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Flopped set, now what? 2/5 Flopped set, now what? 2/5

02-01-2011 , 05:23 AM
2/5 Parx Casino

New table second or third orbit, no one has done anything out of line so far

Hero has 600 covers villians in hand

Utg limps

Hero is Utg +1 and limps with 2d 2h

Old Asian man with a cotton ball in his left nostril (?????) makes it 30

Button calls, Utg calls, I call

Pot: 127

Flop: 2c 8c 4d

Utg checks, Hero...?

Bet, check? If bet how much?

Flopped set, now what? 2/5 Quote
02-01-2011 , 05:59 AM
Wait for him to hit quads again on you and then ship it? No, seriously, this is one of those just either he has and hand and will call or he won't, so you might as well start building a pot since you crushed this flop. If he's got an overpair, he's not folding for one bet. If he's got Ac Kc he's not folding. If he's got AKo or something similar, he may peel one and you'll get lucky and he will catch.

Checking isn't terrible, but I lean toward betting about $50.
Flopped set, now what? 2/5 Quote
02-01-2011 , 06:18 AM
this is so dependant on your image, and what they percieve to be your donking range, and reads on villian, outside of cotton balls, ect...
I like leading at it, but thats me. Ideally, you'd like to lead out and get raised.
a flush card could cool the action, so whatever you can do to build the pot as much as possible;
the line that accomplishes this is best, imo.
you would better know than us what that might be, since you have'nt shared enough info on Vs' tendancies, or Hs' image.
forget about tricking/trapping.
and forget about folding bottom set 120bb deep.
Flopped set, now what? 2/5 Quote
02-01-2011 , 06:54 AM
Really need some idea how aggro villians are in the hand.

With no info, id either checkraise flop of check/call flop check-raise turn.

at an aggressive table, i like stamplers line, but i have to be pretty sure im going to get raised to go that route. If im going to lead here i make it about 1/3 pot. Enough to get some value on its own but also small enough that someone might think its a blocking bet.

When you table your set, make sure the nostril with the cottonball isnt pointed at you, lets his shocked exhalation turn it into a gooey missile.
Flopped set, now what? 2/5 Quote
02-01-2011 , 08:38 AM
I think a c/r is best here. Let the villain cbet first. If you donk out, he'll just fold all of his over card hands.
Flopped set, now what? 2/5 Quote
02-01-2011 , 08:44 AM
This is clearly a check.

Look at your position in the hand relative to the other opponents. If you check, the original raiser then faces the field with his bet before it gets back to you, given you a great opportunity to extract from multiple players.

If you lead, the original raiser can face the field with 2bets and get the pot HU. And if you bet/3bet the flop and get the money in, you also would be getting the money in with a c/r. You also run the risk of your lead costing you the ability to pick up a cbet or a stab from the other opponents.

So think which option gives you the chance to get the most, and it is check - raising.

Probably totally unimportant in live SSNL - but, how often are you leading in spots like this or even considering leading in a spot like this without an extremely strong hand. Its a spot where your play is likely extremely unbalanced and is most likely way more defining of your hand range then a c/r.
Flopped set, now what? 2/5 Quote
02-01-2011 , 08:54 AM
i agree, check here.

than raise obv

Last edited by venice10; 02-01-2011 at 11:38 AM. Reason: Posts belong together
Flopped set, now what? 2/5 Quote
