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Is this ever a fold? Is this ever a fold?

06-29-2017 , 10:35 PM
Yea, c/c, c/c, shove is always strong. I'd call but expect to lose majority of the time.
Is this ever a fold? Quote
06-30-2017 , 06:47 AM
More info on villain. Pretty standard in LP? Well he's in the BB so that's irrelevant. Does he ever overplay hands? Could he be doing this with a hand like J8s or 85s? Maybe 88? It's generally never a bluff, but when our hand isn't a pure bluff catcher we can call cause of pot odds.
Is this ever a fold? Quote
06-30-2017 , 07:12 AM
I this was a nut flush draw for villan I would expect a c/r on the flop, mawgs love a check raise with nfd.... Much more likely flush would be kt, or qt something like that...I'm not for one second saying this can't be a flush, all I'm saying is this can be other stuff aswell 66/88/JJ all make sense and is the way a mawg would play them Imo.... Your average mawg are so enshrined into setting a helmuth style trap with a monster, that when the obvious draw comes in they will stuff it in anyway, because as I said.....they didn't drive all the way to the casino to let some punk outdraw them....I know the logic is contrite as the draw out has already happened, but how many times do we see a villan slow play a monster then dump off money into the draws that came in becoming how unlucky they are to lose to a flush.......
Is this ever a fold? Quote
06-30-2017 , 07:57 AM
Results below for those interested.

I ended up tanking for a little bit and making the call. Felt my hand was pretty well disguised. Villain turned over AJo no spades which was very surprising to me. I know a lot of you will say LP wouldn't make this play but at the time that is what I saw him as so I wanted a line check with that info in mind.
Is this ever a fold? Quote
06-30-2017 , 08:04 AM
Originally Posted by DMag
Results below for those interested.

I ended up tanking for a little bit and making the call. Felt my hand was pretty well disguised. Villain turned over AJo no spades which was very surprising to me. I know a lot of you will say LP wouldn't make this play but at the time that is what I saw him as so I wanted a line check with that info in mind.
Exactly what I thought. Might be very villain dependent but perhaps in general with < 100 bbs even folding a set here is bad.
Is this ever a fold? Quote
06-30-2017 , 10:35 AM
This use to be a spot where I would fold much more often, but call a lot lighter these days. The bet sizing is super important. If he bet $75, pure value, you will see the nuts more often than not. If he shoves 100bb+ on top, he is not often risking that much light and you will see the flush a lot more often.
These medium size stack shoves are so often a weak hand thinking they have a ton of fold equity with the flush coming on, and figure that they have lost a lot of their chips so it is time to rebuy anyways.
Is this ever a fold? Quote
06-30-2017 , 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by Javanewt
We are supposed to read a lot into how the H sees the V. Supposedly, the hands H has seen has led him to create his description. That's the point of the description. If H is wrong, fine, but that's all we have to go by.
I guess my point was that you should take in mind ALL of what hero tells you.

And when he tells you that he has only played with villain for an hour and not really seen villain show down anything, that might not be a strong enough read on a LP stereotype to know how they'll play various hands on the river against an opponent with a well disguised flush.
Is this ever a fold? Quote
06-30-2017 , 11:25 AM
This is usually a flush. Probably need to work on your reads.
Is this ever a fold? Quote
06-30-2017 , 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by Nevyn
I guess my point was that you should take in mind ALL of what hero tells you.

And when he tells you that he has only played with villain for an hour and not really seen villain show down anything, that might not be a strong enough read on a LP stereotype to know how they'll play various hands on the river against an opponent with a well disguised flush.
When a poster gives a read on someone, I go by it. Otherwise, what's the point? Seriously? And, an hour should be plenty of time to get a decent read on someone. Maybe H made a mistake giving a read at all, but that's a different discussion.
Is this ever a fold? Quote
06-30-2017 , 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by ronrabbit
We can't just fold everytime a scare card hits on the river and a villan donk jams......
No, we can't automatically fold everytime a scare card hits. But we need to play each and every situation using all the information we have at hand on the villain, since each situation is different. vs tight passive players, we can fold.
Originally Posted by ronrabbit
If he can have a flush played this way then we have to assume the guy is not a very good player....
The majority of live players are not very good players. The OP didn't say he was a good player.
Originally Posted by ronrabbit
I this was a nut flush draw for villan I would expect a c/r on the flop, mawgs love a check raise with nfd....
do you really think all MAWG recreational players are always check raising their NFDs? I don't think they will, maybe once in a blue moon.
Is this ever a fold? Quote
