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Flop Top Pair vs 3 Bet Pre Flop Flop Top Pair vs 3 Bet Pre Flop

08-23-2023 , 09:35 PM
$1/$2 Hero UTG+1 98BB, Villian SB 100BB

Folds to Hero KcJc Bets $5

Two callers

Villian 3 Bets to $32

Hero calls, others fold. Two way to flop Pot $81

Flop 3sJd4d

SB bets $24

Flop Top Pair vs 3 Bet Pre Flop Quote
08-23-2023 , 09:43 PM
Open more pre, fold to this 3bet, call flop. Really nothing else to say.
Flop Top Pair vs 3 Bet Pre Flop Quote
08-23-2023 , 10:06 PM
Don't flat the 3 bet preflop. Villain doesn't have a big enough stack to call hoping for a good flop or to steal the pot. Almost always fold, he 3 bet out of the SB to a good chunk of his stack, this is rarely a bluff or a hand he will fold. If you do think villain has a lot of bluffs in his range then KJs is good enough to 4 bet and call it off if he shoves.

On the flop call. Folding top pair second kicker to the first bet would be silly. If he shoves turn you will have a tough decision unless you get a favorable turn card but he has too many c-bets with air in his range to just give up.
Flop Top Pair vs 3 Bet Pre Flop Quote
08-24-2023 , 05:57 AM
Calling the 3bet preflop is questionable, and you probably want to be a bit deeper to do that.

As played, on this flop, there is nothing you can do but call, imo.
This will leave you with 42$ behind on a 129$ pot, an awkward spot in which you will have to call down most turns: and this is why you generally don't want to call his 3bet preflop.
Flop Top Pair vs 3 Bet Pre Flop Quote
08-25-2023 , 06:26 AM
Snap fold pre to the 3bet.
Flop Top Pair vs 3 Bet Pre Flop Quote
08-25-2023 , 01:56 PM
Any info/reads? I wouldn't open $5 unless you that with 100% of the hands you want to play including AA.

Calling 3bet depends on villain. It's a pretty standard call though, so unless you put him on AK and JJ+ that would be my plan.

Flop is $76 with 2 callers right? And at 98 bb if we call we have $140 left. And pot will be $140. Not folding to this small flop bet.
Flop Top Pair vs 3 Bet Pre Flop Quote
08-25-2023 , 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by acescracked84
Open more pre, fold to this 3bet, call flop. Really nothing else to say.
+1 end thread.
Flop Top Pair vs 3 Bet Pre Flop Quote
