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DHCG/Kydd Thread DHCG/Kydd Thread

09-03-2013 , 01:35 PM
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09-03-2013 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by The Rumor
Well, dhcg, which of those things really matter?

Like, I DGAF if he, you, or anyone else has life leaks. Those are personal issues.

I think it's meaningful for people to know if/how he is cheating people/horses/others at poker, including factual proof.
Why would you ignore someones personal life when attempting to develop a picture of their personality?

and why don't you care that people have leaks?

and why do you think personal issues should remain private?

Originally Posted by The Rumor
Maybe start with the relevant stuff and leave out the stuff about his personal life?

Also, maybe think about why this is so important that you're dumping all of this before you get on a flight?

And, what is your current relationship with Kydd? What are you doing now? Are you anyone's horse?

please state the logic behind the first question

flight is only an hr

I wouldve done this last night but as I stated earlier, the mods here suck and had banned me for personal reasons

Now? I am waiting to board my flight. Actually I need to get my boarding pass. I am noone elses horse as of right now, but that will probably change in the next 48hrs

Originally Posted by miamicheats

I'd like you to wait before posting your answers if you haven't already...Im going to post something after this
why? and for how long do I need to wait?

Originally Posted by The Rumor
Two hot blooded young men with admitted issues (spending, etc.) in a business relationship with lots of money available? You thought it could never end badly?
define end and badly please, I don't think you are using those words correctly

can someone send me their email address so I can forward some emails to yall

Ill also post some PMs if thats ok

any problems so far?
09-03-2013 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by miamicheats
Here is my one piece of advice. Take it or leave it.

Write out everything you feel right now in a word document. Save it and close the file. Shut down 2p2, your email, IMing, skype, facebook, twitter, etc. In 24 hours, open the word document and read it out loud to in a private setting. Do you still feel the need to say whatever it is you have written down?

If the answer is still yes, then post it. I am willing to bet you won't want to post whatever it is you have written as is. You may still want to share, but much of the emotion or vitriol you are feeling now be may gone. At that point you can edit to show the facts and the facts alone. No added emotion swaying your judgement.

This is my 2 cents. I have used this in my personal life when writing angry letters (for business purposes). 9 times out of 10, I have decided I didn't want to send the letter as is.

Good luck with whatever you choose.
I am not scared of the truth. People decide to make their own beds, they shouldn't complain when they have to lay in them

if that is TOOvscary to you then introspection is in order
09-03-2013 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by Randal_Graves
Posting to subscribe
09-03-2013 , 01:46 PM
Ingested glass lmao hilarious, but smart.
09-03-2013 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by dhcg86
I am not scared of the truth. People decide to make their own beds, they shouldn't complain when they have to lay in them

if that is TOOvscary to you then introspection is in order
no need to attack me. i said nothing about being afraid of the truth. i am just trying to pass on what i believe is good advice. if you want to use it, great. if not, great.
09-03-2013 , 01:47 PM
I have ten more minutes, then I will have to wait about 90 minutes to resume
09-03-2013 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by miamicheats
no need to attack me. i said nothing about being afraid of the truth. i am just trying to pass on what i believe is good advice. if you want to use it, great. if not, great.
why do you feel as if I attacked you?
09-03-2013 , 01:48 PM
I have a lot of detail to go over so I'm going to post cliffs first. Welcome to the horror show

-I gave dhcg an $11k bankroll to play poker in California while I was on the East coast.
-After approx 1 month, dhcg came to the east coast to grind in MDLive.
-When he got here, we squared up our profit sharing deal, and his bankroll was short $8k.
-In two short sessions, he lost approx $200 and $2,000. I was sleeping when he dropped the $2,000. This was the second day he was in Maryland.
-After he lost the $2k, he packed up all his stuff and left while I was sleeping without saying anything to me.
-He now refuses to give back the $11k bankroll I gave him.

The more detailed version of this story.
dhcg hits me up via PM and asks for a stake. I don't know him and don't really want to stake someone across the country, but I also have a problem saying no, and he had PMed me before about HH advice and seemed like a nice guy so I tried to say no in the nicest way possible. The nicest way was actually saying, "I'd stake you if you moved to Pittsburgh" never thinking he would actually do it. He snap accepts, and a month later we begin our stake.

-This is relevant because he is saying (or will say) I lied about a lot of things and that voids our staking deal, but the premiss of our deal isn't based on me seeking him out with false information. It's him asking me for a stake, and me accidentally accepting.

I have all of these PMs saved and can share them in another post.

Dec 19th 2012-July 24th our staking deal was going wonderfully. dhcg was up about $68k, and playing $5/$10. His biggest problem was having ego wars with people, and I would constantly tell him that.

July 24th we were living in a house in Vegas with Frenzuh. I decided to leave that day and go back to Pittsburgh to see a girl. Dhcg was going to go to Cali after Vegas and we would meet up at a later time. Since I wasn't going to be living with him, I gave him an extra $5k on his already $6k roll.

-He will say that he lost $4k that day and his roll wasn't really $6k, but we hadn't fully squared up his last session. He played during the day, and made $8,909 that we squared up (when we square up his bankroll is at $6,000 on the dot), then later that night he made another $4,145. The next day he lost $4,400. His bankroll is still $11k at this point, and he goes to Cali.

From July 24th - August 31st (when we he came to MarylandLive) he made approx $1,800 at $5/$10 and $8k at $2/$5. We squared up when we get here...

This is where things get sticky

When we squared up, he gave me my share of the profits. I asked to see the $11k roll, and he only had $3k of it. He bashfully admitted he made a mistake and spent most of it. I asked what he spent it on, and he dodged the question. He only mentioned he bought a new laptop with it, but clearly that wasn't $8,000. Earlier in his arrival to Maryland he was talking about all these raves he went to, doing acid, and being high all the time. I didn't want to press the issue because I didn't want to get mad if he blew my money on drugs. The money was gone, there was nothing I could do but let him earn it back.

I had pulled an all nighter that night, so the next day I left our grind session early. What allegedly happened was dhcg lost $2k, got a ride form TAO back to the hotel and left while I was sleeping.

Since then, he refuses to talk to me, meet with me, or communicate me via anything but email. I will post the emails we've sent.
09-03-2013 , 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by dhcg86
Why would you ignore someones personal life when attempting to develop a picture of their personality?

and why don't you care that people have leaks?

and why do you think personal issues should remain private?
Because that's really not the point of 2+2. This isn't a venue for character assassination, nor is this a meaningful way to get someone help for personal demons.

Most importantly, you run the risk of losing your main point (Kydd is not good for the poker community in your opinion).

There's a reason judges don't let prosecutors use every bit of personal evidence in a criminal trial - keep the facts and arguments to the issue at hand.
09-03-2013 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by dhcg86
why do you feel as if I attacked you?
i'm not going to turn this thread into a discussion about my feelings.

moving on...
09-03-2013 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by dhcg86

please state the logic behind the first question

flight is only an hr

I wouldve done this last night but as I stated earlier, the mods here suck and had banned me for personal reasons

Now? I am waiting to board my flight. Actually I need to get my boarding pass. I am noone elses horse as of right now, but that will probably change in the next 48hrs
My logic is you will have a more effective argument if you focus on the most relevant issues and don't let your point be bogged down in 18 other miscellaneous allegations.

And it seems like you are really anxious to get something out - that's when people often say things they end up regretting. My read on you is it may not be your style to regret things you do, but it's something to think about (as mc points out).
09-03-2013 , 01:53 PM
here's an email snippet

and lets just get something straight

all the bull**** of not believing what I have to say, you're just wasting your time if you want to think I'm lying

and normally that's fine, but I don't want to spend all day arguing with people over facts they refuse to accept

If I DONT have factual evidence of something then I will say so, but until you see an *** on something then just accept it as fact

I don't lie and I have NOTHING to hide. NOTHING

and thats the mother ****ing truth

the sooner you accept that into your own life, the sooner you will realize the complete amount of control you have of this universe
09-03-2013 , 01:53 PM
"I sent my previous year, but unfortunately the first half is deleted because it was on my old laptop. You can ask Nick about my $1/$3 hourly and if he estimates it to be correct. He witnessed a lot of my playing at low stakes, and would know about my reputation in the room for beating the games. You can also see the date that those results were last modified. I haven't done the math to see what the hourly adds up to.

The only thing I've ever lied about that I can think of was my liquid net worth. I made a lot playing poker and lost a lot playing blackjack. It's something I never wanted to discuss really because no one likes to admit their faults and blackjack was my vice for a long time. I had made my said net worth, but it wasn't liquid, though I still had and continue to have plenty of liquid cash. The lie was more to myself than it was to you. I didn't want to admit that I had dusted off an amazing sum of money playing blackjack. I didn't want to admit to myself that I had a problem. Since I accumulated a decent sum of money, I never gambled an amount that lead me anywhere close to ruin or in danger of having less than $150k liquid."

pulled from my email that Kydd sent this morning
09-03-2013 , 01:55 PM
Kydd story sounds official and fully detailed.
09-03-2013 , 01:55 PM
Should we be taking over/unders on number of posts before this thread having a single piece of evidence posted?
09-03-2013 , 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by dhcg86
define end and badly please, I don't think you are using those words correctly
Here is how I define end badly:
09-03-2013 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by iLikeCaliDonks
Kydd story sounds official and fully detailed.
be leery of believing anything without evidence.

That's not saying I believe either of them, just that it's often not wise to pick sides in a he said/he said
09-03-2013 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by iLikeCaliDonks
Kydd story sounds official and fully detailed.
So far that is my read as well but I agree with Rumor
09-03-2013 , 02:01 PM
09-03-2013 , 02:01 PM
Where there is one lie, there are bound to be many

I'd really like to keep this thread clean, factually and logical
09-03-2013 , 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by dhcg86
Where there is one lie, there are bound to be many

I'd really like to keep this thread clean, factually and logical
Kydd lays it out pretty clear from his perspective
09-03-2013 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by dhcg86

1. he lied about his winrates (I have solid proof)
2. he lied about his arizona ice tea lawsuit. (he confided in me that he ingested glass on purpose so he could sue and win money)
3. he constantly changed the terms of our staking agreement so that he could make more money, put down his horses, and control us in an incredibly abusive enviroment. (many instances/proof of this, although other horses may wish to remain anonymous, which is cowardly, but acceptable)
4.Kydd cheated/stole/took about 3k after I beat him for 9k as we played HU. This goes against all logic and it goes against earlier agreements we had made
5. Kydd lied and continues to lie about his networth,which directly affects my ability to move up and grind higher

there are more I am sure but I need to organize my thoughts a bit more (purpose of this thread)

I made this thread because I realized that I was living another life as a victim and I refuse to do that ever again.

Kydd was also preparing to scam more people with his fake and suboptimal coaching, and I want to make sure nobody else gets hurt

additionally, Chad needs help. Its not his fault that he has so many problems, but it is his fault that he refuses to address them and that he continues to lie
I'm only going to address poker issues.

1. I don't even talk about my winrate unless someone asks and even then, we're talking about one tabling 30 hands an hour, your winrate will fluctuate session to session. I never lied about my winrate, but honestly, it's irrelevant if I did. You asked me for a stake, I staked you on the terms I drew up ($1k/$2k in your favor, 3BI stoploss, etc). I coached you because I wanted you to win, not because I was obligated to. You asked me for a stake, I didn't advertise making ridiculous amount of money to draw you into a trap.

3. In Atlantic City, you booked all of our room reservations, and bought various random things like toothpaste etc. I bumped your deal because of those things. I also explained that was why. When we weren't living together, I took you back down to your normal stake that you had for the entirety of our deal.

4. We played HU for 30 min or so. Dhcg was playing with my money. We didn't say that our HU match wasn't going to be on the stake. We agreed to only do it for a little bit for fun and he wanted to have it for a website he is doing. If he wanted to play on his own money, he could have, but he didn't have it. If he didn't want to give up profit, then he shouldn't have played. If it was a huge problem, this should have been brought up months ago prior to your stealing $11k from me and trying to villianize me.

5. I did lie about my net worth. I will post where I admitted this to him in an email. I chose not to put you in higher games because of your play. It's also my decision where you play. You initially said you were fine never moving up from $1/$3.

I will post our PMs where Dane asks me for a stake so it's clear I didn't trick him into anything, and I will also post our email conversation.
09-03-2013 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by dhcg86
I am not scared of the truth. People decide to make their own beds, they shouldn't complain when they have to lay in them
Originally Posted by dhcg86
Why would you ignore someones personal life when attempting to develop a picture of their personality?

and why don't you care that people have leaks?

and why do you think personal issues should remain private?

Originally Posted by KyddDynamite
Earlier in his arrival to Maryland he was talking about all these raves he went to, doing acid, and being high all the time. I didn't want to press the issue because I didn't want to get mad if he blew my money on drugs. The money was gone, there was nothing I could do but let him earn it back.
Since this is a factual based argument, and personal lives and no fear of the truth seem to be a big part of this thread, I will confirm this part of Kydd's story. He posted a few of the TR's in the Chat Thread and has a millionty pictures of the events and himself. I cannot confirm anymore of the story by either of them. I don't necessarily want to get involved in this, but I feel I just may have. Take note that I am only supporting the facts that he presented in this paragraph. I am not taking sides because I do not know the rest of the story.
09-03-2013 , 02:11 PM
Well this is getting interesting.
