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Flopped set, damp board, how best to get it in. Flopped set, damp board, how best to get it in.

07-29-2012 , 10:35 PM
Thursday night, 3/3.

Table is on the action/aggressive side, with several deep stacks, mainly regs including a guy who is 'resting' from the 5/10/20 game at the next table. We have recently lost two gambolling Asian men who have donated about $1500 in the past 40 minutes chasing draws and overvaluing top pair. Both have gone, but action fever has hit the table and most pots are getting big quick.

Hero is 41yr old male, white guy in business shirt and jeans. In mid position with $420. Have been at the table for an hour, have won a pot at showdown after betting three streets in a limped pot with KJoff and flopping top 2 and won another pot with a raise pre and then c betting an A high flop. I have been friendly and talkative and am recognised by a couple of the players.

Villain 1 is late 20s male in Cut Off. He has exactly $300 after being stacked in the previous hand by Mr 5/10/20 when his AA lost to 56ss. He is at least a semi reg, knows two other people at the table and seems to know what he is doing - TAG principles but not quite tight enough and not quite aggressive enough to be a killer.

Villain 2 is a man in his late 60s and has a stack of about $1200. He recently took 500 off one of the Asians with a set of twos on an A high board where he got bet into three times by a guy with A10. He is NOT old man nit. He has been betting hard pre flop (standard raise 20-24) seeing flops in position and has been tough post flop, betting hard and making good decisions. One of the toughest old man players I've been up against.

Villain 3 is the 5/10/20 guy. French, Omaha player, reading the paper, playing most hands, proving hard to shake post flop and is already down a buy in. Is clearly used to playing big tables and isn't taking this game seriously but...knows how to play.

Villain 3 raises to 20.

Hero calls with 4c4s
Villain 1 and Villain 2 call. Blinds fold. Pot is 86

Flop 10h 8d 4h.

Villain 3 checks. Before I act I notice Villain 1 start reaching for chips. I'm certain he is going to bet.

Do I check with the plan of check raising or do I bet 80% of pot?
Flopped set, damp board, how best to get it in. Quote
07-29-2012 , 11:08 PM
Board is dry enough to check/ raise. And V3 might even call in front of you
Flopped set, damp board, how best to get it in. Quote
07-29-2012 , 11:10 PM
I'd let him bet it for u if u r sure of ur tell, u might get a couple of flats before u make ur decision how much to raise/shove
If this checks through it'll be a disaster
Flopped set, damp board, how best to get it in. Quote
