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experimenting with a super exploitable preflop strategy for weak 1/2 games experimenting with a super exploitable preflop strategy for weak 1/2 games

09-18-2011 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by canoodles
This is the dumbest post I have ever read at LLs TBH.
-1... you haven't read all this guy's posts
experimenting with a super exploitable preflop strategy for weak 1/2 games Quote
09-18-2011 , 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by always_tilting
Anytime you make a raise with anything but the premium hands you cost yourself money in the long run. No matter how you slice it. It is what it is and we cannot change it.All the speculative hands: AXs, suited connectors, suited one gaper (76s+ and 97s+) and any pocket pair JJ down to 22 are suppose to see the flop for cheap and be involved in volume pots. That's the way you make money with those type of hands. Anything else it looks great but in reality is just a smoke screen that blinds you. Even a hand like QQ before it can make a good score it has got to flop a set else we win and lose about at the same frequency into small pots where the opponent fold on the flop and we win a small pot or if we get action beyond the flop we lose and all the small wins are cancelled out by the few loses along the way.

Jimmy Downtown said: - "If you want to make moves at the table in NL you should have no attachments on the flop. Allow nothing in your hand that you cannot walk out in two seconds flat, if you spot the heat around the corner – That’s the discipline. It is what it is. It’s that, or we both better go do something else"

Always remember that
Yeah, only play AA , and sometimes Limp in w/ KK hope to flop a set/ sometimes raise with them.

Everyting else is just lighting money on fire.
experimenting with a super exploitable preflop strategy for weak 1/2 games Quote
09-18-2011 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by donkey xote
What's the problem with just folding 22-77 preflop in EP?
Maybe OK in some tough online games. Terrible live. Raise small or limp is probably best.
experimenting with a super exploitable preflop strategy for weak 1/2 games Quote
09-20-2011 , 01:14 PM
All of my EP raises are smaller than table average and lp raises are larger than table average. It takes hours for even good players to realize that the size of my raise has little to do with hand strength and much more to do with position. I often force many mistakes based on incorrect hand strength reads.

The other result is that I see flops with lower pots oop and bigger pots in position.

If I find that my little raises oop make me money (for the reasons op stated) at a particular table, I can expand my range oop. Same with in position and larger raises.

I usually know my raise size before I look at my cards and add or subtract a little for hand strength. Since there are so many variables and live sessions are just a few hundred hands, it is impossible for someone to determine hand strength based on my raise size, but still I am doing what op is advocating.
experimenting with a super exploitable preflop strategy for weak 1/2 games Quote
09-20-2011 , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by FiveStonez
Like I love to make it 5-6$ with QT from EP, same thing with A5 and 88...or hands like AJ/KQ while bumping it up to 10$ with the top my range.


-easier to build a pot when you flop gin
-keeps terrible/dominated hands in
-you can see the flop for cheaper than if you had limped, people with TT/AK/AQ and even JJ are often going to just call
-gives you an aggro image that leads people to play badly vs you
-you can use your superior hand reading skills to steals lots of small/med pots

Been there done that. It costs you in the long run.

But if you are going to do it, them start straddling first. It has the same pot effect, and a lot of people fold hands (at least in Oklahoma they do) because 'it's too expensive.' Finally you get last action and the game gets better.

But straddles cost you in the long run too.

Pretty much the problem I see with the strategy is you end up calling re-raises too light. And that is a major leak. One good player can really rip into you.
experimenting with a super exploitable preflop strategy for weak 1/2 games Quote
09-20-2011 , 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by BrotherCatcher
-1... you haven't read all this guy's posts

There are volumes of idiocy contributed by a_t.
experimenting with a super exploitable preflop strategy for weak 1/2 games Quote
