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Flop trips, flop gets raised... Flop trips, flop gets raised...

01-16-2014 , 02:45 AM
1/2 NL - Horseshoe Hammond

$300 Effective Stacks

Villain 1: Standard Nit reg. Older guy who always buys in for $50 and waits for big pairs.

Villain 2: Tight-Passive fish. Seen him check back some pretty strong hands on the river.

Preflop: V1 limps UTG, V2 limps UTG+1, limp, Hero limps with 85 SB completes, BB checks.

Flop: ($11) 883 SB checks, BB checks, V1 bets $10, V2 raises to $30, limper folds, Hero?
Flop trips, flop gets raised... Quote
01-16-2014 , 02:57 AM
If he's never raising flop here with a hand like 99,TT, 77 flop is an easy fold. Otherwise I'd flat flop and fold to further aggression
Flop trips, flop gets raised... Quote
01-16-2014 , 04:49 AM
Your 8 is no good, sir, fold and save yourself some money.
Flop trips, flop gets raised... Quote
01-16-2014 , 06:41 PM
Flop trips, flop gets raised... Quote
01-16-2014 , 06:46 PM
Does right passive mean he's limo with 99-JJ PF?

If so then tough to see him popping it here without an 8, so yeah, given reads it's a fold
Flop trips, flop gets raised... Quote
01-16-2014 , 06:50 PM
My alarmbells go off here for sure, bet and a raise in front of you in limped pot- we got to ask ourself with does these guys have?

Especially due to your decription of villain 2 tight-passiv- when those kind of players raise here i cant see what you beat.

On rare occasions it can be that villain 1 is stabbing with like 55 or 66, and villain 2 is raising a big pocket pair like tens or jacks wich he slowplayed before the flop, but its way more likely that we are beat right now. I may call on the flop, and if he bombs the turn i fold and feel good about it.
Flop trips, flop gets raised... Quote
01-16-2014 , 07:04 PM
It's very possible that V1 has an overpair like 99-AA that he limped UTG, it's also possible that he has an 8 but I think it's more likely he would slowplay on such a dry flop, especially being first to act.

What I am are worried about is V2. He is very passive but he is also a fish, which means he might have a hand like TT or JJ maybe?

This is kind of an awkward spot due to V2 because...
a.) He is so passive that I don't see him re-raising without an 8
b.) He is a fish and fish always slow-play flopped monsters

So I don't really know what to make of it...

Last edited by Krakus; 01-16-2014 at 07:14 PM.
Flop trips, flop gets raised... Quote
01-16-2014 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by Krakus
It's very possible that V1 has an overpair like 99-AA that he limped UTG, it's also possible that he has an 8 but I think it's more likely he would slowplay on such a dry flop.

What I am are worried about is V2. He is very passive but he is also a fish, which means he might have a hand like TT or JJ maybe?

This is kind of an awkward spot due to V2 because...
a.) He is so passive that I don't see him re-raising without an 8
b.) He is a fish and fish always slow-play flopped monsters

So I don't really know what to make of it...
I know, I hate it when we run up against competing principles...

I guess we have to think about what constitutes a "monster" in the mind of a fish.

Trips is a big hand but it isn't unbeatable whereas if the fish had 88, 33, 83 he would feel bullet proof.

So, I think its more likely he has an 8 than it is he is making a move with TT/JJ on a paired board. And if he has an 8, odds are we are outkicked so I fold...

If we were 250bb+ deeper, we could call, hope to bink our 5 and then bend him over. But as played, just fold as if you had 72...
Flop trips, flop gets raised... Quote
01-16-2014 , 07:17 PM
I think it's super close. 50/50. But Given the fact that V1 is in the hand and is betting and combined with the fact that V2 likely wouldn't over-limp JJ+ I would lean towards folding...

I fold, V1 folds 99 face-up, V2 said he had 99 beat but wouldn't show. Still 50/50 on whether he had an 8 or big overpair... but probably an 8

Last edited by Krakus; 01-16-2014 at 07:23 PM.
Flop trips, flop gets raised... Quote
01-16-2014 , 07:20 PM
If V was a "tight passive fish" then I have no problem folding 85 in this spot.

If you still feel uneasy about the fold, then odds are you have the wrong label/description for villain....
Flop trips, flop gets raised... Quote
01-25-2014 , 04:33 PM
Call and evaluate the turn.
Flop trips, flop gets raised... Quote
01-25-2014 , 05:37 PM
A better question: why the hell are you playing 85 anyway? Oh, they're sooted

You're just going to bleed your stack and continue finding yourself in awkward spots if you continue limping trash hands like this.
Flop trips, flop gets raised... Quote
01-25-2014 , 05:44 PM
fold pre

as played i call and see what happens. probably folding to a normal sized turn bet.
Flop trips, flop gets raised... Quote
01-25-2014 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by diskoteque
fold pre
Lol.....please stop.
Flop trips, flop gets raised... Quote
01-25-2014 , 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by Krakus
This is kind of an awkward spot due to V2 because...
a.) He is so passive that I don't see him re-raising without an 8
b.) He is a fish and fish always slow-play flopped monsters

So I don't really know what to make of it...
Tight passives don't play very many hands with 8s in them. He probably has an over-pair that he's trying to "protect". That's fish logic.

He doesn't want to call multiple bets if someone has an eight. This is also his way of "finding out where he is".
Flop trips, flop gets raised... Quote
