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Flush draw stack off Flush draw stack off

10-05-2019 , 03:26 AM
2-5. 2 AM. Down to 5 handed on a T handed table. Mandatory straddle and I'm in it. Ive been at the table for 4 hours and watched worse players leave and leave us short handed. I'm pretty active but I'd been laying low and folding more (like most as the table had quieted some) and I was short stacking around 600 before I chipped up in 2 hands then this one came up.
Villian note said: "Laggy, good intuition but too loose betting and calling". On a different night I'd seen him make spewy calls and shoves. Tonight he wasnt getting out of line as much though he still liked to stab and steal.

Hero Mississippi button straddles to 10. Folds to villain. Villain (covers hero) opens to 35 from cutoff. Hero (900) 3 bets to 100 with Q9. Villain calls.
(200) T23. Villain checks. Hero cbets to 100. Villain calls.
(400) 3. Villain checks. Hero barrels 230. Villain calls.
(860) A. Villain checks. Hero ??? Considering a three-barrel shove here

Was the A a good or bad card?
I sized the turn to setup a river shove. How'd I do with turn sizing?
I feel like my line might not make much sense if I shove here. He'd seen me check a street for pot control with category 2 hands in the past so it seems like I'd be repping mostly AA or AK-AT since I would've slowed down on turn with A high. Shove would target all the non set / non A pairs.

How about alternative lines like checking back turn or river or floating the flop? Could i have shoved 700 into 400 on turn?
Is SPR 4.5 on flop what makes this one awkward?

Also Im newish at posting so I'll apologize for oversplaining or being confusing. Really appreciate everyone!

Last edited by Garick; 10-05-2019 at 09:52 AM. Reason: removed results
Flush draw stack off Quote
10-05-2019 , 09:55 AM
Welcome to the forum. Please don't include results for at least a day after OP, as they bias people's responses. I edited them out.
Flush draw stack off Quote
10-05-2019 , 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by Garick
Welcome to the forum. Please don't include results for at least a day after OP, as they bias people's responses. I edited them out.
Oops. Okay thanks for editing!
Flush draw stack off Quote
10-05-2019 , 04:16 PM
Pre: They don't allow BTN straddles where i'm from so i don't really have much experience with them. But typically i just defend with this hand in position vs an 3.5x open.

Flop: cbet is a bit big, but it's late and villain might be splashy, so yeah ok, whatever.

Turn: I either check or bet big (between 90-120% PSB) and in both cases i mostly give up on the river. This sizing leaves Hero with ~50% PSB on the river, which isn't that much FE.

River: AP, give up. We block quite a few FD combo's, but crucially not the Ac. Plus the A takes JJ-KK out of our value betting range so we are actually more bluffheavy on this river. And, again, it's late and villain has shown some spewy tendencies. Even JT might find a hero call here.
Flush draw stack off Quote
