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Help me against the loose cannon Help me against the loose cannon

02-16-2014 , 08:19 AM
Imagine this player if you will. White, conservative 50-70 years old. Plays for enjoyment and fun. Generally pleasant and polite. Like to play hands and hates to fold because folding isn't fun. Also likes to bet if given the opportunity because betting is more fun than checking. Typically overvalues top pair or marginal hands and pays little attention to board texture, stack sizes, or relative hand strength. His bluffing frequency is higher that most both because what he thinks are value bets are essentially bluffs because they will never get called by worse, and also he will bet draws or certain board textures if no one seems interested. He isn't bluffing every hand and he isnt a maniac, but his bluffing frequency is high enough to be taken into consideration to some degree when deciding on calling ranges. He is also unpredictable in that he doesn't take consistent lines with certain hands. He might bet the nuts on the river one hands or check it the next. And he limp/calling range is so broad its hard to assign him a range!

Given this info are we willing to make hero calls with A high when flush or straight draws miss on otherwise dry boards? What about 2 pair on connected boards? What kind of spots are we willing to hero and which are we not? How far, if at all, do we take this? Or do we just let him bluff us and wait for better value spots where we arnt left guessing so much?

I played this guy tonight and I swear he bluffed everyone but me. The only time he had a hand was against me and it was very frusterating. I kept thinking how can I adjust to this guy? This guy was horrible and everntually got punished for his crimes, but not by me!
Help me against the loose cannon Quote
02-16-2014 , 09:59 AM
thats poker
try to catch a hand then catch him if not oh well
no sense in tilting trying to catch some of his spews
Help me against the loose cannon Quote
02-16-2014 , 10:33 AM
Ace hi call downs against this type are generally a bad idea due to how often you'll hear "all I've got is a (insert third/fourth/fifth/under pair here)." People who spazz/panic bet with bluff catchers shouldn't be heroed w/ ace hi.
Help me against the loose cannon Quote
02-16-2014 , 10:41 AM
Originally Posted by Tier1Capital
Ace hi call downs against this type are generally a bad idea due to how often you'll hear "all I've got is a (insert third/fourth/fifth/under pair here)." People who spazz/panic bet with bluff catchers shouldn't be heroed w/ ace hi.
Correct. By calling with Ace high you are esentially allowing him to "value-bluff" so to speak.

On the other hand, if this guy isn't a complete spazz and folds on the river when raised without at least a decent hand (say he won't call a raise with less then TP with a decent kicker) you can try bluff raising him more often since his river betting range will so often be weak.
Help me against the loose cannon Quote
02-17-2014 , 03:53 AM
Essentially you must call more with middle-pair hands whilefolding lowpair hands at the usualy frequecny that you would to a standard reg.

There's no reason to try and hero him beyond that because you will make so much money off of his inability to fold marginal hands when cards come down that don't kill your action (and even then he will still probably leak chips to you.)

To summarize: Value bet wider IP, Call down more with medium-strentgh pairs, when you have it get additional value by raising him big on cards that seem safe for his wide range. Raise him more than you would raise a player of more skill.

On drawy boards where he is taking the lead play ABC, keep the pot small and use your intuition. This guy sounds pretty predictable in these types of spots, but your fold equity is pretty nil against his draws, so your goal there is don't bloat pots against this guy if you think he has a strong draw.
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02-17-2014 , 11:34 AM
Wait for good hand, call him more lightly sometimes.
Don't call with A high more than you would call another player.
Help me against the loose cannon Quote
02-18-2014 , 12:23 AM
Actually that wasn't a great analysis of how to play against his draws, but the other stuff I said, pretty sensible I think. I guess what I really meant is don't bloat the flop with a check-raise OOP against his draw range, especially on boards with combo draws. To many dangerous situations arise on the turn if he's gonna bet light. That spot can be confusing. Leading out is better for this reason I think, but you have to tighten your range there. No time to get nuts with mid-pair.

Really, any analysis aside, this sounds like a guy you'll get a solid read on eventually and he'll become an ATM machine. I mean, you're on this forum asking questions, you're light years ahead of that guy for that reason alone. Just sit back, play position, and enjoy the surplus EV you get when you have his calling range crushed.
Help me against the loose cannon Quote
02-18-2014 , 05:58 AM
Are we cbetting this guy less even on dry flops?
Help me against the loose cannon Quote
02-18-2014 , 06:48 AM
The wider you c-bet him, the higher your variance on the turn and river, even on dry boards. There is value in thin-betting dry boards early in the hand, but against a spewy fish the EV comes with some tough spots later. Generally good to keep your variance low against a guy like this. I wouldn't c-bet him too wide OOP, probably best to set a trap or try to exploit his propensity to VB too wide. OOP with a monster you can check-raise him for value more than normal. I'd get the c/r in on the flop on turn depending on the particular board texture.

IP on dry boards I would value bet him with some 2nd tier hands, bluff him much less than a reg, if I have a monster I'm gonna bomb him to death.
Help me against the loose cannon Quote
02-18-2014 , 08:23 PM
Raise him with Draws and marginal made hands, he's used to folding when someone takes the lead away from him b/c most people do it when they have monsters.

Call him down with the top of your range to encourage his weak/air hands to 3 barrell.
Help me against the loose cannon Quote
