Confessions of a low stakes nit
Join Date: May 2018
Posts: 5
Confessions of a $1/2 nit:
Yeah, I admit it I am a certified card-carrying nit. Hero is (was) a tight passive player, mid-forties white dude. Mostly play $1/2 NL at the w/e in the mid-west and 5x visits a year to Vegas. Generally, only raise or call with a premium hand pre and play pretty much fit or fold after the flop. Have played and passively studied the game on and off for 15+ years. Am probably a slightly winning player (3.5bb/hr from recently recorded stats from 600hrs play)
lately I have been emboldened to shake off my chains of nittery and attempt to live a better, more exciting and more glamorous life by employing some different strategies.
These strategies include:
Playing position with a purpose. Raising from the HJ, CO or button with any connectors and non-premium high hands such as J10, QJo, KJo, Ax rag with the intention of C-betting to take it down on the flop uncontested or hitting the flop hard and barreling.
Calling raises with connectors, any low pairs and more marginal non-paint holdings in the hope flopping good and stacking a fellow nit with Aces or Kings or otherwise folding for cheap.
Talking more at the table and dressing in more colorful shirts and wearing a variety of hats.
What are your specific strategies for becoming a winning low stakes player?
Does anyone want to share any epiphanies or eureka moments that forever changed their mindset and made them a more formidable player?
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 27,323
I'm sorry, OP, but this isn't the forum for general, "becoming a winning low stakes player" threads. It's just too general a topic, and the answer is so often "it depends."
It might work in the Poker Goals and Challenges forum, if you'd like to repost there.
My best advice, though, is to read all of the threads in the "best of LLSNL" sticky.