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Is it a good line to bluff river? Is it a good line to bluff river?

12-18-2022 , 11:43 AM
yeah i mean this is great for the most part you have a lot of options except fold

there's no fold pre here, it's horrible, therefore calling or raising to start, also i think shoving pre shows a profit

there's like 15% of your stack size increase by shoving over the top IP, it's very close, people will fold better aces, they will only call with AK and fold hands like 88 99 so i think this could be a snap shove pre

or even re-raise call, at no point should you fold pre, for the most part hand plays itself there
Is it a good line to bluff river? Quote
12-18-2022 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by luz4ggro
What happens if we call me with a naked pair? A shove is folding all his nit nutty Range, and I don't think he has Many straights calling the turn
I'm not totally sure what any of that means except for the "not many straights" part.

If you think he's weak and won't call without the nuts, I'm not sure why this thread even exists. That doesn't compute with your other statement of "He can make hero call" though.

Since the price to just call the turn is so good and the odds of MP folding to your raise are close to zero, the real question isn't if a river bluff is +EV but if it has a higher EV than check/calling the turn or betting yourself.
Is it a good line to bluff river? Quote
02-19-2023 , 10:10 PM
He is very capable of hero calling me without the nuts. But I really believe he doesnt have a Tx, he doesnt have 2 pair (at least on the turn): He might have a straight or 98... but other than that he has way too many missed draws and he is not trapping me here. If he has the balls to call me with 9x or 8x, claps to him

Originally Posted by madlex
I'm not totally sure what any of that means except for the "not many straights" part.

If you think he's weak and won't call without the nuts, I'm not sure why this thread even exists. That doesn't compute with your other statement of "He can make hero call" though.

Since the price to just call the turn is so good and the odds of MP folding to your raise are close to zero, the real question isn't if a river bluff is +EV but if it has a higher EV than check/calling the turn or betting yourself.
Is it a good line to bluff river? Quote
02-20-2023 , 11:44 AM
Your line makes no sense for value except for a few combos (55/67ddcc) and how often are you calling 3 bets with 67ss? If I'm V I'm pretty much putting you on bluffs more than value. Problem is, his line makes no sense either. If I'm watching this as a 3rd party I'd think you were both bluffing with draws, so in that respect, you might get a better club draw (i.e. AQcc) to fold.

With that said. I dont play these stakes but it looks like 5/10 based on betting sizes. At 200bb in a 1/2 I am calling you down with Vs hand if I know you to be a borderline maniac.
Is it a good line to bluff river? Quote
02-20-2023 , 12:41 PM
Maniacs don’t need to and shouldn’t show bluffs. Once he calls turn I expect him to call river a lot so I shut down. The turn spot is reasonable imo, everyone is pretty capped and we have nut outs.
Is it a good line to bluff river? Quote
02-20-2023 , 12:41 PM
Seems ok all around. Thin, but fine.

First pre call maybe a tad loose unless blinds are fishy/deepish then obv it’s good. Under no circumstances do you fold to the 3b and multiple flats though lol
Is it a good line to bluff river? Quote
02-20-2023 , 07:13 PM
Just bet the turn bro. I know it's sexier to c/r the turn and bomb the river but what's the point? Just seems like a more expensive way to bluff/charge yourself for a flush draw. I would bet turn and bet river. CO 3 bet pf and checked the flop along with button. Once MP checks the turn he's basically screaming I have a weak hand. You've only checked once on the flop w/the PFR behind you. You can credibly rep a T, 2 pair or any number of strong holdings. By betting the turn you risk less on the semibluff and your hand is still nicely disguised so you can make a solid value bet sizing on the river and get villain to fold whatever weak crap he's got
Is it a good line to bluff river? Quote
