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Flush facing River bet (2-low-paired board) Flush facing River bet (2-low-paired board)

11-23-2015 , 11:52 PM
Game: Live 1/2
Hand: K9ss
Position: UTG (7-handed)
Stack: 1400$
Villain: Really solid thinking player, Asian 20-25yo, we play together often, I just won a 750$ pot against him an hour ago, but I now he never tilts) He has 600$, MP.

Preflop Action: I 15$ (I haven’t played a hand in a while), V calls, BB calls. (45$)
Flop: 44Tssh
Action: I bet 20$, V calls, BB folds. (85$)
Turn: 6s
Action: I bet 60$, he calls. (205$)
River: 6c
Action: I check, he bets 200$, I?

I don't think he calls with a lot of 4's preflop, and a 6 is really unlikely. Maybe A4s sometimes, 45s sometimes, 44, 66, but I'm not sure... This river bet is huge and I'm not sure what it means neither!
Flush facing River bet (2-low-paired board) Quote
11-23-2015 , 11:59 PM
Given pre and flop as played, I am probably checking turn.
Flush facing River bet (2-low-paired board) Quote
11-24-2015 , 01:31 AM
Lol to checking turn, I think a 4 is in his range only a very marginal portion of the time at that point...
Flush facing River bet (2-low-paired board) Quote
11-24-2015 , 02:19 AM
Originally Posted by CamNewton3
Lol to checking turn, I think a 4 is in his range only a very marginal portion of the time at that point...
out of position versus a thinking player with a hand that is hard to fold without some sort of soul read. pot control
Flush facing River bet (2-low-paired board) Quote
11-24-2015 , 10:03 AM
You realize I have a flush? lol

Only hand that realisticaly beats me is TT and he probably would have raised flop.

I think I actually should have bet more OTT!

Any other thoughts?
Flush facing River bet (2-low-paired board) Quote
11-24-2015 , 10:24 AM
fold pre and as played I'm folding the river in a heart beat
Flush facing River bet (2-low-paired board) Quote
11-24-2015 , 03:50 PM
fold pre
size your bets bigger
Flush facing River bet (2-low-paired board) Quote
11-24-2015 , 04:37 PM
I think pre is fine 7-handed, as long as you don't get married to TP on a K-high board.

Agreed that you need to size your bets bigger on each street, and b/f the river, for Christ's sake. What exactly are you expecting him to bluff with on this board that you would c/c? He's way more likely to look you up with Tx or JJ than he is to bet with a worse hand on this river.
Flush facing River bet (2-low-paired board) Quote
11-24-2015 , 04:58 PM
I don't trunk you're going to see a high success rate bluffing people on the flop with bets that small. I would bet 30 here.
Flush facing River bet (2-low-paired board) Quote
11-24-2015 , 10:09 PM
It's just a standard C-bet (1/2 pot), and I don't care getting called on that street with my FD, I should bet more OTT thats right tho
Flush facing River bet (2-low-paired board) Quote
11-25-2015 , 08:27 AM
Originally Posted by CamNewton3
You realize I have a flush? lol

Only hand that realisticaly beats me is TT and he probably would have raised flop.

I think I actually should have bet more OTT!

Any other thoughts?
Checking turn can induce a bluff from a thinking player. Your analysis that the "only hand that realisticaly [sic] beats me is TT" works both ways: insofar as this is a weak board. Thus we often fold him on the turn with a bet. 70.58% is already a big turn bet. Betting bigger on the turn, on this weak board, will fold out even more of the hands from which we want value.
Flush facing River bet (2-low-paired board) Quote
11-25-2015 , 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by CamNewton3
It's just a standard C-bet (1/2 pot), and I don't care getting called on that street with my FD, I should bet more OTT thats right tho
You didn't bet 1/2 pot on the flop, and there is no "standard" c-bet size. You need to adjust for board texture and # of opponents. Flop should have been $30 minimum.
Flush facing River bet (2-low-paired board) Quote
