Hero(UTG+1 - $500) - 26YO persian kid with hoodie(Don't wear hood over my head if that matters). I'm not going to pretend I know what people think of me, but I rarely limp and have slightly larger raise sizes than the table.
Villain 1(UTG+2 - $325) MAWG around 40-50 years old. He's a casino reg. Plays a little on the looser side. Not a afraid to stack off with TP. I'm not sure I've ever seen him 3-bet pre unless it was AA, or if he was really short(<100).
Villain 2(CO - $250) This guy is around 60. Pretty "Loose aggressive" if you want to call it that. Dude has way too much money for this game, but is in town and just wants to **** around. Willing to bluff and blind raise.
Villain 3(SB - $600) White guy in his 30s. Just wants to outplay everyone, but isn't very good. Seen him squeeze raise A5o from SB to 3 limpers. Seen him barrel flop and turn with total air against 4 opponents(In one hand he raised pre, barreled off turn against 4 opponents that brought a club flush. He folded to a short stack shove for only like $20 more into a pot of around ~$240 claiming "He was drawing dead".
Hero UTG+1 raises to $12 with A


. V1 calls. V2 calls. V3 calls. 4 way to a flop
Flop($51) - K


Hero C-bets $35. V1 raises to $70. Fold. Fold.
Hero flats.
Turn($191) - 4
Hero Checks. Villain bets $100. Hero?
Do people play AK this way often enough to go for the call down? It sucks that I block two of the Aces. If I call turn, he has ~140 behind, and obviously I'm never folding river once I call turn(Unless another K peels off). I HIGHLY doubt he has a bluff, but I know live players sometimes just click it, and I have been relatively aggressive at the table today.
EDIT: This is a 3-300 spread limit game. $2/$3 blinds.
Last edited by persianpunisher; 05-30-2017 at 11:41 AM.
Reason: Left out key info