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Flopped two pair in unraised pot Flopped two pair in unraised pot

04-17-2012 , 09:27 AM
My first post in the live forum so please bear with me.

I'm in a short handed NLHE game in my local club.
the players are well known regs of varying capabilities and various degrees of tilt.
Game has been running for some hours, some players just cashed out and we're nearing a close of the game we are now 4 or 5 players left.

We are playing what is equiv of $2/4 (standard size in the club and most clubs around the country)

My stack is just around $350, BTN stack covers me barely.
I have been losing this session, I'm down about 250-300

i am in the BB alone as the person who was supposed to post SB cashed out.
So, it's folded to the btn who just limps.

I have K() 4() and check.

flop comes K() J() 4()

I lead for $10, BTN raises me to about $55
alarms go off, but I can't see any other than a K with an ok kicker doing this. something like KT, K9
In my logic sets would raise preflop apart from 4's, but I think on this flop this player would tend to want to trap with 44

I call the raise and the turn is 8()

I check, he bets $68
I call.

River is 7()

I tank for a few minutes, ask him if he has set of 4's.
I have about $210-230 behind.

I really think he would raise preflop with AK, KJ, KK and JJ, and trap flop with 44, so that leaves some freakish catch up hands to beat me, and I might fold those out with a large 3'rd barrel so I push.


Am I ever folding the flop? How about the turn?
Then what is best action on river? Block bet? Check and hope for check check then call or fold a bet from him?
Flopped two pair in unraised pot Quote
04-17-2012 , 11:04 AM
How aggressive is he? If very aggressive I donk the turn for like $20 to induce a raise. We need to think about getting the money in the middle. Ch/r always looks much stronger than a lead. As played I snap jam the river.
Flopped two pair in unraised pot Quote
04-17-2012 , 11:06 AM
Uh, I would not be upset with letting go on the flop, he flatted pre on the button. The BB raises first on the flop, he should suspect here a set, or a 2 pair. So he should only be raising with QT,KJ,K4, 44. I eliminated K4 from his range.

QT combos-16

At best against this range it's almost a coinflip, I snap fold and don't hate it.
Flopped two pair in unraised pot Quote
04-17-2012 , 11:13 AM
really depends on villain. im probably happy to get it in.
Flopped two pair in unraised pot Quote
