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Flopping top pair out of the big blind Flopping top pair out of the big blind

10-06-2010 , 01:24 PM
I can't decide if I am missing money in these situations.

Say you have J4o in the BB and the flop comes JT2 ... Do you fire the pot multiway in this situation and re-evaluate? Do you check/call and see what happens on the turn? If you check and there are multiple callers, are you still calling?

Most of the time I take the attitude, 'it was my big blind and there's no reason to spew money here.' But I've seen enough people bet a T or a straight draw that I could be ahead of some ranges.

I don't know ... these types of hands are difficult for a beginner to play live (at least for me).
Flopping top pair out of the big blind Quote
10-06-2010 , 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by ibelieveinkolb
I can't decide if I am missing money in these situations.

Say you have J4o in the BB and the flop comes JT2 ... Do you fire the pot multiway in this situation and re-evaluate? Do you check/call and see what happens on the turn? If you check and there are multiple callers, are you still calling?

Most of the time I take the attitude, 'it was my big blind and there's no reason to spew money here.' But I've seen enough people bet a T or a straight draw that I could be ahead of some ranges.

I don't know ... these types of hands are difficult for a beginner to play live (at least for me).
Most thinking players will give you credit for having a hand in a limped pot when you bet out from the blind. I would put a feeler bet out there and expect to see one or two callers. From here, re-evaluate the turn and decide if they were calling you with middle pair type hands. If the board is favorable on the turn I will often make another bet confident that it is for value, and say something like "Do you have two pair already?" if called.
Flopping top pair out of the big blind Quote
10-06-2010 , 02:16 PM
I always wonder what to do here also.
Currently, I usually bet out ~pot size and shut down after that, it avoids others betting with a T and folding me out, like you mentioned.

P.S. doyoustillbelieveinkolb?
Flopping top pair out of the big blind Quote
10-06-2010 , 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by crsseyed
I always wonder what to do here also.
Currently, I usually bet out ~pot size and shut down after that, it avoids others betting with a T and folding me out, like you mentioned.

P.S. doyoustillbelieveinkolb?
I disagree, my brother and I debate this on the regular. I think a pot bet here is putting too much money in OOP when your so vulnerable. Playing from the BB is a losing spot, its just about how much you lose. IMO, I like to simply cut my losses and check to see what happens, keeping a smaller pot. After seeing the action after me I may decide to hop in based on action and my read, but I believe leading out here pot sized is a mistake.
Flopping top pair out of the big blind Quote
10-06-2010 , 06:02 PM
in this situation it's usually better to check/fold.
Flopping top pair out of the big blind Quote
10-06-2010 , 06:04 PM
It clearly depends how multi you mean by multiway.
Flopping top pair out of the big blind Quote
10-06-2010 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by Mr.Position
I disagree, my brother and I debate this on the regular. I think a pot bet here is putting too much money in OOP when your so vulnerable. Playing from the BB is a losing spot, its just about how much you lose. IMO, I like to simply cut my losses and check to see what happens, keeping a smaller pot. After seeing the action after me I may decide to hop in based on action and my read, but I believe leading out here pot sized is a mistake.
If the board texture is drawy then what youre saying is correct. Otherwise this is so wrong.

Check/call is the worst possible thing you can do, OP. You have no idea where you stand. Bet out and see what happens. Scared money dosent make money.
Flopping top pair out of the big blind Quote
10-06-2010 , 06:09 PM
i always fold out marginal situations like this especially oop
when i get the money in i want to be ahead
unless im bluffing
yes this is weak tight thinking
this hand has more value when you have position
when you have position you can fire with bottem/middle/top pair or even bluffs all day long

if you c/c you have 2 more streets to play
can you c/c 2 more pot size bets?
if you bet, you are betting into the dark
callers can have you beat, they can be calling with bottem or middle pair, you never know
or you can do a c/r if you feel there's going to be a better and that better is holding a weak hand that he's likely to fold after he bet
but alot of it is like a guessing game, you never know how good your hand is while out of position

small hand small pot, big hand big pot
Flopping top pair out of the big blind Quote
10-06-2010 , 06:17 PM
btw you are more likely to make more mistakes playing marginal hands
than strong hands
by getting into less marginal situations allow you to make less mistakes

winning money in poker is about making less mistakes than opponents

by making less mistakes you win in the long run
Flopping top pair out of the big blind Quote
10-06-2010 , 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by grindme
If the board texture is drawy then what youre saying is correct. Otherwise this is so wrong.

Check/call is the worst possible thing you can do, OP. You have no idea where you stand. Bet out and see what happens. Scared money dosent make money.

So you apparently do not believe in value checking? Checking and calling are of course what the worst players in the world do on the regular, but I think there are times when it is correct. If your sittin in the BB and you got two limpers and a free flop comes K 9 2r, and you hold K3 you think you should bet out to see where you are at? What if you get raised? Would that be the "I seen where I'm at theory" now I can fold? Or did your villain just observe a lead out on a nothing board and decide his fold equity is huge here so he pops you? I believe there are good reasons to bet here and to check. To say checking here is incorrect, to me, is incorrect. I think I check that flop and hope for a bet because I am ahead, then lead out on the turn. You must not be a Johnny Chan fan, lol. And checking and calling does not equal scared, remind me to trap you if we ever sit at the same table, jk pal.

Flopping top pair out of the big blind Quote
10-06-2010 , 07:22 PM
Your OOP, with TPNK and reverse implied odds in a MWP. If it's checked through to the turn and a blank falls, you may be good and can risk a bet then. Otherwise, Why push a possibly small edge with J4o in the BB when you can push a huge edge with most non trash hands in position?
Flopping top pair out of the big blind Quote
10-06-2010 , 07:54 PM
chk fold flop
bet safe turn
Flopping top pair out of the big blind Quote
10-06-2010 , 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by Bluffallo
chk fold flop
bet safe turn

fold pre
Flopping top pair out of the big blind Quote
10-06-2010 , 09:42 PM
Check fold flop, either bet safe turn, or check call safe turn to often collect one more street of value from most weak low limit players who now believe their ten is good
Flopping top pair out of the big blind Quote
10-06-2010 , 11:16 PM
I'm with mr position. Check and call most of the time then re-eval the turn. I will add that most live plyrs will check behind on turn with mid pair or less. I will check fold flop if there are multiple plyrs. Its live so u should have a good feel for playing styles if someone bets
Flopping top pair out of the big blind Quote
10-07-2010 , 12:27 AM
Generally I'd rather lead out since live players peel with all sorts of crap so there's plenty of value, yet they would otherwise check to hit the free card. Even if your hand is completely face up as top pair (which it really isn't), they're still going to be thinking only about their hand and be all "oh I just have to hit my five outer and I'm gooooood"

If it's super dry like J 2 2r though then I might consider checking just so someone can hit an underpair on future streets. But generally leading out is fine since as long as there's some sort of drawiness: you'll get called by all kinds of hands.
Flopping top pair out of the big blind Quote
10-07-2010 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by terrywogan
fold pre
It's limped to us in BB.

Tho I can't say I haven't done this. When you say "fold" from BB when it's limped to you and dealer says "You're already in" it's hard to represent a good hand/LOL
Flopping top pair out of the big blind Quote
10-07-2010 , 02:48 PM
Flopping top pair out of the big blind Quote
10-07-2010 , 03:27 PM
Interestingly, this is split pretty much down the middle between bet out and check/fold.
Flopping top pair out of the big blind Quote
10-07-2010 , 03:47 PM
I'm surprised there hasn't been more discussion itt about your opponents tendencies. I mix up my play it these spots based on the table dynamics as well as my image. If I am up against players who will bet any pair, draw, bluff, etc but don't raise often, I will lead out. I think pot sized net is too much, imo. You should get the same results/info with a 2/3psb.

If I'm playing against several calling stations and feel it will be difficult to narrow hand ranges against multiple callers, I will check and either call or fold based on the action and amount.
Flopping top pair out of the big blind Quote
10-07-2010 , 04:19 PM
This is something I struggle with as proven by the following:

five limpers to me in the big blind and I check with Q5c

2s 10c qs

checked to the button a good, thinking player who bets the pot. SB calls and so do I (first mistake).

turn 8c

checked to the button again who bets pot again. SB folds and I am prepared to fold until I look back and remember I now have a flush draw. I pick what is probably the worst of my three options and call.

river blank, can't remember what.

checked again to the button who bets the pot again and I hate life. So again these top pair crappy kicker out of the blinds are tough spots that can bleed a lot of chips. I think best line here would have been a flop bet/fold to the raise that would have probably come from the button. c/c led to all kinds of problems.
Flopping top pair out of the big blind Quote
10-07-2010 , 05:12 PM
This is a very broad question. The answer depends highly on the board and your opponents.

In a multiway pot that has 5 or more players, I am much more likely to check intending to fold to a bet. It is going to be tough to navigate through any action here and odds that you hand is best are greatly reduced. If hand checks through to river with a genuine lack of interest from all other players, I may bet cards on river that make someone a strong 2nd pair that they will call with. My bet will be maybe 2/3 pot. Not too big for a worse hand to call but not really fishy-small. If players will never call with 2nd pair, DONT BET. (and get a table change)

When there are less than 5 players, I will more often consider betting. I will usually only bet out into LOOSE/PASSIVE players. You want to know that any additional action means you are beat! My bets are usually in the range of 2/3 pot. Remember, we are trying to get called by worse hands.

The 2 big situations that will cause me to bet are:

1) Board is somewhat draw heavy and my hand is likely best now. Other players are likely to chase draws and come along not realizing that they have 0 implied odds. Better hands often raise since the board is draw heavy and then you fold. Make sure villains are passive so they will not raise with combo draws. Then keep the pot small.

2) I have a medium/low strength hand such as middle pair, good kicker on a very dry board. Leading out for 1/2 pot or 2/3 pot will sometimes win the pot immediately. You may also be called by a worse hand. Admittedly, I am betting mostly for protection. If you check the hand down, many times another player will pair a higher card on the turn or river and you lose since you are playing vs 4 other hands.

In general, if you make small/medium bets, you don't have to win the pot all that often to show a profit. Often, you can simply give up the times that you are called and still show a small profit long-term.

Ultimately, make sure that either a worse hand can call you or your bet size gives you such good pot odds that you can show a profit simply based upon the likelihood that your hand is already best.
Flopping top pair out of the big blind Quote
10-08-2010 , 11:58 AM
Good post. Seems like a lot table dependent ^
Flopping top pair out of the big blind Quote
10-08-2010 , 12:35 PM
Depending on reads I think c/f = c/r >>> c/c in this spot. Check calling here will leave you folding WAAYYY too often on later streets.
Flopping top pair out of the big blind Quote
