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Flopped straight get's worst card on the river aggainst hyper aggressive player. Hero call? Flopped straight get's worst card on the river aggainst hyper aggressive player. Hero call?

01-20-2020 , 02:55 PM
Hero (680): Hyper aggressive image in the room. Has seen made a lot of aggressive plays in the past. People tend to think that I overbluff sometimes, so it helps me get a lot of value from made hands.
V1 (750): Hyper aggressive aggro fish. He has really big swings. He can barrel 3 streets with complete air. He can call all ins with just top pair. He also likes to gamble. He makes really aggressive moves. I've seen him overbluff more than he should in many hands

Blinds 5-5
Hero has 67 and raises to 25 in MP. HJ and button call (not important in the hand), v1 in the BB calls

Flop(105): T98

That's a dream flop for me. I c-bet to 70. HJ and button fold, V1 decides to call.

Turn(245): J
V1 checks. I know it's not a good card for me, but I still have the straight flush draw as well as the flopped straight and V1 can call me down with 2 pair,flush draw are set trying to draw me out of the hand. Although a flush draw in the flop might have directly raised me as he is very aggressive.

Anyways I decide to bet out 120. V1 instant calls.

River (485): T
V1 instantly goes all in. About 470 for me to call

I know that this is an extremely dangerous board for me. But V1 is an extremely aggressive guy capable of doing big bluffs in really weird spots. He is really not afraid of money and we can say that he overbluffs at dangerous spots for the other player

Should we call here?

Last edited by luz4ggro; 01-20-2020 at 03:06 PM.
Flopped straight get's worst card on the river aggainst hyper aggressive player. Hero call? Quote
01-20-2020 , 03:05 PM
my thoughts

A) It doesn't sound like you have a lot of J's in your range
B) It doesn't sound like he's smart enough to know that.
C) bluffing this board is suicide unless he has a good reason to eliminate J's from your range.

So is he a fish? Or not?

If he's a fish, fold. If not....probably still fold.
Flopped straight get's worst card on the river aggainst hyper aggressive player. Hero call? Quote
01-20-2020 , 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by LowStakes
my thoughts

A) It doesn't sound like you have a lot of J's in your range
B) It doesn't sound like he's smart enough to know that.
C) bluffing this board is suicide unless he has a good reason to eliminate J's from your range.

So is he a fish? Or not?

If he's a fish, fold. If not....probably still fold.

My bad, I've just edited the post. Turn was a J

And he really is the definition of hyper aggressive whale. But you know that whales also get hands once in a while
Flopped straight get's worst card on the river aggainst hyper aggressive player. Hero call? Quote
01-20-2020 , 03:15 PM
ok, well changing the turn card invalidates everything in my previous post.

Clean slate.

just fold.

What bluffs could he have? Based on the description he could be doing this maybe with 8s9s but that's one combo.

Is he really the type to call turn and rip it in here with AT? He may be a whale but no one hates money that much.
Flopped straight get's worst card on the river aggainst hyper aggressive player. Hero call? Quote
01-20-2020 , 03:30 PM
Auto fold with the ignorant end to a fish or not. The board pairing seals it.
Flopped straight get's worst card on the river aggainst hyper aggressive player. Hero call? Quote
01-20-2020 , 03:32 PM
Snap fold. Interesting spot if we have Qx. Might be a call with a blocker, fold if not.
Flopped straight get's worst card on the river aggainst hyper aggressive player. Hero call? Quote
01-20-2020 , 03:56 PM
Title should read worst card on turn AND river

check turn. this bet is pure FPS.

some river considerations:
* villain has to be shoving worse >50% of the time for this to be a profitable call.
* a primary rationale for betting turn is that villain will call with 2p hands. many/most of these hands now beat you on the river.
* you seem to know a lot about villain and imply he may know a lot about you. do you have any other history or game flow that may contribute to understanding what level he was on? (ie is it time for one of you to take a stand? does he suspect you will call him light? etc)
* this is probably the nut worst runout for you. if you are ever going to fold after this flop against this vill w this hand, regardless of any other factors, it would be on this runout.
* my experience is that insta-bets are usually bluffs, especially out of flow. do you have any timing tells on vill?
* a good villain should be attacking your turn bet.
* I assume you believe villain is capable of floating OOP twice to bluff river, but is that what he's doing here? is he turning a counterfeit 2p (98) into a bluff bc he has boat blockers and figures (rightly) you don't have a J? how light do you really think he is peeling the flop OOP heads up in order to float? if you want to call river then you are willing to bet $470 that he's doing some or all of these things. so what are you willing to bet that he's doing?
* villain has every nutted hand in his range and can justifiably play all of them this way given your perceived image, since c/c monsters against and open shoving into LAGs is good strat.

overall this river is a fold, but the most important aspect is that the turn is a check. your range can't defend the bet and neither can this specific hand.

you're making the wrong adjustment to the player type and change in board texture. against players like this, you want to be able to put in the last bet, not have to call it. once you bet turn, you lose the ability to decide if stacks go in, which is what you don't want against this villain with this hand. your turn bet allows him to put you in a bad spot and it doesn't put him in a bad spot at all with any part of his range.
Flopped straight get's worst card on the river aggainst hyper aggressive player. Hero call? Quote
01-20-2020 , 11:47 PM
If the mistake your opponent makes is overaggression, then give him an opportunity to do it OTT. Your bet deprives him of the opportunity to do it, also if he shoves over that, that's going to be a very ugly spot.

I'm calling the river. This guy is going to raise flop with T9, T8 and sets, also he may raise with JT. I don't think this is his turn/river line with a Q either, he's not going to allow a free card into the teeth of 2 flush draws. None of the hands that beat me are particularly plausible, so I'm going to need him to show me one of them. Guys like this are opportunists, he might have called the turn with all kinds of crap intending to blast the river on any scare card.

Originally Posted by paradroid12
some river considerations:
* villain has to be shoving worse >50% of the time for this to be a profitable call.
Not only is this not true here, this is not true of any river bet ever made.
Flopped straight get's worst card on the river aggainst hyper aggressive player. Hero call? Quote
01-20-2020 , 11:54 PM
Worth noting here is that if you grant him JT etc, then he can also have J8, J9, 98 and I fully expect him to blast the river with all those hands. I think the chance that he flatted flop with a set is somewhere in the neighbourhood of 0%, ditto the chance that he flatted turn with a Q and now is blasting us off missed draws with it instead of allowing us to bet.
Flopped straight get's worst card on the river aggainst hyper aggressive player. Hero call? Quote
01-21-2020 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
Originally Posted by paradroid12
* villain has to be shoving worse >50% of the time for this to be a profitable call.
Not only is this not true here, this is not true of any river bet ever made.
You're right, I divided by the wrong number and didn't think critically about it. Good catch. My bad.

Villain has to be shoving worse >33% of the time for this to be a profitable call.

I still think that's a big number to hit. I also don't agree that he's auto-raising 2p+ or QT/JT on the flop and think he can have almost all the boats and straights on the river, which means he needs to be check calling flop and turn with a lot of air.
Flopped straight get's worst card on the river aggainst hyper aggressive player. Hero call? Quote
01-21-2020 , 08:31 PM
Originally Posted by paradroid12
Title should read worst card on turn AND river

check turn. this bet is pure FPS.

some river considerations:
* villain has to be shoving worse >50% of the time for this to be a profitable call.
* a primary rationale for betting turn is that villain will call with 2p hands. many/most of these hands now beat you on the river.
* you seem to know a lot about villain and imply he may know a lot about you. do you have any other history or game flow that may contribute to understanding what level he was on? (ie is it time for one of you to take a stand? does he suspect you will call him light? etc)
* this is probably the nut worst runout for you. if you are ever going to fold after this flop against this vill w this hand, regardless of any other factors, it would be on this runout.
* my experience is that insta-bets are usually bluffs, especially out of flow. do you have any timing tells on vill?
* a good villain should be attacking your turn bet.
* I assume you believe villain is capable of floating OOP twice to bluff river, but is that what he's doing here? is he turning a counterfeit 2p (98) into a bluff bc he has boat blockers and figures (rightly) you don't have a J? how light do you really think he is peeling the flop OOP heads up in order to float? if you want to call river then you are willing to bet $470 that he's doing some or all of these things. so what are you willing to bet that he's doing?
* villain has every nutted hand in his range and can justifiably play all of them this way given your perceived image, since c/c monsters against and open shoving into LAGs is good strat.

overall this river is a fold, but the most important aspect is that the turn is a check. your range can't defend the bet and neither can this specific hand.

you're making the wrong adjustment to the player type and change in board texture. against players like this, you want to be able to put in the last bet, not have to call it. once you bet turn, you lose the ability to decide if stacks go in, which is what you don't want against this villain with this hand. your turn bet allows him to put you in a bad spot and it doesn't put him in a bad spot at all with any part of his range.

Ok. Turn is a check to pot control. Also I like the idea of letting him lead into me. He will try to bluff off almost any show of weakness. Maybe for a next hand I can catch up on that

Yes. I think that he is capable of floating OOP with blockers or even some weird AJ hands that don't really make much sense. He is really loose.
Flopped straight get's worst card on the river aggainst hyper aggressive player. Hero call? Quote
01-21-2020 , 09:21 PM
Anyways. I decided to call him off. Based on past reads. And the fact that we've been going against each other around all the session


Villain shows 7-5. We split the pot
Flopped straight get's worst card on the river aggainst hyper aggressive player. Hero call? Quote
01-21-2020 , 09:38 PM
Unfortunately I peeked at results so I won’t say much.

I will say that I much prefer a c/r on the flop. Although you flopped nice, this board smacks your opponents’ perceived range moreso than yours as the preflop raiser. If you are checking big overpairs and AK on this flop (you should), then theoretically you should check this hand too. A board like this will rarely check through.
Flopped straight get's worst card on the river aggainst hyper aggressive player. Hero call? Quote
