pots that have 10-12 w/ nuts I bomb 15 even 20. Most these monkeys won't realise what ur doing

Think you overbet a 10 pot to 20, he makes it 50, u jam. Easy game. But ya as played bigger RR. Shove a stack of red out. Most of thee people can't resist the earge to chase a naked fd.
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