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Couple of early session 1/2 hands Couple of early session 1/2 hands

05-02-2013 , 08:03 PM
These 3 hands happen in the first 30 min. of me sitting in a borgata 1/2 game against the same villain who was lets say is active. I start with 200 and he covers me with around 300. The first hand I have KK villain opens from ep to $10,I 3 bet to $30, he min 4 bets to 60, I push and he folds.

Later hand I have ~300 and he has ~ 250 in the bb. 3 limpers to me I raise to 15 with QQ, folds to villain who pushes, folds back to me and I fold??

Another hand I (~300) raise J9s in hj to 12 after 1 limper. Villain (~400) 3 bets to 40 in the blinds limper calls and I call.

Flop(120) Jc7c7h villain checks, limper checks, I bet 60, villain checkraises allin, limper folds, hero ??
Couple of early session 1/2 hands Quote
05-02-2013 , 08:09 PM
Hand 1 is fine, hand 2 I'd call immediately, hand 3 depends on what happened in hand 2 but I'd probably fold pre
Couple of early session 1/2 hands Quote
05-02-2013 , 08:11 PM
Hand 3 is irrelevant, you should have stacked him with QQ in hand 2.
Couple of early session 1/2 hands Quote
05-02-2013 , 08:16 PM
Hand 3 I'm folding preflop but on the flop I think it just depends if he has done this for the full 30 minutes you have been at the table. If he has, I'd say call, otherwise I'd probably fold.
Couple of early session 1/2 hands Quote
05-02-2013 , 09:19 PM
Hand 1 is fine.

Hand 2 snap call. He might show up here with KK/AA 20% at best here. If you get stacked with QQ against an aggressive player pre-flop, that is something you need to be able to live with, because there are so many more times you are good here.

Hand 3 is close. This guy is clearly over-aggressive, but there is at least a 50/50 chance you are way behind here. First, I'd have folded this pre or limped possibly. I think i'd have taken a free turn on this hand as well, but you have to fold here. He is repping an overpair and you are drawing to a 2 outer if he has it, and even if he doesn't, he could still have a 7, a better jack, or spike an over to beat you, or make a flush. Essentially, what I'm saying is if you are behind 40%, and he is going to catch you another 25-30%, you are not getting good EV out of this.
Couple of early session 1/2 hands Quote
05-02-2013 , 09:29 PM
Originally Posted by cjs
These 3 hands happen in the first 30 min. of me sitting in a borgata 1/2 game against the same villain who was lets say is active. I start with 200 and he covers me with around 300. The first hand I have KK villain opens from ep to $10,I 3 bet to $30, he min 4 bets to 60, I push and he folds.
min 4 is 50
Couple of early session 1/2 hands Quote
05-02-2013 , 09:45 PM
Hand 2 begrudgingly call. Hand 1 is fine. Hand 3 I fold pre but as you played I'm not calling his all in
Couple of early session 1/2 hands Quote
05-03-2013 , 08:42 AM
I folded hand 2 because it was the next playable hand at this table and my read was not as strong on how aggressive he was. After I folded he showed pocket 7's. Does this change anyone's mind on hand 3?
Couple of early session 1/2 hands Quote
05-03-2013 , 09:05 AM
Suited connectors, suited one gap and small pairs are to be played in volume pots. If you get to be in a short pot or heads-up you never get the proper price and don't have the odds to build the hand. Unless you intend to steal the pot on the flop or on the turn using some "bluffing outs"

Couple of early session 1/2 hands Quote
