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Having 88 EP in a double straddled pot, which essentially cuts your effective stack to 50bbs? Having 88 EP in a double straddled pot, which essentially cuts your effective stack to 50bbs?

10-28-2021 , 12:29 AM
How would you navigate this scenario in wild spewey games when the double straddle essentially makes your stack like 50 bigs?
Having 88 EP in a double straddled pot, which essentially cuts your effective stack to 50bbs? Quote
10-28-2021 , 01:08 AM
So like 1/2/5/10 with $500 stacks?
I’d raise to 30 (3x) with my entire opening range, including 88.
Having 88 EP in a double straddled pot, which essentially cuts your effective stack to 50bbs? Quote
10-28-2021 , 06:38 AM
Depends on what you mean by spewy. If people are calling down for stacks with K-high hands, raise 88. If nobody is getting to the river without at least TP, fold.
Having 88 EP in a double straddled pot, which essentially cuts your effective stack to 50bbs? Quote
10-28-2021 , 10:31 AM
Yeah. Position and other players who have VPIPed matter a lot here too. Question is too general, imo.
Having 88 EP in a double straddled pot, which essentially cuts your effective stack to 50bbs? Quote
10-28-2021 , 02:14 PM
Im not familiar with 50bb opening ranges but I can't imagine a lineup where 88 isn't an open to 2.5 or 3x. Raise to what ever you would raise to with aces
Having 88 EP in a double straddled pot, which essentially cuts your effective stack to 50bbs? Quote
10-28-2021 , 02:35 PM
Obviously, a hand starts with more money in the pot. We are incentivized to play looser, with wider ranges than in the usual two-blind game. Note that this makes fun players' naturally loose playing styles more correct.

Because SPR is going to be smaller, implied-odds hands go down in value and pairs and big cards go up in value.

We should be playing wider in all non-blind positions, BUT should the action be folded to us on the button, our opens now have to get through four players rather than two, and so our stealing range -- the bottom of our overall opening range -- must needs be smaller.

We need to play really tight in the small and "big" blinds, and fairly tight in the first straddle. But dead money from the blinds and the first straddle mean that the in the second straddle we can call opens rather wider than we would in the big blind in a more usual blind structure.

If the straddle is a one-off situation, then expect other players to be a bit scared of the higher effective stakes and play more tightly. But if everyone is straddling and restraddling, then the players will be adjusting to this and be looser.
Having 88 EP in a double straddled pot, which essentially cuts your effective stack to 50bbs? Quote
