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Genius or Luck??? Genius or Luck???

11-07-2010 , 04:16 PM
I'm fortunate to have a soft $1/$2 cash game within 20min of my place that I hit almost every Friday night. I consistently make money there and I have a very accurate profile on every player there.
It was late most people were gone, and we were 3 handed when this hand happened: All players have between $200 and $300,

Hero limps in on button with K8,
mega-aggressive SB limps,
BB tight aggressive raises to $6,
Hero calls,
SB calls,
SB checks,
BB bets $6 ( which was weird )
Hero calls,
SB folds,
Turn 10,
BB checks,
Hero bets $20,
BB raises to $60,
Hero tanks then folds
*Based on his preflop raise, and weak turn lead, I put him on a very narrow range of either A8, or KQ*
I announced my hand, villain of course did not believe me, I showed, then he showed me his KQ
Due to the fact that I hold the opinions of 2plus2ers to such a high regard, I wanted to know if you think this was possible or lol, not quite?
11-07-2010 , 04:32 PM
Inc. flames, I will start. I guess that game must be REALLY soft then eh?
11-07-2010 , 04:36 PM
Yeah thats why I made that clear above. My brother did not think I should post it on here because it would not be takin seriously. Probably should have listened to him. Thanks for the response though.
11-07-2010 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by Mr.Position
Hero limps in on button with K8,
mega-aggressive SB limps,
BB tight aggressive raises to $6,
Hero calls,
SB calls,
SB checks,
BB bets $6 ( which was weird )
Hero calls,
SB folds,
I bolded my favorite part of the hand history

as for the hand... well played.
11-07-2010 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by masaraksh
I bolded my favorite part of the hand history

as for the hand... well played.
I lol'd at that part too.
11-07-2010 , 05:10 PM
you folded 3rd nuts. BB better be tight as ****
11-07-2010 , 06:07 PM
I don't understand calling the flop, hitting the only card you were trying to hit, betting your completed draw for value, and then folding because you suddenly developed a soul read that he had one of two specific hands, one of which you were tied with.
11-07-2010 , 08:07 PM
Doesn't sound like a very soft game if 3rd nuts fold is ever a correct decision.
11-07-2010 , 08:20 PM
I guess since everyone has been nice and posted a real reply, I'll play along also. This game must be super-crazy-I-can-fall-asleep-and-still-win-20-BBs-an-hour-soft if that preflop call on the button of K8 offsuit and then calling the BB raise is even remotely defensible.

Calling on the flop is once again, spew.

The turn is the only place where I can agree with the action. Once he checkraises I instamuch before his chips are pulled out.
11-07-2010 , 08:33 PM
OP calls himself "Mr. Position" and yet the hands starts off with "Hero limps in on button with K8"

Oh my, i love this forum.
11-07-2010 , 08:57 PM
All right guys, let it go.

OP, I'm locking this thread because there really isn't much more to say. Pf is a raise or fold, never a call (I'd raise). You have a gut shot straight draw and someone bets. You should have folded right there. Turn is fine, but his range consists of far more than A8 and KQ especially in a soft game. Even with this range, it is a slight, but positive EV to call.

A better hand history would have been to stop the hand where you were raised and asked what to do next. You'd get better answers. Check out the sticky at the top of the page on more suggestions to get better results the next time you post a HH.
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