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Flop two-pair with A4s; Turn decision Flop two-pair with A4s; Turn decision

10-10-2022 , 07:48 PM
Game is $2-$100 Spread-Limit.

Game just opened. The table is still buzzing from an absurd Set over Set over Set flop five minutes earlier (which left one guy with a stack of $800, everyone else around $300.) No real reads on players except that at least 3 of them like to bet really big when they have sets on T82 flops.

HAND: Hero opens to $8 in CO with Ad4d. Button calls and both blinds call. (The guy who had TT in the overset hand folded already.)

FLOP: Ac6d4s (Pot: $32)

Blinds check, Hero bets $16, Button calls, SB calls, BB folds.

Turn: Ac6d4s Jh Pot: $80)

BB checks. What should Hero bet, and what’s our plan if we get raised?
Flop two-pair with A4s; Turn decision Quote
10-10-2022 , 08:03 PM
no disrespect to op but his threads slow roll me haha. I click thinking its NL and read "spread-limit." it is awesome that op lets us know right from the top its spread limit. anyway im LOLing for slow rolling myself haha. good luck in your games op
Flop two-pair with A4s; Turn decision Quote
10-10-2022 , 08:46 PM
Bet $50. Not folding in a spread limit game
Flop two-pair with A4s; Turn decision Quote
10-10-2022 , 08:47 PM
Overbetting the turn is hot right now but not when you can’t pile rivers
Flop two-pair with A4s; Turn decision Quote
10-12-2022 , 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by MuchoGood
Overbetting the turn is hot right now but not when you can’t pile rivers
I bet max here, is this what you’re advocating for as well?
Flop two-pair with A4s; Turn decision Quote
10-12-2022 , 05:03 PM
In general, I don't know if the limit messes up the math and unless someone were to program a solver, I doubt anyone can more than guess. The limit might create math that means it makes more sense to bet turn and river at max. IDK.

In NL, 60 - 75% is normal in my games if I have TPGK or a bluff, so $50 - 60 bet is good. I assume I'm ahead and I want a call. I also want to be able to have a callable good sized bet on the river that someone with TPGK will deem a correct call.

What do I do if I get jammed? Based on no reads it's a little scary bc the only hand I can think of that V would be confident enough to play that hard is AK. But we're losing to A6, JJ, and 66. And in some of the stupid OMC games I play, we could also be losing to AA. Call and call.
Flop two-pair with A4s; Turn decision Quote
10-12-2022 , 05:53 PM

Hero did decide to overbet, the $100 Max. Both players folded though.
Flop two-pair with A4s; Turn decision Quote
10-12-2022 , 06:21 PM
The overbet folds out almost everything you are ahead of vs most low stakes players
Flop two-pair with A4s; Turn decision Quote
10-13-2022 , 09:13 AM
Why in the blue hell do people want to overbet here, that’s straight up awful
Flop two-pair with A4s; Turn decision Quote
10-13-2022 , 09:14 AM
Originally Posted by matzah_ball
Why in the blue hell do people want to overbet here, that’s straight up awful
Flop two-pair with A4s; Turn decision Quote
10-13-2022 , 09:20 AM
Originally Posted by matzah_ball
Why in the blue hell do people want to overbet here, that’s straight up awful

a couple of possibilities

1. bc with the spread limit, the total that can be bet at that point is a $100 turn and $100 river.
2. perhaps to create a certain image. I know a very good player who overbets every bet. He's very tricky and difficult play against. I know I started experimenting with over bets and people often see them as bluffs.
Flop two-pair with A4s; Turn decision Quote
10-13-2022 , 09:31 AM
At these stakes, people are obviously generally awful, and it’s not impossible we find a brain dead person who calls with A9 here . But it’s not gonna be super common in this sort of spot - multi-way, A high board. People know we can have AK. I don’t think this is the best way to extract value from AT stuff.
Flop two-pair with A4s; Turn decision Quote
10-13-2022 , 09:43 AM
I agree with that and it's why I recommended $50 - 60. But it isn't the worst mistake a player will make in the course of the day. And I think OP has learned it was a mistake such that we don't need to beat him up about it.

It's not that I'm averse to saying someone did something awful. I just think it should be reserved for those that try to defend their truly awful play for BS reasons.

OP has come in and posted a lot of interesting hands and seems like he genuinely wants to learn and improve.
Flop two-pair with A4s; Turn decision Quote
10-13-2022 , 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by matzah_ball
Why in the blue hell do people want to overbet here, that’s straight up awful
Not saying that I would overbet here, but the fact that we can only bet $100 on the river means we have to build our pots on previous streets against players who don’t like to fold.

You’re 100% correct that people know we can have AK. But since it’s 1/2 and we don’t have any reads on our opponents, we have to assume that everybody else can have AK, too.
Flop two-pair with A4s; Turn decision Quote
10-13-2022 , 11:46 AM
I don’t like the overbet unless you’ve shown enough bluffs doing this and your image is spewey. Otherwise target weak Ax and straight draws I agree with around 50$ like Larry said, can probably even go lower here. No flush draws and you are likely up against a gutter or middle pair type stuff, can even go smaller like 35$ and make another small river bet.
Flop two-pair with A4s; Turn decision Quote
10-13-2022 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by SetOfNines
I don’t like the overbet unless you’ve shown enough bluffs doing this and your image is spewey.
You obviously have to do the same thing with your (semi-) bluffs because you can't really generate fold equity on the river.

So yes, betting $100 with our value hands and $50 with our bluffs is bad. But just equally as bad as betting $50 with our value hands and $100 with our bluffs.

I have no idea how exactly we have to adjust to the spread limit, but progressive bets obviously don't work in raised pots.
Flop two-pair with A4s; Turn decision Quote
10-13-2022 , 12:22 PM
Originally Posted by madlex
You obviously have to do the same thing with your (semi-) bluffs because you can't really generate fold equity on the river.

So yes, betting $100 with our value hands and $50 with our bluffs is bad. But just equally as bad as betting $50 with our value hands and $100 with our bluffs.

I have no idea how exactly we have to adjust to the spread limit, but progressive bets obviously don't work in raised pots.
If they always call $50 with decent hands and always fold to $100 with decent hands isn’t that a fantastic exploit?
Flop two-pair with A4s; Turn decision Quote
10-13-2022 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by larry the legend
If they always call $50 with decent hands and always fold to $100 with decent hands isn’t that a fantastic exploit?
Would be even better if they always called $99 (or $98 if $99 isn't a legal bet size) with hands that we beat and fold to $100 with hands that we don't beat.

It's all based on the assumptions we make..
Flop two-pair with A4s; Turn decision Quote
10-13-2022 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by madlex
Would be even better if they always called $99 (or $98 if $99 isn't a legal bet size) with hands that we beat and fold to $100 with hands that we don't beat.

It's all based on the assumptions we make..
It is. And facts like what he said happened before and what ended up happening in this hand. And in the games I play (mileage may vary), overbets are folded to by most players without TPTK or better and 2/3 pot bets are called by TP any kicker.
Flop two-pair with A4s; Turn decision Quote
10-13-2022 , 03:41 PM
I don't disagree. That's a valid point if the other players fail to understand that it costs them the same $200 to get to showdown, no matter if it's $100 on the turn and river in a spread limit game or $60 on the turn and $140 on the river in a NL game.
Flop two-pair with A4s; Turn decision Quote
10-13-2022 , 05:17 PM
That is a good point. I actually find his spread limit game very interesting. I used to play spread limit 7 card stud a long time ago for much lower stakes and it was interesting what bet sizes players used. The game itself played faster and seemed to have more action that most NL games as well.

I think in this particular spread limit game you may need to look for creative bets that may not work in NL that you alluded to.
Flop two-pair with A4s; Turn decision Quote
