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Hardrock 1/2, interesting spot w top top Hardrock 1/2, interesting spot w top top

11-03-2020 , 06:38 PM
This is my second orbit at the table so my reads on players are minimal. Game is playing big for a 1/2, all opens have been between $15-20 and most players are 150+ BB's deep.

I open AQss UTG to $15 ($350 effective), MP, HJ, and button all call. The BB then 3-bets to $60. I call, as does the HJ and button. ($255 pot) flop Q86hhd. BB checks, I bet $100, HJ and button quickly fold, and the BB thinks for about 10 seconds before jamming all in. He has me covered and i have $190 left in my stack.

Knowing that it's only $190 more to win a pot of $835 can we ever find a fold? Does BB always have AA or KK? Is BB ever doing this with AKhh? Let me know what you guys think.
Hardrock 1/2, interesting spot w top top Quote
11-03-2020 , 06:50 PM
I might bet flop a little smaller, like $75-80. As played getting over 4:1 (assuming your math is correct, I didn’t check) I’m snap calling (and probably often losing, but certainly not 80% of the time). If he has KK/AA, like I assume he does here, I’d recommend spiking another queen on the turn/river.
Hardrock 1/2, interesting spot w top top Quote
11-03-2020 , 07:19 PM
Preflop BB 3b! is small, but when you call, HJ and button are inclined to also call. Either 4b! or fold here preflop
Hardrock 1/2, interesting spot w top top Quote
11-03-2020 , 09:31 PM
Preflop I would actually be tempted to fold. I hate playing big hands knowing nothing about villains. I cant say calling is bad though.

On the flop you have TPTK and spr around 1. Your committed on an OK flop without a strong read on villain. Not happy but not folding.

Given that you are committed your flop bet is a somewhat awkward size. If you want to try and induce a call by worse then something around $75. If you want to charge draws then push it up a bit to $125. The board is fairly safe but with 3 opponents I'm probably going with the larger size.
Hardrock 1/2, interesting spot w top top Quote
11-03-2020 , 10:28 PM
A description of villain would be very helpful. I know you just sat at the table, but that doesn't mean we don't have information. Player types stick out like a sore thumb, and you need to get better identifying them. Assign a read even when you are technically read-less.

I'm probably folding pre. The 3B sizing is small, (which means he likely isn't light here very often, if ever) and players also do not really 3B light from the big blind in my experience. Players are mostly making calling mistakes at this level therefore they are apt to call in BB with everything but hands they must 3B (QQ+). Just my opinion.

Any type of description is better than a ghost in the chair.
Hardrock 1/2, interesting spot w top top Quote
11-03-2020 , 10:35 PM
Is this correct?

We're calling $190 to win $546
We need 25.82% equity to breakeven.

Board: Q86

Hand Pot equity

If we assume villain's shoving range to be QQ-AA, AKhh, KQs, it's a profitable call?
Hardrock 1/2, interesting spot w top top Quote
11-03-2020 , 10:37 PM
Generally speaking I would just fold, you already repped Qx or a big pair and V doesn't care, it's high variance against flush draws and V is repping KK/AA hard, even though you are blocking AA. I think the flop sizing is a little weird, you've already pretty much commited yourself to the pot so knowing that I wouldn't fold, but if flop sizing was different it would change a lot.
Hardrock 1/2, interesting spot w top top Quote
11-04-2020 , 05:19 AM
Why would you call pre and fold this flop at spr 1?
This is why you should jam or fold pre
Hardrock 1/2, interesting spot w top top Quote
11-04-2020 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by valiantcalls
Generally speaking I would just fold, you already repped Qx or a big pair and V doesn't care, it's high variance against flush draws and V is repping KK/AA hard, even though you are blocking AA. I think the flop sizing is a little weird, you've already pretty much commited yourself to the pot so knowing that I wouldn't fold, but if flop sizing was different it would change a lot.
Hero raised pre-flop...was checked to on flop.

Do you know how many times I've seen players bet here with 88/99 or something similar...or even A8, or 79, 75. Plus any two hearts. This is low limit poker...not grandmaster chess.

Not sure why hero has to have a Q/big pair here.

Maybe if you're playing in Del Boca Vista with a bunch of OMCs then you're right.
Hardrock 1/2, interesting spot w top top Quote
11-05-2020 , 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by TheWizofKid
This is my second orbit at the table so my reads on players are minimal. Game is playing big for a 1/2, all opens have been between $15-20 and most players are 150+ BB's deep.

I open AQss UTG to $15 ($350 effective), MP, HJ, and button all call. The BB then 3-bets to $60. I call, as does the HJ and button. ($255 pot) flop Q86hhd. BB checks, I bet $100, HJ and button quickly fold, and the BB thinks for about 10 seconds before jamming all in. He has me covered and i have $190 left in my stack.

Knowing that it's only $190 more to win a pot of $835 can we ever find a fold? Does BB always have AA or KK? Is BB ever doing this with AKhh? Let me know what you guys think.
calling V's small 3-bet pre you know is allowing other 2 in putting you OOP.

jam or fold pre, calling the 3 is where all the mistakes following started from
why jam ? we are not going to 4-bet / fold here so GII or fold to the 3-bet.

as played call and yell to the floor CHIPS-PLEASE!
Hardrock 1/2, interesting spot w top top Quote
11-05-2020 , 05:57 PM
Thanks for the input guys.. it's clear to me I made a mistake calling the 3! pre to begin with. I ended up calling off on the flop and the board ran out, 7d, Jc. BB rolls over Ac Ks. So I scooped the pot..but without being results oriented I wanted opinions on what to do on the flop.
Hardrock 1/2, interesting spot w top top Quote
11-05-2020 , 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by BHDonkey
Hero raised pre-flop...was checked to on flop.

Do you know how many times I've seen players bet here with 88/99 or something similar...or even A8, or 79, 75. Plus any two hearts. This is low limit poker...not grandmaster chess.

Not sure why hero has to have a Q/big pair here.

Maybe if you're playing in Del Boca Vista with a bunch of OMCs then you're right.
I can agree that it is highly V dependent, against dummies and the general population I do actually think just calling it off is fine (changed from my original post). Against Vs that don't bluff a lot, their range should be AA/KK/AK and I don't see them jamming the flop with AK over hero when he bets, it's not the hardest fold in the world.
Hardrock 1/2, interesting spot w top top Quote
11-06-2020 , 01:47 PM

How do you not have any reads on the person sitting directly to your right? If you were deeper, I'd make more of an argument for flatting since as you witnessed it will lead to multiway much more often. When I read the replies I anticipate most saying this is a fold or shove situation and the proper answer to that is read dependent.

As played you have to call it off and unfortunately expect to lose pretty often. If you call pre and then fold this flop why were you even calling in the first place? Calling 3! UTG just hoping to flop a flush is not winning poker.
Hardrock 1/2, interesting spot w top top Quote
