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Do you believe in momentum? Do you believe in momentum?

12-17-2018 , 04:27 AM
I am a reg at live cash games and read some threads about when to stop the session.

I usually play 5 h (week day) or 10 h (weekends) sessions almost at daily basis. I don't believe "I'm hot today" or "today i can't win" (math guy ) but there's something that happen frequently to me and want to change some ideas with other people.

There is a time during session where I loose "momentum". It happens on the last one or two hours of sessions.

It's in my head that cold be due to some mental fatigue and concentration lost but I doesn't make sense because on long session this "momentum" happen way after the 5 hours of play.

Does it happen to anyone??
Do you believe in momentum? Quote
12-17-2018 , 07:19 AM
some players play better when they're winning others when they're losing. find out what kind of player you are and work on fixing what you aren't
Do you believe in momentum? Quote
12-17-2018 , 08:08 AM
Originally Posted by Captain-Hindsight
some players play better when they're winning others when they're losing. find out what kind of player you are and work on fixing what you aren't
Didn't put a thought in that point. Think you might be right.

Last 2 years I've been playing on a super soft small casino and winning a large % of times... Maybe I unconscious stop putting 100% to the game when that happen.
Do you believe in momentum? Quote
12-17-2018 , 09:33 AM
Some players get sloppy when they are getting ready to leave. There are a bunch of reasons for it, some are already thinking about other things, some want to get some action in before they leave, some get timid, some are trying to win back what they lost, some are afraid they are getting pushed around when they are obviously ready to go, among others. It sounds like your losing your focus an hour or so before your leave.
Do you believe in momentum? Quote
12-17-2018 , 11:02 AM
Grunch: your opponents believe in momentum. When you’re killing the table they’ll over fold because you’re hot. Same works in reverse and you can buy a gold no mattter what. Momentum absolutely matters, not because it changes the math but because it changes V’s perception of you.
Do you believe in momentum? Quote
12-17-2018 , 11:33 AM
As Twitch said Momentum does matter but it shouldn't matter in a logical sense.

It matters to your opponents. More specifically the fish.

Bluffs are way more likely to get through if you've been showing the goods recently.

If you've been losing pots on your table at low stakes live you would be wise to steer clear of bluffs no matter how well you can represent the hand you're trying to.

Players at low stakes live look for excuses to call. Literally any excuse. Don't give them one.

If they think you're tilting they will call you down very light.
Do you believe in momentum? Quote
12-17-2018 , 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by Captain-Hindsight
some players play better when they're winning others when they're losing. find out what kind of player you are and work on fixing what you aren't
I agree. I'm subject to winner's tilt.

Also, other players will have gained information on you. We sometimes tend to assume someone who is not good at poker is a complete imbecile, but they are still the pattern recognition machines that all humans are. At first they might assume your 3! range is KK+ because theirs is. After some evidence comes in, they might adjust.

Meanwhile, your light 3! was working earlier, so, perhaps without really even thinking it through, you start doing it more, just as they are adjusting and are starting to not give you credit.
Do you believe in momentum? Quote
