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High stakes home game High stakes home game

09-07-2016 , 04:23 AM
Hi all, I live in a country where gambling is illegal so am restricted to some online sites and home games.

I play in a regular home game where the stakes are really big (for me).

Blinds are irrelevant at $3/$6. Buy ins are min$270 to max$810 (converted to USD for ease for all).

The reason the game is big and the blinds are irrelevant is the bet sizing, min PF bet is $32 to $67 and raises etc match, its not uncommon to get a bet/raise of $67 and 4 callers!

We have 8 regulars and often get invited to other games and vice versa. Regulars consist of 2 above average players and the rest are all gamblers, regular swings are $1300 $4000+ in an eve. I typically win or lose between $800 $1900 in an eve and am currently up 20k since Jan 2015.

Apart from 3 of us who earn salaries the rest of the players are super rich self made business men with way tooooo much money!

I am looking to improve my game and will post hands played, winners and losers, at least once a week, let me know if this thread is in the right place.

I have a game tonight and will post a few hands tomorrow.
09-07-2016 , 12:53 PM
Please post each hand in its own thread if you want feedback in this forum. You can link back to this thread to give folks a feel for game conditions.

If you'd rather have a running thread, you'll get less discussion per hand, bit you can do that in Poker Goals and Challenges.
09-07-2016 , 01:22 PM
Sounds like the game I play, except nobody is independently wealthy. LOVE these games, but variance is huge. Blinds are only 1/3, and I 3-bet a $30 open to $100 the other night and got three callers (lost to TJ vs. my AA)! Also gii w/ KK and $250 vs. A5 who called the all in! Lost that one, too -- meh, variance.

Looking forward to the hands you post.
09-08-2016 , 12:26 AM
Yep the variance is massive, I typically play small ball and win/lose less than others
09-08-2016 , 01:48 AM
Played a little more aggressive than normal last nigh, usually try to keep pots small.

1st buy in $270 -
Few hands: I raise UTG $29 AQcc BTN & BB call, Flop 10c9c6h, i check (not sure I like this check!), BTN bets $95 I call, Turn Jc I shove, BTN snaps we run it twice his set 6s wins both.

Topped up to $540 -

Pretty sure I played this hand real bad, should I even be in the hand!!! 6x $3 limps inc me, BTN raises to $43 every one calls inc me in midd pos with 45hh, Flop KhQh2d, ccc I bet $95 1 call and CO raises to $300 I shove for $400 more and CO calls, we run it once and I hit a 4 that is good on the river! he had higher flush draw.

I BTN raise a multi limped pot to $43 with AJhh, 2x mid pos calls, Flop 2h5h10d, I Cbet $70, 1 call, Turn 7s, I bet $120, Flop 5c, I bet $360 and get called by 7h8s, apparently I looked really uncomfortable with this bluff and bet to quickly.

Overall happy I managed to finish +$21 on the eve..... now back to a day of work grind before a nice long national holiday :-)

Next game is mid next week and I will go back to playing snug I think.
09-08-2016 , 08:09 AM
OP, we don't allow blog-type threads ITF. The way your thread is evolving, I think it's a better fit for Poker Goals and Challenges, as mentioned above.

If you'd like to post hands for comment in this forum, please take a look at the forum rules, especially the part on starting a thread (one hand to a thread, format, and not giving results).

You're very definitely welcome to post hands for review in this forum. If you'd like to continue a running thread such as you've started, please resurrect it in PG&C.
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