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DHCG/Kydd Thread DHCG/Kydd Thread

09-04-2013 , 03:38 AM
You act like you can easily get staked? Play 2 weeks and win 11k lmao.
09-04-2013 , 03:46 AM
You of all people should know 900 BB in 8 hands is like all variance. I doubt Kydd is literally donating.
09-04-2013 , 03:48 AM
Originally Posted by JohnnyFootball23
Lol, how much is Chad's liquid net worth?

what is his actual win rate?

I never still trust anyone I meet online but im a few yrs older than the rest of you.
he doesnt have one because he doesnt keep accurate records

its all a lie bro

first he had 600k

200k in off shore chinese exhange account (which is lol)
35k in his checking account (LIES)
200k at home

and then a bunch of money loaned out

well lets see proof of this, shouldnt take long

except earlier the other day chad was talking about how he almost lost all the money he had brought with him to maryland

hmm thats odd, shouldnt matter if youre a ****ing boss like that...

well chad what would you do if you HAD lost all of that money?

gotten your mom to wire you $4500 eh?

why the **** would you do that if you had 35k in your checking account

oh you might have had to GO HOME to get cash?

you mean do what I did and spend the whole day rushing around to pittsburgh, and then rushing back

thats at least 6hrs of work each day

12hrs total, plus costs,

assuming chads previously mentioned winrate of 200hr at 5/t

then thats a trip that costs 2400 just in EV!

taste the bull**** yet or do you guys want more

if the money is there its easy to prove right?

and if the money isnt there then....more lies? lies to cover up lies?


Originally Posted by Richard Parker
dhcg, you know me as someone that's always calling you out on things you said in a blunt fashion.

I didn't do that at all in this thread.

In fact, I basically told a guy to back off when, IMO, was trying to tilt you.

But ya, I don't think anyone in their right mind would stand by you when you are threatening to subpoena them to court.
actually I dont know you. Youre a ****ing tool who trolls alot and is so bad at poker that you give HHs in terms of BBs cause you need help at the micros but you refuse to ask

like I said before

and lol

do you know how subpoenas work? it isnt a thread


hey sherriff here ya go, yea I need to see these people in court on xxx day

speaking of which, have you ever subpoenaed someone? I got a restraining order on the last crazy dumbass who tried to fool me,


who DID fool me

with her crazy ass stories

you and your mom have matching boxsters in yellow? bitch please, the boxster was rare as **** in yellow back in 05

and your mom is the DA of LA county but she cant speak english???

often times we see bull**** in front of our faces and we dont say anything

thats cowardly

sometimes you run into people that are PATHOLOGICAL LIARS. these are the scary ones. they believe their own ****. its real. it exists. I can get old court minutes to prove it

and letting someone lie to you over and over again, thats stupid

so here lets ask chad this

chad, why did you EVER think I was your best friend?

do you remember when you told me you were going to be my best man?

are you ****ing insane (yes he is)

I was in the ****ing infantry

I enlisted in mar of 09, and got stationed in korea
then I renlisted in nov of 09 so my buddy ANTHONY WEGRYN and I could go to afghanistan and shoot hajj

if you think for a SECOND that the best man in my wedding will be someone who has never worn a blue cord then you are ****ing ******ed

the bonds I have with my men are SECOND TO NONE

chad was never my best friend, chad was never even my friend. he made that up to continue his lie

all the pieces are in front of you, just look down and put them together
09-04-2013 , 03:50 AM
lying we have proof
cheating we have proof
stealing we have proof

what else do you guys want?

can you just say, uhhh yea this is way worse than we though, OOPS?
09-04-2013 , 03:51 AM
I would be fine with that btw
09-04-2013 , 03:54 AM
Yay, so I have been setting myself up to be slapped in the face this whole time.
09-04-2013 , 03:54 AM
You are stating facts now.
09-04-2013 , 03:58 AM
Originally Posted by dhcg86
I would be fine with that btw
Now that you're revealing some new details of the past few months, I agree that from what it originally looked like, it seems like a much different, deeper and flawed marriage.

However... while you've provided some details, there isn't much proof. But, then again, there isn't much proof in the sense of detailed receipts and ledgers from Kydd, either... simply a more concise and detailed story.

Now that you're giving us more details, I feel like I have a better overall understanding of the gravity of the situation. Thank you for that.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using 2+2 Forums
09-04-2013 , 04:00 AM
Originally Posted by mpethybridge
Relax, man. I just meant that I didn't think anybody would take you up on the HH review offer in exchange for calling Kydd a liar.
what did you mean then? why dont you just say EXACTLY what you mean so this issue NEVER comes up again

Originally Posted by iLikeCaliDonks
You act like you can easily get staked? Play 2 weeks and win 11k lmao.
for some reason you people forget that I am DHCG86 and I have played poker for a long long time.

I started in HUSNG

wanna go over there and ask about my reputation? Its ****ing spotless

ChicagoRy is a GOOD friend of mine
Chadders0 is a GOOD friend of mine

I dont even need to get staked, its just easier for me and its a ton of fun

literally RIGHT NOW I can email

chadders0 and ask for a stake. Im about 98% positive it will work
my buddy Avi would stake me
Goldie would stake me
anyone who likes money would stake me
I could stake myself

etc etc etc

I am not held by the same mental bonds that you are

and if you cant accept that just remember what you were doing on dec 19

and then look at your current life

then open my blog and read about what I was doing on dec 19, and then look at where I am now

I live my life better than most people alive, let alone most people on two plus two

if you had the same understanding of the world that I did you would be the one informing everyone of a monster in the community

you would be the one that rose from 1/3 to 2/5 to 5/T while basically playing with his own cash because chad never gave us enough to cover swings

but you decided to be a coward, accept your situation and continue living your lives that dont have that much substance

yea I said

this thread is more important than any thread that most of you people will ever make

and why is that?

because youre ****ing scared of change


Originally Posted by DK Barrel
You of all people should know 900 BB in 8 hands is like all variance. I doubt Kydd is literally donating.

do you have any experience playing headsup?
do you have any experience playing me headsup?
do you have any experience playing chad headsup?

do you actually have any poker experience that you can prove?

I literally walk into a poker room and see three or four friendly faces EVERY SINGLE ****ING TIME

I am not you. you people who still grind low stakes and still make excuses,

you have made the conscious decision in your life not to get better at poker

like I said before

I am not held by the same mental bonds that you are
09-04-2013 , 04:00 AM
Originally Posted by iLikeCaliDonks
You act like you can easily get staked? Play 2 weeks and win 11k lmao.
He'd drop 10k on a necklace tho.
09-04-2013 , 04:05 AM
Originally Posted by Richard Parker
Yay, so I have been setting myself up to be slapped in the face this whole time.
yea just keep that in mind as you read all of my posts

you idiots

you trust someone who admits to lying and you turn upon one of the people with the cleanest names in poker

you mother ****ing cowards

the lot of you

too ****ing scared to piss of kydd dynamite

oh and if this pisses you off and you get mad and want to fight me

bring it the **** on, I ****ing love fighting. I miss brawls. I try to get in them all the time

I will **** your world up

you can choose to believe it our not

but when I beat your ass in poker, and then you try to mouth off in the real world, then you can make a decision to fight me man on man, or you can just shut the **** up and walk away

and there are many instances where I have said close to exactly that at the poker table

guess what





Originally Posted by iLikeCaliDonks
You are stating facts now.

shut the **** up

just be quiet

go into a mirror

look at it

look deep into your own eyes

do you like what you see?



I have always been stating facts

you people were just too ****ing stupid to see it

and like I said before

Originally Posted by Sutro
Now that you're revealing some new details of the past few months, I agree that from what it originally looked like, it seems like a much different, deeper and flawed marriage.

However... while you've provided some details, there isn't much proof. But, then again, there isn't much proof in the sense of detailed receipts and ledgers from Kydd, either... simply a more concise and detailed story.

Now that you're giving us more details, I feel like I have a better overall understanding of the gravity of the situation. Thank you for that.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using 2+2 Forums
yea you can probably shut the **** up to

now that I am revealing

bitch blow me

now that you are accepting is more like it

09-04-2013 , 04:05 AM
Wait, getting staked is easier and tons of fun? loooool.

dhcg has definitely lost his mind.
09-04-2013 , 04:06 AM
Lmao you can't be serious dude. You got a stake, anybody on 2+2 could be a winner with those circumstances. You right you was broke Dec 2012. Chad gave you a chance you made money. But you made 75k and you are in debt. So obviously something went bad. You ran good at poker and dumb with money. A recipe for disaster. You are right back where you started dec 19 broke and looking for a shoulder to cry on(staker).
09-04-2013 , 04:07 AM
it isnt relevant to me whether something is easy or hard

only if it is possible

if it is possible, and I want it, then I will get it

its that easy
09-04-2013 , 04:08 AM
Originally Posted by iLikeCaliDonks
Lmao you can't be serious dude. You got a stake, anybody on 2+2 could be a winner with those circumstances. You right you was broke Dec 2012. Chad gave you a chance you made money. But you made 75k and you are in debt. So obviously something went bad. You ran good at poker and dumb with money. A recipe for disaster. You are right back where you started dec 19 broke and looking for a shoulder to cry on(staker).
I wasnt broke in dec 2012 you ****ing idiot

I fixed my car and loaned pure aggression a few thousand so he could get on his feet

I didnt need to get backing, I needed coaching
09-04-2013 , 04:14 AM

are you guys serious?

I was in the military

I have completed one full contract and received a medical discharge on my next

if I want money, I just go to school

If I want money, I just wait till the first

If I want money, I just work for my buddy at $25 an hr or whatever

if I want money, I just get it. its not ****ing hard unless you convince yourself that it is

you know whats nice about being straight forward and always honest?


newsflash, this is LLSNL

most of you people aren't smart enough to beat 2/5 for

I crush it at $55

so please spare me the bull****

I score in the top 1% of IQ tests and ****

Im smarter than you

deal with it

it doesnt even matter about my life compared to anyone elses





waste another day?

ever lose someone close to you?

Death ****ing blows

I miss my men that died

you pieces of **** in this thread make me regret that I associate myself with such wastes of life

there are real people who arent scared that deserve to be in america much much more than you ****ing idiots in here

did I literally just spend hours explaining why its not ok to


and you people dont think whispering at the poker table is cheating



have fun at your desk job. hopefully one day you can lift your head up and instead of staring at the outdoors maybe youll get your boss fired, sue wells fargo for 7.5m and then decide to go outside and live your own life

or you can just keep doing what youre doing

group think for the win, right guys?

its gotten yall hella far now, am I right?
09-04-2013 , 04:21 AM
DHCG, you need to calm down some. I know this is an emotional time for you, but you're making personal attacks against people that are uncalled for.

If you're going to keep posting tonight, why don't you focus on laying out the financial dispute. You haven't addressed that at all.

But lay off the name calling aimed at other posters, or at the forum in general.

That goes for everybody else, too. No more personal attacks ITT. Stick to factual discussion of the dispute between Kydd and DHCG.
09-04-2013 , 04:21 AM
I score in the top 1% of IQ tests and ****

Im smarter than you

deal with it

it doesnt even matter about my life compared to anyone elses



LOOOOOL this quote is gold. Holy **** this thread is amazing.
09-04-2013 , 04:21 AM
Originally Posted by dhcg86
bitch blow me
Only if a quality hair stroke comes in the deal.
09-04-2013 , 04:22 AM
Dude you made 75k and busted your stake roll. You are not street smart. Obviously your book smarts have not got you far in life. Does an iq tell you how to save money and split from the stake. Common sense says bounce after you made at least 20k. I could see if kydd was some millionaire. Where it benefits you stay as a horse. But kydd is not that guy. You thought he was and feel butt hurt. So you spent your money like a dumb ass. You might have a case in court dhcg. I see your point now. Or I just made your point you be the judge.
09-04-2013 , 04:28 AM
This is what clinical mania looks like. I hope you are receiving treatment for your PTSD; that is a difficult issue on its own. If you are taking any stimulants, especially ADHD meds or cocaine, try to not take them. If you have been treated for mania or bipolar I or II in the past, try to contact your physician when you are able.

Kydd should disengage from you on this topic for a while. The 11-15K is less important now than dhcg's long term well being. This will pass.
09-04-2013 , 04:28 AM
09-04-2013 , 04:33 AM
So you are saying the scam is Chad "stakes" you but he really does not have enough money to cover you if you have a normal downswing??
09-04-2013 , 04:38 AM
This is reaching btch im cuter levels.
09-04-2013 , 04:51 AM
wish we could get some financial facts in here and lol at dhcg saying I try to get in fights all the time

how old are you??
