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Hero + villain both capped, villain raises turn Hero + villain both capped, villain raises turn

01-10-2017 , 11:18 AM
1/2 9 handed

CO in this hand is a rare major fish that pays off like crazy
Villain in sb has been tight and solid. Hasnt gotten out of line

Folds to co who limps (limp calls entire range) $180
Hero raises to 14 on button with k5 (covers)
Villain in sb calls ($160)
Co calls

Questionable raise but trying to isolate massive fish in co here

Flop $44
Checks around

Turn $44
Checks to hero, hero bets $23, sb raises to 65, hero shoves

Spew or no?
Hero + villain both capped, villain raises turn Quote
01-10-2017 , 11:27 AM
Spew. Maybe his Preflop range is capped, but there's no reason he can't have Qxhh. You say he's not getting out of line, so what part of his turn raising range are you trying to get him to fold? He's basically committed with only $80 or so behind.

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Hero + villain both capped, villain raises turn Quote
01-10-2017 , 11:28 AM
Spew x 100.
V is playing for stacks and never bluffing. What do you beat?

Also, what was your plan in iso-ing limper? If he's going to check/fold most flops, then maybe.
Otherwise you aren't deep enough to play a marginal hand against someone who will be sticky postflop.
Hero + villain both capped, villain raises turn Quote
01-10-2017 , 11:31 AM
Villain is not capped here.

He could be bluffing but I think it's easy to give this up. Shoving has to be spew.
Hero + villain both capped, villain raises turn Quote
01-10-2017 , 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by matzah_ball
Villain is not capped here.

He could be bluffing but I think it's easy to give this up. Shoving has to be spew.
My thought was that villain in sb would bet 100% of his hands that are strong enough to raise on the on the turn since theres a massive calling station acting 2nd, so i have to disagree with him not being capped
Hero + villain both capped, villain raises turn Quote
01-10-2017 , 12:45 PM
Villain should be capped on the turn. Neglecting to bet the turn with any value hand with a huge fish in the pot is a big mistake. He should probably even lead the flop with a value hand. That doesn't mean he won't do it. It's 1|2 and people love to play like this and think they're trapping or something.

They pretty much just always have it here. Even if he bluffs sometimes he's not doing it enough to make bluffcatching with second pair profitable. This is massive spew. You have no good blockers and you're usually going to be drawing dead or close when he calls you, which he usually will.

One of our biggest advantages over other players is the ability to make exploitative folds against aggression because they are imbalanced towards value in most spots, even in spots where not a lot of value hands make sense.
Hero + villain both capped, villain raises turn Quote
01-10-2017 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by matzah_ball
Villain is not capped here.

He could be bluffing but I think it's easy to give this up. Shoving has to be spew.
Hero + villain both capped, villain raises turn Quote
01-10-2017 , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by browni3141
Even if he bluffs sometimes he's not doing it enough to make bluffcatching with second pair profitable. This is massive spew. You have no good blockers and you're usually going to be drawing dead or close when he calls you, which he usually will.

One of our biggest advantages over other players is the ability to make exploitative folds against aggression because they are imbalanced towards value in most spots, even in spots where not a lot of value hands make sense.
100% agree. Hand is played fine until the turn shove.
Hero + villain both capped, villain raises turn Quote
01-10-2017 , 01:09 PM
V is capped at the nuts
Hero + villain both capped, villain raises turn Quote
01-10-2017 , 01:41 PM
why would V be capped?

Checked the flop OOP with a solid draw, maybe looking to check raise.
Turned the nuts, and went for the slow play, then someone bet, so they ck/raise.

Easy game.
Hero + villain both capped, villain raises turn Quote
01-10-2017 , 01:42 PM
Turn shove is def spewy.
Turn bet is questionable spew.
Hero + villain both capped, villain raises turn Quote
01-10-2017 , 01:52 PM
Given the spaz factor of the hero the V should play his flushes exactly how he did. This is horrendous
Hero + villain both capped, villain raises turn Quote
01-10-2017 , 01:53 PM
What are you accomplishing with your large preflop raise here?

Why do you want to lower effective stacks so much vs this villain?
Hero + villain both capped, villain raises turn Quote
01-10-2017 , 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by iraisetoomuch
why would V be capped?

Checked the flop OOP with a solid draw, maybe looking to check raise.
Turned the nuts, and went for the slow play, then someone bet, so they ck/raise.

Easy game.
I should have specified that ive played with villain for maybe 10 hrs and he seems like a mostly sound decision maker, ive seen him bluff once or twice but that's it.

Main reason i thought he was capped was because of the fish. I couldn't see him risking it getting checked through with the autocaller in the hand - just an unnecessary risk when if he bets both turn and river he could get most of the money in.

In addition, i thought he was aware enough to see that i was *somewhat* capped, and could have been trying to take advantage with the Q.

Lastly, villain had bout $90 behind, so wasnt a huge shove or anything.

That being said, I agree that it was a spewy bad play, but not quite as bad as everyone itt thinks imo
Hero + villain both capped, villain raises turn Quote
01-10-2017 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by Nice_Guy_Eddie
100% agree. Hand is played fine until the turn shove.

I am aggro. But opening to $14 to iso "autocaller" is bad.

What are you hoping for? Only flop a king 15% time. Pair of fives, can't be value bet.

Flopping flush draw vs station sucks!!!!! Because we have no fold equity.

So, our plan is to ISO a calling station. Then try to get him to fold post flop. "Brilliant"

So, preflop is bad. And turn is even worse.

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Hero + villain both capped, villain raises turn Quote
01-10-2017 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by mikko

I am aggro. But opening to $14 to iso "autocaller" is bad.

What are you hoping for? Only flop a king 15% time. Pair of fives, can't be value bet.

Flopping flush draw vs station sucks!!!!! Because we have no fold equity.

So, our plan is to ISO a calling station. Then try to get him to fold post flop. "Brilliant"

So, preflop is bad. And turn is even worse.

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Fair point. Just curious tho; if pre is "bad" then who is it good for? The blinds? Certainly not the limp-caller oop, right?
Anytime a play is "bad" that ev ( or whatever you call it) gets transfered to someone else. I cant see who it gets transfered to here, so i think pre is good imo
Hero + villain both capped, villain raises turn Quote
01-10-2017 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by mikko

I am aggro. But opening to $14 to iso "autocaller" is bad.

What are you hoping for? Only flop a king 15% time. Pair of fives, can't be value bet.

Flopping flush draw vs station sucks!!!!! Because we have no fold equity.

So, our plan is to ISO a calling station. Then try to get him to fold post flop. "Brilliant"

So, preflop is bad. And turn is even worse.

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
Yeah, good point. I focused on the 'limp-calls' everything and not on the 'pays off like crazy'
Hero + villain both capped, villain raises turn Quote
01-10-2017 , 02:45 PM
Stay away from worrying too much about trying to exploit capped range spots at 1-2. You hopefully know by now you need a lot of work identifying them in the first place, but more importantly is that the only exploit of them you need is sizing your value bets accordingly to their calling thresholds when truly capped.

You also have to realize that 1-2 Vs show up all the time with hands above the cap that are played so poorly that they rely on you overplaying your range to make money. I'm sure it's easy to recall the times where a hand like this might go ck ck ck ck and you get shown a smal flush or a set or AAh. Point is, don't spend too much time leveling yourself into +ev bluff spots bc of what you think is a capped range --- in addition to above, they just don't fold enough already even if you're right.
Hero + villain both capped, villain raises turn Quote
01-10-2017 , 03:02 PM
Pre: Me no likey. If SB is likely to raise into limpers, fold, otherwise overcall getting 90:1.

Flop: OK.

Turn: OK to stab IMO, yeah shove is spew.
Hero + villain both capped, villain raises turn Quote
01-10-2017 , 03:54 PM
I was never bluffing/stabbing. On the turn I had 2nd pair vs a fish so i bet. With the shove, i was targeting Q hearts mainly.
Hero + villain both capped, villain raises turn Quote
