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Deep 3bet! pot 1/3 OOP best River value line against TAG Deep 3bet! pot 1/3 OOP best River value line against TAG

05-20-2022 , 01:58 PM
Deep into the night (I play 14-36 hour sessions so my stack gets massive)

Previous hand history from this villain found here:

Villain $2700 CO: Tag opponent, plays fairly straight forward against me. Has yet to bluff. See previous hand history (without spoilers to see a line he’s taken against me.)

Hero $4300 SB: Plays very LAG and has been absolutely running over the table. Turned trips, flopped nut straights, quads. The seat got hot and I’ve been playing the rush. No one has yet to take a stand but TAG and this is where a big hand goes down.

HJ opens to $10, Villain makes it $55 on the CO. Fold to Hero out of the small blind who looks down at As4s. This feels like a good 4bet spot against most CO range but Villain is so snug I’d hate to fold if it gets 5bet! and want to get into a pot with him (bad decision?)

Hero calls out of the SB all others fold.

Pot: ($123)

Ac 4c 7h

Hero checks. (Villain is going to Cbet this board against me at such a high frequency, that I know we could build a bigger pot this way)

Villain bets $70

Hero 3bets! $225

Villain calls.


Turn 9h

Hero leads $450.

Villain calls

River ($1473)


Do we like Hero’s value line, would you change anything? We are obviously targeting aces but Villain is competent enough that I’m more likely against an ace that picked up some kind of draw and missed , or maybe the bottom end of his range like AQo, AJs

AK I feel like we would have heard from him against me on such a drawy board.

Last edited by Bigpants; 05-20-2022 at 02:13 PM. Reason: Added words, math
Deep 3bet! pot 1/3 OOP best River value line against TAG Quote
05-20-2022 , 02:01 PM
Deep 3bet! pot 1/3 OOP best River value line against TAG Quote
05-20-2022 , 02:30 PM
Calling a 3-bet pre in the SB with a marginal hand like A4s is going to burn money. If you play with these folks regularly, I could see a raising with A4s in the SB as a bluff so that your opponents don't auto-fold to your value hands...but only against a single player, not two. AP, I like the check-raise on the flop and the lead on the turn. After the villain calls your flop massive check-raise and turn lead, you have to consider he has more than top pair. Check the river. Against a competent player, I'm probably folding to villain's river bet.
Deep 3bet! pot 1/3 OOP best River value line against TAG Quote
05-20-2022 , 04:24 PM
Pre is insane
Deep 3bet! pot 1/3 OOP best River value line against TAG Quote
05-20-2022 , 08:59 PM
Pre is loose. But a 4 can win you a big pot this deep.

Id raise flop to a higher amount. You are almost never behind unless he has the other two AA and AQ and AK aren’t folding to a raise to $300. Now pot is $723, lead $600. Now pot is $2k instead of $1.5k

You got a great runout. If he has AA or loose 77 since you said hes TAG, not much you can do but say the heater is over

I also think you already quieted AK to calldown mode with your flop raise
Deep 3bet! pot 1/3 OOP best River value line against TAG Quote
05-20-2022 , 10:16 PM
Cold calling a 3! From blinds with A4s seems objectively bad. Since you are way deep and have an image inducing players to make a stand or play back at you I also don’t like a 4! Although this is a good candidate to mix in OCCASIONALLY. Realistically just fold pre,I’d think hands like this are probably good deep, but I say position is more important and VÂ’s 3! Range too strong to play this.
AP I like the value line, sizing seems good to me. River is tough decision for me. You say V very rarely bluffs so there is a ton of value in checking to get showdown and “almost” never getting bluffed off our hand. But I really think you are beating most of his range and should bet again since players probably want to jump off a bridge before letting you bluff them in a pot like this. Target AK he’s probably bluff catching with it, bet fold. I feel like a big bet looks more like BS than if you put out like 500$ But maybe he can’t resist a good price. You know him better.

Last edited by SetOfNines; 05-20-2022 at 10:26 PM.
Deep 3bet! pot 1/3 OOP best River value line against TAG Quote
05-21-2022 , 02:43 AM
I’m not hating the discussion with this group whatsoever, as I post hands to learn. What I’m baffled about is why you’d want to fold low decently connected suited Aces (A2-A5) against another deep player in 3bet pots regardless of position.

The games I play in (check my post history recently) multiple villains buy in for 500bb deep or more. The other night we had 3 stacks at the table that sat 800bb+ Deep.

The goal isn’t to go ape sh*t with top pair, but we can play for stacks with NFD etc.
Deep 3bet! pot 1/3 OOP best River value line against TAG Quote
05-21-2022 , 05:14 AM
Originally Posted by Bigpants
why youÂ’d want to fold low decently connected suited Aces (A2-A5) against another deep player in 3bet pots regardless of position.

I really donÂ’t have experience playing that deep. All I think I know is that the value of position increases drastically, hands that more easily make the nuts become more valuable, like (A4s), with V as described he probably isnÂ’t putting enough pressure on you IP as he should, so you can probably get away with it. But I just see a hand that generally plays terribly calling a 3! from a TAG OOP. ThatÂ’s a lot going against it. Maybe itÂ’s deep enough. I feel like I can wait until IÂ’m IP to play this or another solid hand and still profit when I donÂ’t hit that miracle flop. I probably donÂ’t have enough check raises with gutters + back door flush to make it work OOP. YouÂ’re gonna do alot of check folding, maybe you can make enough when u hit or steal the pot to justify the times u whiff, try showing down a weak ace or get stacked by AA or 77 in this case.
But your giving up only .0002% of your stack to forfeit your small blind and pick a spot you know is good.
Deep 3bet! pot 1/3 OOP best River value line against TAG Quote
05-21-2022 , 05:27 AM
Your terminology is a bit sloppy. On the flop your raise isn't a 3bet, but just a normal raise. A 3bet would be if villain raised again. And on the turn your bet is not a lead, since a lead is a donkbet against the aggressor, if I'm not mistaken, and you already were the aggressor. I'm sorry, maybe you could care less about all of this, but apparently I feel some sort of need to point this out, which likely says something about me…

I don't particularly like the call pre. I get your reasoning and I know you don't have to go ape sh*t with just top pair, but out of position you could end up in all sorts of ugly scenarios where you'll be forced to put in way more money than you would like. Still, this deep, if you're comfortable with these stacksizes, I get why you wanna play this hand.

I'm leaning to check/call flop and turn, and lead big on the river on this run-out. But I'm interested in what others think would be the best line.
Deep 3bet! pot 1/3 OOP best River value line against TAG Quote
05-21-2022 , 08:39 AM
If he thinks you can bomb missed draws I bomb the river. If not I probably bet something in the 1/3-1/2 pot range.

I agree with others on pre being -EV but we’re here now so let’s figure it out.
Deep 3bet! pot 1/3 OOP best River value line against TAG Quote
05-21-2022 , 09:08 AM
AP, I'd go $525-550 on the river, targeting AT+.

Pre - calling large 3B OOP might be a leak, even deep, as it becomes more difficult to build a pot, and get a fair payout when you hit.
Deep 3bet! pot 1/3 OOP best River value line against TAG Quote
05-21-2022 , 09:09 AM
Raise $600 most likely situation is opponent has a high ace. Think that's best bet if opponent high ace he should call might be thinking they'd let it go for a higher raise since strength showed all three streets but if AK than more towards $800
Deep 3bet! pot 1/3 OOP best River value line against TAG Quote
05-21-2022 , 04:07 PM
What kind of player is HJ and how deep? With this info we can further narrow down the 3bet range from V. Depending on the answer, all three options seem . ok pre. With your image I prolly just call as well, I wanna get in this pot with this hand

X/raise bigger to at least 300, I prolly like 400 best. We love this spot with our image and the range we are going against and the nutso depth.

Turn looks good. River we are obviously going for value. Anything from 80% to jam looks great. With this image this is a lovely spot to jam when all draws bricked. I would only go for the x/r if I knew V likes value betting thin
Deep 3bet! pot 1/3 OOP best River value line against TAG Quote
05-21-2022 , 10:32 PM
Originally Posted by Double K
What kind of player is HJ and how deep? With this info we can further narrow down the 3bet range from V.
HJ is an unknown with 100bb.

I put in a bet of $625 OTR hoping to get a crying call from an Ace.

Last edited by Bigpants; 05-21-2022 at 10:41 PM. Reason: Edited for hand
Deep 3bet! pot 1/3 OOP best River value line against TAG Quote
05-22-2022 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by Bigpants
HJ is an unknown with 100bb.

I put in a bet of $625 OTR hoping to get a crying call from an Ace.
That is exactly why u dont wanna choose that size...would you bet that with your missed draws? I would go 1100 min
Deep 3bet! pot 1/3 OOP best River value line against TAG Quote
05-22-2022 , 12:04 PM
Did he call?
Deep 3bet! pot 1/3 OOP best River value line against TAG Quote
05-22-2022 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by Double K
That is exactly why u dont wanna choose that size...would you bet that with your missed draws? I would go 1100 min
Exactly the reason why I posted the hand.

He didn’t call. I’d like to learn for the future.
Deep 3bet! pot 1/3 OOP best River value line against TAG Quote
05-22-2022 , 02:29 PM
This is also a personal preference of mine that has been working a lot: in a spot where I feel very confident I have the best hand I tend to use polar sizings with merged hands. General population at low limits gets curious. It all ofcourse depends on what you have seen your opponent get sticky against small, medium, or large sizings. You also don’t need it to work as often
Deep 3bet! pot 1/3 OOP best River value line against TAG Quote
05-23-2022 , 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by Double K
This is also a personal preference of mine that has been working a lot: in a spot where I feel very confident I have the best hand I tend to use polar sizings with merged hands.

…you also don’t need it to work as often
IE - this is a bluff or not a bluff so we should be shoving in this instance?

Or in some situations overbetting the pot (1.5-2x pot etc )
Deep 3bet! pot 1/3 OOP best River value line against TAG Quote
05-23-2022 , 10:01 AM
Originally Posted by Bigpants
IE - this is a bluff or not a bluff so we should be shoving in this instance?

Or in some situations overbetting the pot (1.5-2x pot etc )
Not sure what you mean…

I feel like you have the best hand here 99% of the time. He has AQ/AK a whole lot and 77 or better two pair very rarely. Your clubs and back door hearts missed. There’s 1400 in the middle and 2k behind, how much would you fire with your bluffs? This is a very deep game so perhaps you don’t have overbets with your bluffs but should certainly size up… so 1100-1200?
Deep 3bet! pot 1/3 OOP best River value line against TAG Quote
05-23-2022 , 11:28 AM
I was thinking with these type hands it may be better to go 4/500 when I said six. You already got good value from the hand from high ace hands. Little surprising if he had aq AK type hands he didn't call 600.
Deep 3bet! pot 1/3 OOP best River value line against TAG Quote
