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Flush draw with gutshot against two opponents Flush draw with gutshot against two opponents

10-12-2014 , 07:09 PM
1/3 NL live at the Bellagio. Tight player raises UTG with about 300 to 11, fish in MP with 100 calls, I call on the button with JcTc with about $250 behind. My image and tight aggressive.

Flop comes AK4 with two clubs. UTG checks, fish bets 10, I call, UTG check-raises to $50, fish folds.

Comes back to me and I make it $120, UTG shoves and I call.

Flush draw with gutshot against two opponents Quote
10-12-2014 , 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by chr147
Tight player raises UTG
Flop comes AK4
UTG check-raises
I make it $120
UTG shoves
yikes! what would he ever c/r the flop with that folds to your 3bet? don't think a live player with said description plays AQ like this unless it's AQcc (you didn't specify which flop cards were clubs , this makes a difference). you're not getting him to fold AK. not really sure what you were going for.
Flush draw with gutshot against two opponents Quote
10-14-2014 , 12:22 AM
I hope the fish is the reason you are calling preflop so light. If he is a fish like you say I would like to try to isolate him by semi bluffing small on flop. When your tight utg raiser check raises here I think you have next to zero fold equity. The two clubs that are on board do make a great difference to me. If the Ais not on board he could have you in real bad shape. I might even fold to his check raise. If you are going to try to suck out I think it is better to peel for $40. I think you are most likely close to a 2-1 dog to his range. A or K on turn you can get away cheep or you might miss cheaper if he has a hand like AT and slows down after your call. By reraising you are maximizing your losses. I'm not so sure if its better to make this a one card draw for implied odds or to just shove the flop and not have to fold most turn bets.
Flush draw with gutshot against two opponents Quote
10-14-2014 , 01:06 AM
Not sure why you 3b the flop after flatting the 10. This back raise looks pretty much like what it is. V is repping AK, AA or KK here so we can't think we have any fold equity at all.

Against his range we are about a 3:1 dog with 1 card. We are getting better than 2:1 to call the 40 and should have some implied odds... Enough to make calling for the turn ok.

If he's never folding then we are getting 1:1 on any money over and above the call.

Back raising flop here is a bit spewey but once we do we are getting correct odds to call off his shove since we are less than a 2:1 dog with 2 cards to come.
Flush draw with gutshot against two opponents Quote
10-14-2014 , 11:48 AM
What do you make of the $11 open? Is that a standard open at this table? At my table, an $11 open is more-or-less considered a limp, so raiser would expect eleventeen ways. But how does your table play? If this could be considered a weak open pot builder, I could get behind a 3bet. I'm also cool with calling since price is cheap, we'll be in position, and we'll be going at least 3ways. If opener is a really good player, I could even get behind folding as he's never going to pay us off if we hit and the fish is shortstacked.

I'm fine with just calling the fish bet. We do have a nice monster draw, but against a shorter stack fish who is betting, I'm not sure we have much FE. So I'm cool with just chasing with our good odds and stacking him when we hit. Facing the check/raise again really comes down to range of hands this guy could be opening for just $11 UTG, plus how aggro he is (the small fish bet and our call look really weak, so he could be making a play here). Anyways, there is already $100 in the pot and we only have $230 left, so I would typically shove at this point. We could get check/raiser to fold TP type hands, and otherwise we're doing fine against all hands except for sets (and even against those we're doing ok). Not sure what the point of the small raise was, I would have rather maximized my FE with a shove.

ETA: Might be tough to get a handle on this hand without "being there" reads on Villain and table dynamics. Good points by others about how this looks exactly like the hands we're not thrilled to be up against (i.e. AA/KK/AK), but on the other hand dude has just seen a fishy $10 bet into $30 plus a $10 call (not exactly a lot of strength being shown in this hand, so overplaying TP or even weaker hands ain't impossible, but depends on villain).

Flush draw with gutshot against two opponents Quote
10-14-2014 , 12:31 PM
I agree that if v is wider and we think we have FE then shove> smaller raise.
Flush draw with gutshot against two opponents Quote
