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Is this a correct fold? Is this a correct fold?

08-17-2015 , 09:54 PM
New to live, although i am a solid winner at 50 and 100NL online I have probably only played 20 hours of live, casino poker so still learning the nuances of it and how hands play different than online.

1/2 at cleveland horseshoe casino. fairly normal 1/2 table. bad passive stuff.

V1, oldish lady who actually seems to know what she is doing, pulling a few bluffs and not making crazy calls.

Raises UTG +1 to 10. (her standard open size)

V2, old white guy - 60s+ - who is by far the tightest player at the table. haven't seen him open more than 1 pot the whole hour and a half he has been here and not really been in any pots besides the occasional limp pre and fold on the flop.

CO- 3bets to 27. havn't seen him open a pot so also his first 3bet.

Hero in SB looks down at QQ.

This was really hard for me. playing 6 max 100NL online QQ is a super strong hand for me. However, i think that when this player 3bets his range is only KK+ maybe I'm taking this too far but being out of position, not closing the action i think its just going to be really hard to play this hand and profit. Also me and V2 each have about $200 in front of us so I'm not sure a set mine is profitable.
I decided to fold.

Just want to know if this is correct or if I'm over adjusting to live poker.

Could i ever set mine here?
Could i just call and try and take a flop and just play better poker then my opponents?

Once again any advice is appreciated.

V1 called the 3bet and folded to V2's cbet on, of course, a Q45 flop.
Is this a correct fold? Quote
08-17-2015 , 10:22 PM
I really like this disciplined fold. Old guy sounds like a typical OMC from your description and 3 bets from these guys are only ever KK/AA.

Good fold. I don't think you're deep enough to set mine here
Is this a correct fold? Quote
08-17-2015 , 11:18 PM
correct. 3 bet from old man types live is always KK+
Is this a correct fold? Quote
08-18-2015 , 12:59 AM
You should make effective stacks easier to find when posting a thread in future.

I think its probably a good fold, but you're missing an important piece of information which is how many hands have you seen him play or how long have you been at the table. One orbit is a lot different than two hours.
Is this a correct fold? Quote
08-18-2015 , 12:59 AM
Nice fold. Not deep enough to set mine.

and this:

Originally Posted by D.M.O.U.
You should make effective stacks easier to find when posting a thread in future.
Is this a correct fold? Quote
08-18-2015 , 01:18 AM
Originally Posted by StreetH
I really like this disciplined fold. Old guy sounds like a typical OMC from your description and 3 bets from these guys are only ever KK/AA.

Good fold. I don't think you're deep enough to set mine here
are u folding KK here? if not what do u do with KK?
Is this a correct fold? Quote
08-18-2015 , 01:19 AM
Originally Posted by PFunkaliscious
correct. 3 bet from old man types live is always KK+
do u fold KK here?
Is this a correct fold? Quote
08-18-2015 , 01:22 AM
OP hu i would want 12:1 min. in this spot 10:1 is the min. so fold. the reason is against KK an ace will flop 23% of time killing your action when u hit a set. also u still have ~11% chance of losing when u hit a set

there are some nit who can fold post if u flop a set of QQ so i fold pre against them even getting 30:1. but i may call 22 33 instead. nits put u on QQ JJ if u call 3be here
Is this a correct fold? Quote
08-18-2015 , 01:25 AM
safe to say his range is QQ+ with possibly a little AK JJ
Is this a correct fold? Quote
08-18-2015 , 07:00 AM
I'd fold KK here quite happily. QQ goes in the muck without a second thought. Good fold. I'd want huge stacks to set-mine because my experience is these tight players aren't just stacking off postflop because they have an over-pair. If he has KK and flop is AQX he is folding flop or turn to a bet.

If you gii postflop on an AQX flop you lose to AA. I think V is even wary of any K or Q on flop when he has AA if he views you as tight. Just so little value setmining this guy unless you know he cant let go of overpairs even when deep.

Being OOP I think I'd be inclined to never setmine this situation unless old man had reason to think I was a massive bluffy fish - it happens sometimes
Is this a correct fold? Quote
