Cbet turns TPTK with no reads
Join Date: Apr 2007
Posts: 452
1/2 nl $300 effective.
Villain limps UTG
Villain in question literally just sat down and is his first dealt hand. Bought in for the full $300 max but looks like a purely rec player to me. Late 20's to mid 30's
3 limpers to myself on the button wAQ. I raise to $16 and get 2 callers. Flop comes 1047r. I lead for $35 and in previous play at this table it's been working. People are playing scared and letting me run the table. Althoughvvillain can't know this being his first hand. Villain calls.
Turn is a Q. Checks to me. I lead for $55 thinking it's pure value. Villain raises $60 more. What's my line? Should I be checking the turn against unknown?
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 26,095
Very easy fold on the turn against an unknown. You said you liked the flop and you liked the turn. You're an unknown to him so TPTK is the very bottom of your range to bet twice. If he bluffs you here, you'll find it out pretty soon.
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 8,741
Ya folding turn. I will often check the turn as well to set up a bluff catch/wider calling range on river. Not saying that's the default but a viable option on a dry board.
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 114
I'm very torn about whether to bet the turn. I like checking behind to bluff catch/value bet on the river. But I would expect a decent portion of V's flop calling range to be straight draws. I would check more if the Q completed the rainbow, and be more likely to bet if it creates a flush draw.
As played it's hard to imagine what you're beating. V should almost always have QT or a flopped set. I would have a hard time folding in the heat of the moment, but that's probably the correct thing to do.