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DeucePlays premium podcast review? DeucePlays premium podcast review?

06-26-2012 , 03:09 PM
Sorry for the bump, but I have recently discovered this podcast and listen to at it work. It is a win-win for me, as I get to listen to quality poker content while it looks like I am actually working (which I am not).

I have a question about the crush live poker videos. Will I get as much out of them without watching the actual videos? Does Bart always announce the action or do I need to actually watch the videos to pick up on that.

Also, does anyone else know of any quality podcasts that I can listen to the benefit me as a live poker player? I am willing to pay, but I want content that is focused on live play.
DeucePlays premium podcast review? Quote
06-26-2012 , 04:02 PM
I highly recommend Crush Live Poker. I think you would want to watch the videos. You will get to see all hole cards and get a feel for just how bad many of the low stakes players that you are playing against really are. Well worth the $9.95 per month.
DeucePlays premium podcast review? Quote
06-26-2012 , 04:27 PM
Does anyone know how the memberships breakdown for Live at the Bike, Crush Live Poker, etc...?

For instance, if i subscribe to crush live poker what on the site will I have access to? Will I be able to watch the live broadcast that are shown on Tuesday and Friday Nights? The website has me a bit confused.
DeucePlays premium podcast review? Quote
06-26-2012 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by ZombieApoc21
Does anyone know how the memberships breakdown for Live at the Bike, Crush Live Poker, etc...?

For instance, if i subscribe to crush live poker what on the site will I have access to? Will I be able to watch the live broadcast that are shown on Tuesday and Friday Nights? The website has me a bit confused.
Anyone can watch the live broadcasts on Tuesdays and Fridays (no subscription needed).

If you want access to the archives (past broadcasts) you will need a subscription. If you want to access Crush Live Poker, you will need a separate subscription.
DeucePlays premium podcast review? Quote
06-26-2012 , 10:00 PM
So, for 'Live @ the Bike', to view archives you need a subscription, for how much?

For Crush Live Poker, does a subscription get you archives also?

I apologize, I should have just looked for myself. The cost is $9.95 for each.

Last edited by konoki_1; 06-26-2012 at 10:08 PM.
DeucePlays premium podcast review? Quote
06-26-2012 , 11:45 PM
After reading about it on 2p2 I have recently listened to his podcast and watched some sample vid's for Crush Live Poker and really liked them. I will be subscribing to both. I just started following him on Twitter too and would recommend doing that if you have'nt already.
DeucePlays premium podcast review? Quote
06-27-2012 , 08:16 PM
Originally Posted by BartHanson
Thanks guys!!

If you follow me @barthanson I continue to send out daily strategy tweets. I also am writing a column for CardPlayer, starting in the next issue, expounding upon my tweets.
Big fan of the podcast. Really liked the little and affleck eps too.
DeucePlays premium podcast review? Quote
