Hey guys,
Im on tilt so I just wanna confirm that i played right so I can feel better i guess.
Me, Next to Villain 1: 300-330BB
Villain 1, Mid position: 750-1000BB
Villain 2, me +1: 120-150BB
This is a 1/1 USD game in Sweden.
Background: Preflop raises usually around 6-12bb depending on straddle or not. Straddle is more often than not.
Villain 1 is a tight player, usually open with only monsters (AJ+).
Me: mixed range, but more tight than not. Playing pretty passive. At this moment Ive had a active play for 15 min and Ive folded some big hands.
Villain 2: loose player, is short compared to other players and has a wide range.
I look at my hand and see pocket Aces, finally!
Villain 1, raises to 5bb. I reraise to 21bb. Villain 2 calla, Villain 3 calls and Villain 1 (the one who raised first). Potsize about 90bb.
Flop: 5
Villain 1 checks. I bet 76bb (80% potsize ish). Villain 2 goes all in (120bb). Villain 3 folds. Villain 1 reraises to all in. At this moment Im 100bb deep in the pot in a pot for about 900bb.
Im really doubting my hand at this moment, hes to tight to play a flushdraw like that so im putting him on Jacks (trips). Possibly hes slowplaying KK or QQ, but then he Would prefer some potcontrol i think. So im 80% conviced that hes winningbthe hand.
Either way, i call.
Turn and river is Q
He turns 55 trips, i turn A
, villain 2 turns AA aswell.
So my question is, even if my gut says Fold, did i make the right call?