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Folding AKo for 70bb pre?? Folding AKo for 70bb pre??

10-07-2016 , 06:49 PM
1/3 and Hero has about $450 - Been at table for an hour and has pretty much just raised pre - and taken it down on flop or turn.

Villain 1 Mid position -$70 Mousey lady - likes to limp a lot

Villain 2 BB - $200 Fish cake but generally limps in a lot. He did call $100 bet on a flop is J65r with pocket 4s after calling a $20 raise pre. Player flipped over JQ and was good for what ever reason this villain flipped over pocket 4's as it was like he was confused he got beat.

Hero is CO with AK.

Someone straddles to $6 - Forgot if it was BTN or UTG.

Villain 1 makes it $30 with $40 behind.

Hero flats

BTN folds

Villain 2 jams all in

Mousey lady says screw it and calls.

Folding AKo for 70bb pre?? Quote
10-07-2016 , 07:25 PM
My money is in the pot so fast it gets there before theirs does.
Folding AKo for 70bb pre?? Quote
10-07-2016 , 08:13 PM
Given the straddle, she in effect only has 35 big blinds. I'd probably snap call then do an equity calculation later at home.
Folding AKo for 70bb pre?? Quote
10-07-2016 , 08:14 PM
I'm not completely sure I'd call the $200 shove or not, given the 4's hand though I'd be leaning towards doing so.

I'm confused as to why you flatted a $30 open from V1 when she only has $40 more behind though, seems like 3-bet put her in there is better. Then if V2 still 4-bet jams behind I'd be more worried about the strength of his hand than when he 3-bet jammed but price would just be too good on a call at that point so you'd definitely have to do it.
Folding AKo for 70bb pre?? Quote
10-07-2016 , 08:49 PM
Originally Posted by ITT666
I'm not completely sure I'd call the $200 shove or not, given the 4's hand though I'd be leaning towards doing so.

I'm confused as to why you flatted a $30 open from V1 when she only has $40 more behind though, seems like 3-bet put her in there is better. Then if V2 still 4-bet jams behind I'd be more worried about the strength of his hand than when he 3-bet jammed but price would just be too good on a call at that point so you'd definitely have to do it.
She basically committed herself and I was going to call any flop bet she made. I suppose 3betting pre would of been better as I technically invited some other fish to jump in the hand.

While I don't mind if someone else sees a flop with me, because I almost always have to hit to win, unless she has a hand like AQ or AJ, I didn't like facing a $200 jam.
Folding AKo for 70bb pre?? Quote
10-07-2016 , 08:54 PM
I 3bet to ~85-90 pre and then call V2s jam. The fact that it's a straddled pot at LLSNL typically doesn't really mean 35bb effective as people don't adjust properly to straddles, but this is a pretty trivial call tbh...

As played call.
Folding AKo for 70bb pre?? Quote
10-07-2016 , 08:56 PM
EV looks to be slightly positive EV. For the entire pot there are a lot of combinations where you are right around 0 EV because it looks like V2 can be spazzing with a lot of bad hands. The problem is that the ones where you are not it is far more likely that one of them shows up with AK/AA/KK and your in very bad shape. The combinations like AQ&AJ where you are in really good shape are going to be very rare. So your EV if there wasn't a side pot would be somewhat negative.

That is countered by V2 being so much deeper then V1. There will be a fair number of hands where V1 shows up with a pair and V2 shows up with some spazz and you take the side pot unimproved. Because V2 is so much deeper you can still come out ahead on the hand even if V1 takes the main pot and that should push your total EV into the positive range.
Folding AKo for 70bb pre?? Quote
10-07-2016 , 08:56 PM
Do you think AK is ahead of her range over all though?

I understand you're calling her shove otf if she makes one, but what if she check folds the flop to you? Now you're out the extra $40.

So I'd 3-bet her pre personally. No reason to make it anything more than what she has imo, so 3-bet to $70 would be my line, and even though the $200 would now be a 4-bet if made, still have to call it off considering the price we're getting and how fishy/awful v2 showed himself to be in 44 hand.
Folding AKo for 70bb pre?? Quote
10-07-2016 , 09:02 PM
3! pre, $85-$90.

As played, it's pretty much a snap call. I can't imagine folding.
Folding AKo for 70bb pre?? Quote
10-08-2016 , 02:41 PM
Hero snap calls and runs into KK

Lady had AQ

Lost the $200 LOL
Folding AKo for 70bb pre?? Quote
10-09-2016 , 03:49 PM
3bet first. Problem solved.
Folding AKo for 70bb pre?? Quote
10-09-2016 , 04:05 PM
Not 3! here is bad I believe.
Folding AKo for 70bb pre?? Quote
10-11-2016 , 01:24 AM
wtf lmao this is the quickest snap of all time. also 3betting pre.
Folding AKo for 70bb pre?? Quote
10-11-2016 , 01:55 PM
meale the way you post like you have the truth is slightly annoying.
Folding AKo for 70bb pre?? Quote
10-11-2016 , 02:13 PM
What's limpy mouse lady's range for raising half her small stack? Some people will be in go-home-mode and start raising very wide and have no problem getting in their stack lightly. Others just keep their tight raising standard. My guess is it is more the latter here, in which case I would actually just fold to the initial raise until we see evidence that suggests we should do otherwise (or there is a crapload of other dead money in the pot that makes up for our flipping times).

As for the limpy/cally BB, if he limp/raised a Button straddle, his range is probably AA. If UTG straddled, his range is probably AA/KK. Or not too far off from that. Easy fold again.

Sometimes players just simply play their hands face up. We can take advantage of that by folding AK preflop.

ETA: Seems I'm the odd man out. Really need better reads to know the correct play, imo. My reads are that we actually ran into the bottom of both their ranges, and yet are still in horrible shape, but maybe I'm not reading things right.

Folding AKo for 70bb pre?? Quote
10-11-2016 , 02:32 PM
How come fish never fold ak online. They shove they call shoves then live they fold it all the time?
Folding AKo for 70bb pre?? Quote
10-11-2016 , 02:40 PM
FWIW, we only start just *barely* winning the initial flip when we start adding AJ into mousey lady's opening range assuming we've already added 22+/AK/AQ (and maybe start getting just *slightly* more EV depending on how many dead limps are already in). So if mousey Lady is sticking in half her stack preflop with AJ/KQ/etc. and less, then by all means, let's get in there. Otherwise, more discussion has to be made for folding to her open, imo.

Gnotsuremyunderstandingof"mouseylady"isthesameasev eryoneelseG
Folding AKo for 70bb pre?? Quote
10-11-2016 , 03:17 PM
Given just the reads on the OP and general population I'd give lady at least AT+, KQ, 22+ if not wider. I think we're fine to 3! for value. And if we 3! to 90 we have to call the additional 110 when V2 shoves.

AP I think we still call the shove. I wouldn't be surprised to be up against AQ/AJ & 22+ so we're doing pretty okay against the gii ranges.

Originally Posted by djevans
for what ever reason this villain flipped over pocket 4's as it was like he was confused he got beat.
He's not confused he got beat he's showing that he got drawn out on. Like the guy who open folds KK on the A high flop.
Folding AKo for 70bb pre?? Quote
