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General limp preflop range in <img /2 and /5 9 handed games General limp preflop range in <img /2 and /5 9 handed games

03-17-2014 , 10:28 AM
I live in the US and have obviously been playing more live recently so I have been trying to develop my strategy. I've been working on my preflop ranges and have figured out that limping pre is much more viable in a 9 handed live game than in 6max online.

I see some people using the same strategy but they'll limp hands like 57s UTG or something like that, which I still think is pretty bad. Playing OOP in a raised pot with a hand like that (assuming some % of the time you'll get raised) just won't be profitable in the long run IMO.

On the other hand, limping suited aces and 22-77 (raising 88+/AT+) from EP-MP i feel can be greatly profitable for obvious implied odds reasons.

I'm always at least 100 BB deep (or whatever the table max is) and I don't think I need to be adding any more hands into my preflop limping range in these games. Does anyone have a different strategy? What do you think of mine?
General limp preflop range in <img /2 and /5 9 handed games Quote
03-17-2014 , 10:51 AM
You pretty much answered your own question. Suited aces and pocket pairs.

If you are over the age of 60 then I think it's pretty much mandatory that you also add big aces and big pocket pairs to your limping range. Just call with the KK to make sure the Ace doesn't hit the flop, then shove all other flops.
General limp preflop range in <img /2 and /5 9 handed games Quote
03-17-2014 , 10:54 AM
lel so true

for the record, im not asking what my limping range pre should be, im just asking if other people are adding more hands in different spots to their limping ranges and what people think of my particular strategy.
General limp preflop range in <img /2 and /5 9 handed games Quote
03-17-2014 , 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by GrindPokerAllDay
You pretty much answered your own question. Suited aces and pocket pairs.

If you are over the age of 60 then I think it's pretty much mandatory that you also add big aces and big pocket pairs to your limping range. Just call with the KK to make sure the Ace doesn't hit the flop, then shove all other flops.
You forgot a couple things.
Always limp raise AA from EP/MP
Don't raise AK from any position
If you do limp with a hand like AJ/AQ and hit top pair but the board is scary, make sure to put in a big overbet to protect your hand.
General limp preflop range in <img /2 and /5 9 handed games Quote
03-17-2014 , 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by blakeatron
lel so true

for the record, im not asking what my limping range pre should be, im just asking if other people are adding more hands in different spots to their limping ranges and what people think of my particular strategy.
I'm not sure how we can comment on the strategy without commenting on your range.
General limp preflop range in <img /2 and /5 9 handed games Quote
03-17-2014 , 11:53 AM
The way the first response was worded he responded as if i was asking what my limping range should be.

I'm saying that I already have one set up and want to know if anyone had suggestions as to adding/taking away certain hands in certain spots.

Just clarifying more than correcting him.
General limp preflop range in <img /2 and /5 9 handed games Quote
03-17-2014 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by blakeatron

I'm saying that I already have one set up and want to know if anyone had suggestions as to adding/taking away certain hands in certain spots.
So you don't want to change your range (it's already "set up"), but you want to know if you should change your range (by adding / taking away hands).

General limp preflop range in <img /2 and /5 9 handed games Quote
03-17-2014 , 12:35 PM
If your limps are getting raised often, I would rarely limp. At passive tables, limp suited aces and 88-22 in all positions. May add in suited Broadways and most SCs even OOP if people are stacking off light with top pair in limped pots. At tighter tables I prefer raising small PPs even UTG though. Also in general I don't limp that much even OOP. It's very table dependent. Also you have to have the discipline to limp fold. Just because you limped with 75s UTG because table conditions are perfect for it doesn't mean you should limp call $12 pre when there are 5 calls. SCs especially play terrible OOP in raised pots and they don't hit often enough.
General limp preflop range in <img /2 and /5 9 handed games Quote
03-17-2014 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by DaYu
So you don't want to change your range (it's already "set up"), but you want to know if you should change your range (by adding / taking away hands).

Don't understand why you are being a dick, but ok.
General limp preflop range in <img /2 and /5 9 handed games Quote
03-17-2014 , 03:22 PM
One difference I saw (and I know a few others in the forum who do this as well) is that I won't play AJ or AT from EP. I feel like raising that hand will often get us OOP against a dominating ace or a pp that will call a c-bet when the flop comes ragged. I'd rather open raise 66+ than AT personally. If you open 77 and get 4 callers then at the very worst you're setting up a pretty good set mining venture.

At one point I used to open raise 98s from UTG...but then I realized I wasn't gaining nearly enough in balancing value to make up for the -EV on those particular plays.

As others say, discipline to limp fold is key. If I open limp 22 UTG, MP raises to 6x, it folds back to me and I notice MP is only playing 40bb, then I don't call the extra 5bb. It's annoying, but I'm OOP and only getting 8:1 implied on the call when I really want better than 15:1 (or 20:1 according to Harrington on Cash). If I was at a really aggressive/competent table I probably fold 22 UTG since I would expect the limp to get raised quite often...but in most LLSNL games I can often expect to either not get raised or end up in a four way raises pot.
General limp preflop range in <img /2 and /5 9 handed games Quote
03-17-2014 , 03:46 PM
Tabel dependent, as always, but in general:
Limp 22-77, Raise AQ+.

I feel like opening most other stuff is spew. I give a lot of credence to being oop.
General limp preflop range in <img /2 and /5 9 handed games Quote
