Flush draw/gutshot two all in.
Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 332
Playing tournament blinds 2000/4000 still long way to go. I have about 90000 in small blind. One raiser in mid position raises to 10000 30000 behind I have 10-8 hearts he has 30000 behind. I probably shouldn't have called but hey. Big blind calls with 20000 behind. Flop comes J-7-3 two hearts. I think great flop and went to donk but tried to get clever instead. I thought I will check and BB will check raiser continues I ship they both fold or I can get lucky. That action has worked quite a bit with these players.
Trouble is I check BB ships raiser re ships now I have to either call for half my stack or fold. I know I need to hit. I know I'm getting more vfm now two people in the pot. But now I've lost fold equity I don't fancy it. Any thoughts.
Players are tight fit or fold players never reraise without the goods and are reluctant to call for there stack.
Cash I most probably call.
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 5,122
wrong forum sir - fold pre
as played i'm calling
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