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COTM - C-betting COTM - C-betting

09-05-2015 , 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by ZuneIt

Thanks for reminding me of this word. It had escaped from vocabulary bank.

Glad I could contribute ITT finally.
COTM - C-betting Quote
09-05-2015 , 10:54 PM
Got another for you Sensei.


MP1 is MAWG. Kind of nitty/passive. The type that always traps with big cards and big pairs pre. Always bitches about his bad luck. $200

MP 2 is MAWW wearing sunglasses. Aggro but tightish. Saw her open T9s UTG for $20 with a 40BB stack. Maybe she is playing off some preflop charts she found on the internet? $100ish

CO is a winning TAG. Respects me and mostly stays out of my way. $500

Hero has a history with everyone except MP. Seen as ''grinder''. Only been at table for 20 min and have really been pounding on limpers, made some big bets on some turns after flop got checked around. MP has been watching me closely. Hero covers.

1 limpers, hero opens AJ in EP to $15, MAWG, MAWW calls, CO calls.

($60)Flop: 962

SB checks, Hero checks?, checked around

Plan for turn?

'' Turn: J

Hero bets how much?
COTM - C-betting Quote
09-05-2015 , 11:28 PM
Originally Posted by kookiemonster

BB raises every hand pre. stationy postflop. Stabs postflop but has terrible sizing tells. $650

UTG is a gambley young Asian. Haven´t played with him before. I think he is passive and bad post flop. $300

Hero has a winning TAG image, covers.

Folded to hero on button w. J9 who makes it $20, BB and UTG call.

(56) Flop: Q72

Checked to hero who?
Andy pm´d me for results


Kookiefish bet $35, BB station called

(123) turn 9

BB checks, Kookiefish bet $85, BB calls

($293) river: T

BB checks, Kookiefish checks

BB shows a 7 and MHIG
COTM - C-betting Quote
09-07-2015 , 05:55 AM
<Mod moved to chat thread>

Last edited by Garick; 09-07-2015 at 05:59 AM. Reason: wrong thread
COTM - C-betting Quote
10-11-2015 , 10:38 PM
$1/$2 deep

Hero has snug winning image $1500+

Hero (covers) opens AQ UTG $20, loose stationy reg ($300) calls MP, station calls button, conservativeish MAWG ($400) calls BB.

Flop T62

BB check, hero?
COTM - C-betting Quote
10-11-2015 , 10:43 PM
Same game, Fish($700) in EMP makes it $7 callers, hero (covers)makes it $30 on button AJ, loose reg ($200) calls BB, fish calls, other guy ($600) calls.

Flop: T85

Checked to hero who?
COTM - C-betting Quote
10-11-2015 , 11:11 PM
Originally Posted by kookiemonster
$1/$2 deep

Hero has snug winning image $1500+

Hero (covers) opens AQ UTG $20, loose stationy reg ($300) calls MP, station calls button, conservativeish MAWG ($400) calls BB.

Flop T62

BB check, hero?
$30. Not cbetting much as a bluff here, but this hand is just strong enough to bet as part protection, part value, part bluff, part setup for a bigger bluff down the line.

A lot depends on who continues and all that, but eg: you could go like $120 on a J/K turn, and bet $50 on 7/8/9 of diamonds with the intention of bombing any river that's not 6-T. Mostly x/c'ing other diamonds and x/f'ing other cards.

That's all pretty hypothetical, but didn't want to post without elaborating a bit on the plan.
COTM - C-betting Quote
10-12-2015 , 01:59 AM
Check both way too many players and stations for this to be profitable

Last edited by Cbrewer4; 10-12-2015 at 02:04 AM.
COTM - C-betting Quote
10-12-2015 , 02:10 AM
Originally Posted by Cbrewer4
Check both way too many players and stations for this to be profitable
Cool. That's what I thought. Thought hand2 was close with the BD draws. Didn't like the short stacked reg in there, or the combo of a T85 though. Opted to check in the end because opponents had terrible sizing. Turn was a low UTG bet $16 with a ten, got callers. and I got to see the turn and river cards practically for free and with a bunch of opponents to give me nice implied odds.

Hopefully others will post some hands in here and keep this thread alive!

Last edited by kookiemonster; 10-12-2015 at 02:16 AM.
COTM - C-betting Quote
10-12-2015 , 10:31 PM
1/2; 5 limpers. No real donks or sticky players. Tight and/or Nittish Regs, most of who probably grind out $10 pr hr. I'm perceived as TAG. I'm in CO with AJ.

I raise to $22 & it's folded to around. 1st & last limper calls.

Flop: [$68 raked] KQ7

Checked to me. I bet $35.00.

Both players Ax's are capped at ATs. Can't see them limping with AQo, AJs. Kings around K9s+ played but would have bet KJs here. KQo would have been a limp pre probably.

I believe they'll think my bet is AQ+, JJ+, JTs. Both would probably bet out a a set of 7's for ~1/2 pot & c/c JT.
If they just call & they don't hit BINGO ott, I should be able to see river card for free if I choose to.
COTM - C-betting Quote
10-13-2015 , 01:28 AM
Originally Posted by ZuneIt
1/2; 5 limpers. No real donks or sticky players. Tight and/or Nittish Regs, most of who probably grind out $10 pr hr. I'm perceived as TAG. I'm in CO with AJ.

I raise to $22 & it's folded to around. 1st & last limper calls.

Flop: [$68 raked] KQ7

Checked to me. I bet $35.00.

Both players Ax's are capped at ATs. Can't see them limping with AQo, AJs. Kings around K9s+ played but would have bet KJs here. KQo would have been a limp pre probably.

I believe they'll think my bet is AQ+, JJ+, JTs. Both would probably bet out a a set of 7's for ~1/2 pot & c/c JT.
If they just call & they don't hit BINGO ott, I should be able to see river card for free if I choose to.
I'll take a shot.

This is an easy easy bet. Perfect sizing too. We can easily be repping AK,AA,KK,QQ, KQ with this sizing. I would consider barrelling every turn card, maybe not a K or Q, depending who calls, stack sizes.
COTM - C-betting Quote
10-15-2015 , 10:09 AM
Deepstack 1/2

V1 is a decent loose player, 3 betting QQ+ and AK pf for sure. Gives hero too much credit when he barrels though.

V2 is a MAWG, new to to table. Don´t really have any reads on him

Couple of bad limpers with medium stacks ($500ish), hero (covers) raises to $22 AK, V1 calls ($700), V2 ($150)calls in BB, one bad limper calls. 4 way

($85) Flop: T32

Checked to hero who bets $50, V1 calls, BB calls, other guy folds.

($234) Turn: 3

Checked to hero who?

*Definitely a bad card for barrelling, but I am quite sure V1 is folding a ten or underpair to a decent bet here. Other guy only has $70ish behind. Worth a cheap second barrel here?
COTM - C-betting Quote
10-15-2015 , 02:31 PM
IMO, it depends on V2's state of mind. Did he move from another table? Did he buy in for $200 & quickly lose $130? Has he given signs of preparing to rebuy or call it quits?

I've seen it time & time again where players do not think it's worth their while to take the hike to the cashier with only $70.00. They often find an excuse to call it off, hoping their weak holding is good or will improve.

Anywho, the guy has already invested ~$72.
COTM - C-betting Quote
10-15-2015 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by kookiemonster
Deepstack 1/2

V1 is a decent loose player, 3 betting QQ+ and AK pf for sure. Gives hero too much credit when he barrels though.

V2 is a MAWG, new to to table. Don´t really have any reads on him

Couple of bad limpers with medium stacks ($500ish), hero (covers) raises to $22 AK, V1 calls ($700), V2 ($150)calls in BB, one bad limper calls. 4 way

($85) Flop: T32

Checked to hero who bets $50, V1 calls, BB calls, other guy folds.

($234) Turn: 3

Checked to hero who?

*Definitely a bad card for barrelling, but I am quite sure V1 is folding a ten or underpair to a decent bet here. Other guy only has $70ish behind. Worth a cheap second barrel here?

The 3 isn't a great barreling card. It's not bad for us in the sense that it doesn't often improve them unless they have a 3 but on a dry board where there are few draws and you were called in 2 spots a 3 doesn't do much for increasing our fold equity.

V2 put like half his stack in. He over called after you bet into 3 people and were called. other than straight draws which you have showdown value against he should never be folding now. So your are resigned to showing down.

V1 called flop with players to act behind if I understand the action. So he should have something probably a reasonable T.

A turn barrel has to fold v1 and v2 or has to fold v1 and leave you with SDV vs v2. I think this is too much to expect and think we have to chk back now.
COTM - C-betting Quote
10-15-2015 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by cAmmAndo
The 3 isn't a great barreling card. It's not bad for us in the sense that it doesn't often improve them unless they have a 3 but on a dry board where there are few draws and you were called in 2 spots a 3 doesn't do much for increasing our fold equity.

V2 put like half his stack in. He over called after you bet into 3 people and were called. other than straight draws which you have showdown value against he should never be folding now. So your are resigned to showing down.

V1 called flop with players to act behind if I understand the action. So he should have something probably a reasonable T.

A turn barrel has to fold v1 and v2 or has to fold v1 and leave you with SDV vs v2. I think this is too much to expect and think we have to chk back now.
Excellent points! Which is why I keep comin' back.
COTM - C-betting Quote
10-16-2015 , 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by Cbrewer4
Check both way too many players and stations for this to be profitable
Villains calling stupidly wide is a good thing. We are not going to make an immediate profit off a bluff by any stretch of the imagination but when villains are calling with any pair, any draw and any good overs, then there are several things contributing to our EV beyond just the immediate FE:

1) We are already ahead of much of their range.

2) We have equity when they do call. We have 28% equity against T9, for example. It's quite nice to see all 5 cards, and x/f'ing obviously accomplishes that far less often and x/c'ing is clearly inferior to betting ourselves. The turn is much more likely to check through when we bet the flop.

3) We have bluffing outs. In my hypothetical example, we would be bluffing at almost 25% of turn cards, and if they're calling the flop with hands as bad as 2x and 98, then we're going to get loads of folds.

Combine those 11 turn cards with the 6 cards that give us TPTK, and 4 additional cards that give us NFD + two overcards, and there are a lot of ways for us to feel quite comfy with our standing in a juicy pot.
COTM - C-betting Quote
09-05-2016 , 10:56 PM
I thought it worth linking this thread here:

AKo on J hi flop vs 3 opponents.
COTM - C-betting Quote
