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Check it back or find for thin value? A7 or 92278 board Check it back or find for thin value? A7 or 92278 board

11-19-2023 , 06:10 PM
Blinds $1-$2, game is $2-$100 spread-limit. Saturday night, new table.

Hero is currently VPIPing about 95%, and the whole table is aware of it. A few choice hands:

1. Hero raises KQo to $8 two callers. Flop JJ7. Xx I bet 15 BB calls. Turn 8. Xx. River Tc (3 clubs I have Kc). He bets 14 I raise to 80 and he folds

2. Hero raises 53o UTG to $10 one call. Flop Q65dd. I bet 15 he calls. Turn 8x I bet 25 he calls. River 5x I bet 100 he calls MHIG

3. Hero 3-bets 54o to $50 in SB after a limp, a $10 raise and a cold-call. The limper shoves all-in for $85. Folds to hero who calls and wins the coinflip against AQs.

You get the picture, you’ve all played against this guy. ON TO THE HAND:

UTG and UTG2 limp, Hero raises Ad7c in CO to $15, they both call.

FLOP: 9c2d2s (pot: $45, three-ways)

They check, I bet $30, only the first limper calls

TURN: 9c2d2s 7h (pot: $105)

He checks, I bet $50, he calls again.

RIVER: 9c2d2s 7h 8h (pot: $205)

He checks.

Does Hero have a mandatory value bet, or a mandatory check back?
Check it back or find for thin value? A7 or 92278 board Quote
11-19-2023 , 09:13 PM
There is no way this spot is a mandatory value bet lol.

I like check.
Check it back or find for thin value? A7 or 92278 board Quote
11-24-2023 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by davomalvolio
You get the picture, you’ve all played against this guy. ON TO THE HAND:

UTG and UTG2 limp, Hero raises Ad7c in CO to $15, they both call.

FLOP: 9c2d2s (pot: $45, three-ways)

They check, I bet $30, only the first limper calls

TURN: 9c2d2s 7h (pot: $105)

He checks, I bet $50, he calls again.

RIVER: 9c2d2s 7h 8h (pot: $205)

He checks.
RESULT: Hero bets $100, Villain snap-calls with Q9o. OOPS!

I still think it was fine, or at least not a huge mistake. I think he has way more 33-66 here than random 9s (or TT+), and would play them the same (including calling the River).
Check it back or find for thin value? A7 or 92278 board Quote
11-30-2023 , 05:13 PM
Unless you are playing 5 handed opening A7o is your first mistake. Even 5 handed it can't be super good. With your reputation you have zero fold value making it extra bad.
We turned our pure bluff with a terrible image into a bluff catcher with a terrible image on the turn. I'd accept the equity and see what unfolds on the river.
Check it back or find for thin value? A7 or 92278 board Quote
11-30-2023 , 09:53 PM
River is a little thin but you’re just as likely to see 66-33 there. I would have went a little smaller if betting like $70-75.
Check it back or find for thin value? A7 or 92278 board Quote
