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Full House, Villian exposes card Full House, Villian exposes card

04-11-2015 , 10:15 PM
1/2 at Peppermill Reno about 6:00pm

Hero: mid-20s white male, just sat down about three hands ago, table is switching players in and out every hand cause players are leaving. ($220)

Villian 1: Mid-40s white male, I'm assuming he's a dealer at the casino cause he still has his work clothes on and seems very friendly with everyone at the table. Makes a couple jokes to me about my tattoos as I sit immediately to his right. Only hand I saw from him was a c-bet about 1.5x the pot ($15 into $10) (~$500)

Villian 2: Mid-40s or 50s white asian man, has the sunglasses and huge headphones on (cheesy poker player look) ($300)

Villian 2 limps in LP, button limps, Hero in SB has QcQh raises to $15, Villian 1 in BB calls and Villian 2 calls

Flop (~$45): Qs 10d 4s

Hero bets $15 (I know that's a really small bet but I want it to look like a weak C-bet) Villian 1 calls and Villian 2 calls

Turn(~$90):Qs 10d 4h 10s

Hero checks, Villian 1 bets $35, Villian 2 calls, Hero calls (thought about raising but I still fell like the strength of my hand is pretty well disguised and i'm putting villain 1 on trip 10s and villain 2 on possible flush and straight draws with a pair)

River (~$195):Qs 10d 4h 10s 5c

Hero checks (Villian 1 already had his betting chips in hand so I know he's going to bet), Villian 1 bets $65, Villian 2 folds, Hero sitting there wondering how much to raise and Villian 1 says "I'll show you my band card and exposes his Ad", at this point I know the other card is a 10. Hero?????
Full House, Villian exposes card Quote
04-11-2015 , 10:27 PM
I think we should be betting bigger on the flop here I'd make it about $30.
As played I'm going all in here. Villain would have to call $90 to win $350 and there's no way he's folding a T here for that price.
Full House, Villian exposes card Quote
04-11-2015 , 10:41 PM
Full House, Villian exposes card Quote
04-11-2015 , 10:41 PM
also you have a 4s on flop which i think is 4h
Full House, Villian exposes card Quote
04-11-2015 , 10:43 PM
I understand going All-in is a no brainer but how do you deal with people that expose there whole cards like that? Is it just his own fault and he's asking for it?
Full House, Villian exposes card Quote
04-11-2015 , 10:45 PM
You should take advantage of it, he is trying to use it to take advantage of you.

You should worry more about how you played the rest of the hand. Will help you improve much more than focusing on what you should do on the river when your opponent exposes a card.
Full House, Villian exposes card Quote
04-11-2015 , 10:47 PM
Way too much FPS going on here. Still, as Jack pointed out, we have a shove that offers a good price on river, so let's shove. If V gets away here, you should be kicking yourself for the way you played the hand.

Flop bet is fine. OTT, you could lead 50-60 (instead of just getting 35$ in there), since V1 acts before V2, V2 will still be getting good odds (he thinks) to draw. Otherwise, CIB to $70. No way either of them folds, and if V2 folds, you weren't getting much from him anyway. The CIB shows your hand strength, but even calling here does that, the only way to disguise it is to lead.

After that, the river is trivial, and you aren't faced with raising an opponent who has essentially turned his hand face up. You also hopefully got more money from V2 while he was drawing...
Full House, Villian exposes card Quote
04-12-2015 , 07:21 AM

Super simple shove.
Full House, Villian exposes card Quote
04-12-2015 , 07:52 AM
Originally Posted by BackDoorFlush

Super simple shove.
It's not THAT simple. The guy purposelly ranged himself on exactly AT, or AQ. So any raise from us definitively declares that we beat those hands.

You have a guy who's a dealer, playing in his own casino, engaging in banter with a total stranger who just sat down. I'm gonna guess that this guy can read hands and read people just a little bit.

Aside: don't play in places where dealers can play. It's just slimey.

You have to convince this guy that you believe he has AQ. And that's not exactly "super simple". If you shove, he insta-folds AT, and that's really bad.

You have to convince him that you have a weak Ten, and nothing else. That's going to take some serious hollywood-ing.

So don't shove. Just min-raise, even though you miss out on some value from the last 25 bucks or whatever.

Don't make a big speech like ""you got ace/queen??"". Just make sure you look unhappy. Don't take an unreasonably long time. Just count out the chips, put them in and try to look stupid when you say "I hope your other card is a queen"
Full House, Villian exposes card Quote
04-12-2015 , 08:55 AM
Bigger on flop, bigger on turn, for Gods sake DO NOT CHECK THE TURN. At no point am I slowing down.
Full House, Villian exposes card Quote
04-12-2015 , 09:21 AM
You raised to $15 in SB. I never fall for you having a lone T. Only hand that's possible with is ATs. I'd put you on AQ/QJ/QT/KQ wanting action. Also a set is possible. You did get what you wanted out of the flop bet.

Risky c/c on the turn followed up by ck on the river. But it worked.

River: You barley have 2*$65 left -[$155]. What was the question again?

You think he'll call $130 but not $155?
Full House, Villian exposes card Quote
04-12-2015 , 09:33 AM
Originally Posted by ZuneIt
You raised to $15 in SB. I never fall for you having a lone T. Only hand that's possible with is ATs. I'd put you on AQ/QJ/QT/KQ wanting action. Also a set is possible. You did get what you wanted out of the flop bet.

Risky c/c on the turn followed up by ck on the river. But it worked.

River: You barley have 2*$65 left -[$155]. What was the question again?

You think he'll call $130 but not $155?
Yeah, one million percent yeah.

Frankly I think he calls the $130 about 0.00005738274% of the time so we're splitting hairs here.

But to get paid here, we have to convince the villain that we are a terrible fish with trip tens.
Full House, Villian exposes card Quote
04-12-2015 , 10:41 AM
So, when he exposes his ace, quickly say "Oh! I've got one of those!" then go all-in. Of course he may have AA & the one he exposed was the lower ranked suit.
Full House, Villian exposes card Quote
04-12-2015 , 10:50 AM
As played, Ship it, if he folds, don't show. He's probably calling with his ten. A poster seemed to think that dealers are thinking players. In my experience, dealers are fish. They play too lose, they don't pay attention. Jam.
But, other side of this: checking the turn creates this problem. A smallish bet -- half pot? -- makes it so much easier to stack this guy. Or, maybe min check raise turn? He fires the ten, he thinks he got lucky and is ahead of your queen, you could get it in on the turn. I don't love the check call turn.
Full House, Villian exposes card Quote
04-12-2015 , 10:54 AM
Originally Posted by SpexDome
It's not THAT simple. The guy purposelly ranged himself on exactly AT, or AQ. So any raise from us definitively declares that we beat those hands.

You have a guy who's a dealer, playing in his own casino, engaging in banter with a total stranger who just sat down. I'm gonna guess that this guy can read hands and read people just a little bit.

Aside: don't play in places where dealers can play. It's just slimey.

You have to convince this guy that you believe he has AQ. And that's not exactly "super simple". If you shove, he insta-folds AT, and that's really bad.

You have to convince him that you have a weak Ten, and nothing else. That's going to take some serious hollywood-ing.

So don't shove. Just min-raise, even though you miss out on some value from the last 25 bucks or whatever.

Don't make a big speech like ""you got ace/queen??"". Just make sure you look unhappy. Don't take an unreasonably long time. Just count out the chips, put them in and try to look stupid when you say "I hope your other card is a queen"
No... it's just a super simple shove. Don't give a speech... wait... actually you should just give a short speech. Lol wtf? Just put your chips in the pot without saying anything.
Full House, Villian exposes card Quote
04-12-2015 , 10:56 AM
Originally Posted by ThaNEWPr0fess0r
No... it's just a super simple shove. Don't give a speech... wait... actually you should just give a short speech. Lol wtf? Just put your chips in the pot without saying anything.
If we look at all like we know what the **** we're doing...he folds.
Full House, Villian exposes card Quote
04-12-2015 , 11:01 AM
The other option would be to take an extremely long time. Tank for about four or five minutes, maybe longer.

Think think think think think think think think think and then finally say "**** it" and shove it in.
Full House, Villian exposes card Quote
04-12-2015 , 12:16 PM
Um shove?

Full House, Villian exposes card Quote
04-12-2015 , 12:17 PM
"I knew you missed your draw, All-in!"
Full House, Villian exposes card Quote
04-12-2015 , 12:29 PM
Players who voluntarily show you one or both of their cards and have not already folded are not planning on folding later. Shove.

Unless you are 100% sure he will fold to a raise, then raising is strictly +EV. No one is calling $130 but folding for a tiny bit more.

Since you looking for psychological and not poker advice, show him one of your Q and shove.
Full House, Villian exposes card Quote
04-12-2015 , 12:36 PM
That's the main thing I was asking about, not necessarily the fact that it's pretty obvious I went all-in and he called showing Ad 10d. I was more so just asking about people who deal at the casino cause a lot of the casinos here in Reno have the dealers play right when they get off there shift cause they are all so "friendly" and "fish". The psychological aspect of someone exposing there hole cards.
Full House, Villian exposes card Quote
04-12-2015 , 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by SpexDome
The other option would be to take an extremely long time. Tank for about four or five minutes, maybe longer.

Think think think think think think think think think and then finally say "**** it" and shove it in.
Dude, that's worse than giving a speech. I would laugh so hard if I saw that. Might as well say "time to go home" and the shove.
Full House, Villian exposes card Quote
04-13-2015 , 11:25 AM
Lots of bad actors in this thread.
Full House, Villian exposes card Quote
