Do you think live fullring Poker should have 3 blinds instead of 2? same for online fullring
Join Date: Mar 2019
Posts: 5
dont play live as skint poor broke whatever, so ive only ever been few times ever 3times to be exact.
but was thinking about it when last went all them extra seats sort of forces you to tighten up quite a bloody lot, if theres bit more dead money in the pot an extra dude forced to put a blind in should loosen up the games right (as the last time i went it was surprisingly quite tight was friday (so didnt think would be but was) last 2 times were Saturdays and far looser both pre and and post.
anyway thoughts???
like as an example for the 1/2 games 1/2/3 blinds min buyin £240 max uncapped whatever you can afford cover table etc???.....
Join Date: May 2005
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By nature the size of a PL/NL game is determined by the size of the pot before the deal. A 1/2 game is a $3 pot which is pretty small. How the blinds/antes are structured can affect strategy a bit, but total starting pot is going to be the driving factor.
A 1/2/3 game has a $6 pot, where as 1/3 starts at $4, so the first structure is already a bit closer to 2/5 than 1/3.
Card rooms have a lot to think about when deciding which games to offer, especially with regards to the smallest game spread. Make it too big, and you risk busting out your customers and hurting sustainability. Make them too small, and the total rake collected drops. It's in the rooms best interest to offer the largest game that can sustain their player pool, which I suspect is what goes into the decision of whether to spread 1/2 vs. 1/3.
Whether a 3rd blind would be better for the game or not, I'm not sure. Back when I started playing NL the place I played offered 2/2/5 game uncapped that often played insanely deep, but with only a $200 min buyin. Shortstacking it was fun. Those structures seemed to have all but gone away at the low, and even mid stakes levels, where 99% of live games have landed on simple 2-blind structure. I do really enjoy watching the LATB 5/5 with a $5 ante game though.
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Yes, 3 blinds and/or ante games are good variants of an otherwise very dull/solved game.
These structures punish nits more than they realize and generate more action overall, which are both wins. Quite a few of them go in the Midwest. I’m not sure why more rooms don’t offer them...but rooms are slow to adapt to most things.