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Do we go broke here or not? Do we go broke here or not?

04-09-2018 , 12:25 AM
Or should I have played this differently?

1-3, Eff stack $260 (hero)

Hero has been card dead except for winning one small pot, so boredom tilt is starting to rear it's ugly head.
Villain has not been at the table for long.

Hero gets 1010 in MP. Raises to $12. 3 callers.

Flop Q103
Hero bets 2/3 pot
1 villain calls, 2 fold.

Turn J
Villain (OOP) checks
Hero (IP) bets 2/3 pot
villain calls

River A
villain checks
Hero goes all-in
villain calls

Villain shows K3 for nut straight
Do we go broke here or not? Quote
04-09-2018 , 01:06 AM
Check the river. V has lots of Kings in his range and it’s hard for a worse hand to it looks like you have AK or KQ
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04-09-2018 , 01:15 AM
I have seem calling stations bad enough I would bet that river, but against an unknown that bet is really bad. Just check it back.
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04-09-2018 , 01:39 AM
lol of course you x/f this river cmon man
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04-09-2018 , 02:11 AM
unless you know the V is REALLY bad, check the river. Seriously, most people will lay down anything but a straight on this board based on the action.
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04-09-2018 , 02:16 AM
Originally Posted by javi
lol of course you x/f this river cmon man
He's in position.

Definitely check it back, you can't get called by worse I don't think.

I can't imagine what kind of holdings you're trying to value. You just couldn't see past your own hand.
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04-09-2018 , 04:51 AM
The nerve of that Villain, actually having a hand with lots of outs and then getting there.

Who would have thought he would call every street with geometrically increasing bet sizing, and actually have something?
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04-09-2018 , 05:41 AM
I actually like the river jam. There's a tonne of players at $1/$3 that will station you off with any 2pr hand. So yeah, I go broke here.
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04-09-2018 , 06:02 AM
Originally Posted by 6bet me
I actually like the river jam. There's a tonne of players at $1/$3 that will station you off with any 2pr hand. So yeah, I go broke here.

I don't mind it either. Most Vs bet their straight here, especially without much money left.

It looks a lot like we are bluffing since people almost never value bet here and the nuts have changed so much as we just keep betting.
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04-09-2018 , 06:32 AM
In the future, don't put the results in your first post. It biases the answers.
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04-09-2018 , 12:07 PM
Not ... check back with many KX hands in his pfr calling range.
Do we go broke here or not? Quote
04-09-2018 , 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by 6bet me
I actually like the river jam. There's a tonne of players at $1/$3 that will station you off with any 2pr hand. So yeah, I go broke here.
Not in my game. 4 liners are only called by the str8 here and V has tons of Kx in his hand so I don't like it.
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04-09-2018 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by ES2
I don't mind it either. Most Vs bet their straight here, especially without much money left.

It looks a lot like we are bluffing since people almost never value bet here and the nuts have changed so much as we just keep betting.
I think people are discounting this point, and so I think after the check there's much less likelihood of a K in his range. That said, I'm not sure what's calling that's worse (2p perhaps?), and so shove is very thin value, and I probably just check behind.
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04-09-2018 , 12:39 PM
Is this a bluff or a value bet? Is that what the question is?
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04-09-2018 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by hitchens97
I think people are discounting this point, and so I think after the check there's much less likelihood of a K in his range. That said, I'm not sure what's calling that's worse (2p perhaps?), and so shove is very thin value, and I probably just check behind.
Alternatively, there are many players who won't value bet the 4-card straight board, thinking that sets/top 2 will not call anyway.
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04-09-2018 , 01:01 PM
Fancy play syndrome
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04-09-2018 , 01:09 PM
I agree that his likelihood of a K goes way down when he checks. That doesnt make this bet good. What is he calling with? If we are going for thin value, it has to be a small bet. Im guessing the pot is around 280 with 130 behind? I think anything more than $50 otr is owning ourselves. Theres nothing wrong with checking back a 99% chance of a winner if all the hands you beat will fold anyways.
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04-09-2018 , 01:35 PM
if we're going to go with the notion that most V's bet their straights then you have to apply the same reasoning to any other big hand, like 2 pair. Nobody is gonna just x/c down with 2 pair on this texture, herego villain is not playing the way you think he is, herego we cannot get value out of this river.
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04-09-2018 , 01:53 PM
I’m a lose, spewy, value-towning pay-off wizard and I would 100% check back the river.
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04-09-2018 , 02:40 PM
I’d check it back on river and possibly berate the fish after he table shis hand. LOL. I’d probably check turn too to keep from bloating pot.
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04-09-2018 , 03:24 PM
Not sure I'm love with preflop result; in many ways, we're just building the pot to make it easier to play for stacks when we flop a set (which is an argument if stacks have a difficult time going in postflop otherwise).

SPR is 5 on the flop, and the flop is very drawy, which is kinda awkward. We can actually play for stacks with 2 slight overbets. On a board this drawy, I might lean to that, so I'd bet like $65 into $48. One of the reasons I bet larger on the flop is because no one ever folds a draw on the flop (right?).

Next time say what the bet size is relative to the pot. Given the flop SPR is 5 and we're putting in a 3rd bet postflop, I'm guessing it's relatively small, so I'd also likely call (especially since the flush draw busted and everyone will bluff this 4-to-a-straight although on this board they will have backed into it a decent amount of the time).

ETA: Didn't realize it was checked to us. Really depends on how much we have behind, but if it's a small amount I'm probably betting it too as straights usually just shove fearing it will be checked thru and otherwise there are a lotta two pair on this board. ETA#2: Doing the math of what 2/3 PSBs are, it looks like we're only left with a 1/2 PSB on the river; I don't mind it at this point although I understand why some want to check behind (really depends if he puts us on AK too often here and will fold his two pair hands often).


Last edited by gobbledygeek; 04-09-2018 at 03:30 PM.
Do we go broke here or not? Quote
04-09-2018 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by russianbear13
I’d probably check turn too to keep from bloating pot.
We have a set on a drawy board in a pot we should consider ourselves committed in; if anything, we didn't bloat the pot enough on the flop/turn.

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04-10-2018 , 03:53 AM
Originally Posted by gobbledygeek
We have a set on a drawy board in a pot we should consider ourselves committed in; if anything, we didn't bloat the pot enough on the flop/turn.

My thoughts exactly after the hand. I should have potted the flop and bombed the turn. I made it too cheap for him to keep calling. Although these guys generally don't like folding draws even if you give them the wrong odds.

So, it's a catch 22 type of situation. You want him to call with the wrong odds but you don't want him to get there either.
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04-10-2018 , 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by BroadwaySushy
I should have potted the flop and bombed the turn.
You really have to be aware of stack sizes, and SPR definitely helps with this.

For example, assuming a $50 pot on the flop, if you PSB the flop, that will leave you with a $150 pot HU with about $200 left. If you then PSB the turn, that will leave you with a $450 pot on the river with $50 left (which is silly). So you should really be planning your betsizing as soon as you see a flop (which is why I overbet the flop to setup a reasonably sized turn shove); if you want to size your bets for 3 reasonable postflop bets, that's an option, although on a board this drawy it's not my preference.

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